Package java.text

Package java.text

Java 1.1

The java.text package consists of classes and interfaces that are useful for writing internationalized programs that handle local customs , such as date and time formatting and string alphabetization, correctly.

The NumberFormat class formats numbers , monetary quantities , and percentages as appropriate for the default or specified locale. DateFormat formats dates and times in a locale-specific way. The concrete DecimalFormat and SimpleDateFormat subclasses of these classes can be used for customized number, date, and time formatting. MessageFormat allows substitution of dynamic values, including formatted numbers and dates, into static message strings. ChoiceFormat formats a number using an enumerated set of string values. See the Format superclass for a general description of formatting and parsing strings with these classes. Collator compares strings according to the customary sorting order for a locale. BreakIterator scans text to find word, line, and sentence boundaries following locale-specific rules. The Bidi class of Java 1.4 implements the Unicode "bidirectional" algorithm for working with languages such as Arabic and Hebrew that display text right-to-left but display numbers left-to-right .


 public interface  AttributedCharacterIterator  extends CharacterIterator; public interface  CharacterIterator  extends Cloneable; 


 public class  Annotation  ; public static class  AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute  implements Serializable;    public static class  Format.Field  extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute;       public static class  DateFormat.Field  extends Format.Field;       public static class  MessageFormat.Field  extends Format.Field;       public static class  NumberFormat.Field  extends Format.Field; public class  AttributedString  ; public final class  Bidi  ; public abstract class  BreakIterator  implements Cloneable; public final class  CollationElementIterator  ; public final class  CollationKey  implements Comparable<CollationKey>; public abstract class  Collator  implements java.util.Comparator<Object>, Cloneable;    public class  RuleBasedCollator  extends Collator; public class  DateFormatSymbols  implements Cloneable, Serializable; public final class  DecimalFormatSymbols  implements Cloneable, Serializable; public class  FieldPosition  ; public abstract class  Format  implements Cloneable, Serializable;    public abstract class  DateFormat  extends Format;       public class  SimpleDateFormat  extends DateFormat;    public class  MessageFormat  extends Format;    public abstract class  NumberFormat  extends Format;       public class  ChoiceFormat  extends NumberFormat;       public class  DecimalFormat  extends NumberFormat; public class  ParsePosition  ; public final class  StringCharacterIterator  implements CharacterIterator; 


 public class  ParseException  extends Exception; 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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