

Java 1.2

This class defines a generic API for generating parameters for a cryptographic algorithm, typically a Signature or a javax.crypto.Cipher . Create an AlgorithmParameterGenerator by calling one of the static getInstance( ) factory methods and specifying the name of the algorithm and, optionally , the name or Provider object of the desired provider. The default "SUN" provider supports the "DSA" algorithm. The "SunJCE" provider shipped with the JCE supports "DiffieHellman". Once you have obtained a generator, initialize it by calling the init( ) method and specifying an algorithm-independent parameter size (in bits) or an algorithm-dependent AlgorithmParameterSpec object. You may also specify a SecureRandom source of randomness when you call init( ) . Once you have created and initialized the AlgorithmParameterGenerator , call generateParameters( ) to generate an AlgorithmParameters object.

 public class  AlgorithmParameterGenerator  {  // Protected Constructors  protected  AlgorithmParameterGenerator  (AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi  paramGenSpi  , Provider  provider  , String  algorithm  );  // Public Class Methods  public static AlgorithmParameterGenerator  getInstance  (String  algorithm  )          throws NoSuchAlgorithmException;  1.4  public static AlgorithmParameterGenerator  getInstance  (String  algorithm  ,  Provider  provider  ) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException;        public static AlgorithmParameterGenerator  getInstance  (String  algorithm  ,          String  provider  )          throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException;  // Public Instance Methods  public final AlgorithmParameters  generateParameters  ( );        public final String  getAlgorithm  ( );        public final Provider  getProvider  ( );        public final void  init  (  genParamSpec  ) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException;        public final void  init  (int  size  );        public final void  init  (  genParamSpec  , SecureRandom  random  )          throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException;        public final void  init  (int  size  , SecureRandom  random  );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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