

Java 5.0

This abstract class defines an API for low-level caching of network resources retrieved through the URL and URLConnection classes. This class is intended for use by URLStreamHandler implementations , not by casual users of the package. Clients that wish to enable local caching should register a ResponseCache implementation with setDefault( ) and enable caching with URLConnection.setDefaultUseCaches( ) .

The static geTDefault( ) and setDefault( ) methods query and set a ResponseCache for the system. If there is a ResponseCache installed, protocol handlers should call put( ) to offer a network resource to the cache. If the cache is interested, it returns a CacheRequest object into which the URLStreamHandler can write its data. A URLStreamHandler that wants to query the cache should call get( ) . If the ResponseCache holds a cached copy of the requested resource, it returns a CacheResponse from which the URLStreamHandler can read the resource.

 public abstract class  ResponseCache  {  // Public Constructors  public  ResponseCache  ( );  // Public Class Methods  public static ResponseCache  getDefault  ( );  synchronized  public static void  setDefault  (ResponseCache  responseCache  );  synchronized   // Public Instance Methods  public abstract CacheResponse  get  (URI  uri  , String  rqstMethod  ,  java.util.Map<String,java.util.List<String>>  rqstHeaders  )          throws;      public abstract CacheRequest  put  (URI  uri  , URLConnection  conn  )          throws;   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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