
Short java.lang

Java 1.1 serializable comparable

This class provides an object wrapper around the short primitive type. It defines useful constants for the minimum and maximum values that can be stored by the short type, and also a Class object constant that represents the short type. It also provides various methods for converting Short values to and from strings and other numeric types.

Most of the static methods of this class can convert a String to a Short object or a short value; the four parseShort( ) and valueOf( ) methods parse a number from the specified string using an optionally specified radix and return it in one of these two forms. The decode( ) method parses a number specified in base 10, base 8, or base 16 and returns it as a Short . If the string begins with "0x" or "#", it is interpreted as a hexadecimal number; if it begins with "0", it is interpreted as an octal number. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a decimal number.

Note that this class has two different toString( ) methods. One is static and converts a short primitive value to a string. The other is the usual toString( ) method that converts a Short object to a string. Most of the remaining methods convert a Short to various primitive numeric types.

Figure 10-55. java.lang.Short

 public final class  Short  extends Number implements Comparable<Short> {  // Public Constructors  public  Short  (short  value  );        public  Short  (String  s  ) throws NumberFormatException;  // Public Constants  public static final short  MAX_VALUE  ;  =32767  public static final short  MIN_VALUE  ;  =-32768   5.0  public static final int  SIZE  ;  =16  public static final Class<Short>  TYPE  ;  // Public Class Methods  public static Short  decode  (String  nm  ) throws NumberFormatException;        public static short  parseShort  (String  s  ) throws NumberFormatException;        public static short  parseShort  (String  s  , int  radix  ) throws NumberFormatException;  5.0  public static short  reverseBytes  (short  i  );        public static String  toString  (short  s  );        public static Short  valueOf  (String  s  ) throws NumberFormatException;  5.0  public static Short  valueOf  (short  s  );        public static Short  valueOf  (String  s  , int  radix  ) throws NumberFormatException;  // Methods Implementing Comparable   1.2  public int  compareTo  (Short  anotherShort  );  // Public Methods Overriding Number  public byte  byteValue  ( );        public double  doubleValue  ( );        public float  floatValue  ( );        public int  intValue  ( );        public long  longValue  ( );        public short  shortValue  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  obj  );        public int  hashCode  ( );        public String  toString  ( );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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