

Label tool (Audacity tool), 544

lag, 133

lambert shading, 99

land animation sequence, torque-supported, 444

laps and checkpoints, scoring, 622-625

latency problems, 28

LaunchDedicatedServer() function, 699

LaunchGame() function, 161


active, 293

adjustment, 292

background, 292

creating, 292

display options, 292

mask, 291-292, 301-302

merging, 306

naming, 292

raster, 291

saving, 294

shifting, 419

vector, 291

leading text, 306

leaf nodes, scene graphs, 103

left-handed coordinate system, 90

left property, 164

legs, character modeling, 430-432

lifetimeMS property, 600-601

lifetimeVarianceMS property, 600-601

light maps, 100


photography, 355

SceneLightingCompleter function, 265

UpdateLightingProgress function, 266

Lightning class, 732

lightning effects, 529-531

light_recoil animation sequence, torque-supported, 445

LightScene function, 265

LightScene() function, 265, 699


hidden lines, 94

straight, 294

Linux Game Development Center Web site, 745

Linux Game Tome Web site, 745

Linux operating systems

discussed, 10-11

distributions, 11

Linux tool source Web sites, 749

listed files, Find in Files feature, 38

Load Model command (UVMapper File menu), 407

LoadMission function, 246, 250, 258

LoadMissionStage2 function, 246, 250

local scope, 54

Lock Selection command (World menu), 590

lockMouse() function, 699

logical expressions

examples of, 74

AND operator, 73

overview, 73-74

look animation, 444-445, 455


for, 65-66

bounded, 64

defined, 64

infinite, 65

iteration, 65

iterators and, 56

while, 64-65

lossy compression, 285

lost data packets, 28

ltrim() function, 699

3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One (Course Technology PTR Game Development Series)
ISBN: 159200136X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 197 © 2008-2017.
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