Section 6.2. Invoking the Shell

6.2. Invoking the Shell

The command interpreter for the Bash shell (bash) or the Korn shell (ksh) can be invoked as follows:

     bash  [options]  [arguments]     ksh   [options]  [arguments] 

ksh and Bash can execute commands from a terminal, from a file (when the first argument is an executable script), or from standard input (if no arguments remain or if -s is specified). Both shells automatically print prompts if standard input is a terminal, or if -i is given on the command line.

On Linux systems, /bin/sh is generally a link to Bash. When invoked as sh, Bash acts more like the traditional Bourne shell: Login shells read /etc/profile and ~/.profile, and regular shells read $ENV, if it's set. Full details are available on the bash(1) manpage.

6.2.1. Options Common options

-c str

Read commands from string str.


Print all $"..." strings in the program. Not ksh88.


Create an interactive shell (prompt for input).


Start up as a privileged user. Bash: Don't read $ENV or $BASH_ENV, don't import functions from the environment, and ignore the value of $SHELLOPTS. Korn shell: Don't process $HOME/.profile, read /etc/suid_profile instead of $ENV.


Create a restricted shell.


Read commands from standard input; output from built-in commands goes to file descriptor 1; all other shell output goes to file descriptor 2.

-, --

End option processing. Bash options

-O option

Enable shopt option option.


Read the debugging profile at startup, turn on the extdebug option to shopt, and enable function tracing. For use by the Bash debugger.


Same as -D, but output in GNU gettext format.


Same as -D.


Print a usage message and exit successfully.

--init-file file

--rcfile file

Use file as the startup file instead of ~/.bashrc for interactive shells.


Shell is a login shell.


Do not use the readline library for input, even in an interactive shell.


Do not read /etc/profile or any of the personal startup files.


Do not read ~/.bashrc. Enabled automatically when invoked as sh.


Turn on POSIX mode.


Same as -r.


Same as set -v; the shell prints lines as it reads them.


Print a version message and exit.

The remaining options to Bash and ksh are listed under the set built-in command.

6.2.2. Arguments

Arguments are assigned in order to the positional parameters $1, $2, etc. If the first argument is an executable script, commands are read from it, and the remaining arguments are assigned to $1, $2, etc. The name of the script is available as $0.

Linux in a Nutshell
Linux in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596154488
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 147 © 2008-2017.
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