Chapter 7. Add Transitions

As your movie currently stands, each clip is separated by a jump cut, an abrupt switch to the next clip. If you watch movies or television, most shots are separated by jump cuts because they involve no extra work by the editor and because we, as viewers, subconsciously stitch cuts together to form scenes without losing track of what's going on.

However, too many jump cuts can be visually jarring, and sometimes it's more appropriate to add some sort of transition that ties two clips together. iMovie includes 16 transitions that will help give your movie a bit more polish.

Making a Movie in imovie HD and iDVD 5. Visual QuickProject Guide
Making a Movie in iMovie HD and iDVD 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321330188
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 124
Authors: Jeff Carlson © 2008-2017.
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