3.2. More Recursion

3.2. More Recursion

In Section 2.8, we saw how to define recursive procedures using top-level definitions. Before that, we saw how to create local bindings for procedures using let. It is natural to wonder whether a let-bound procedure can be recursive. The answer is no, at least not in a straightforward way. If you try to evaluate the expression

 (let ((sum (lambda (ls)              (if (null? ls)                  0                  (+ (car ls) (sum (cdr ls)))))))   (sum '(1 2 3 4 5))) 

you will probably receive an error message to the effect that sum is undefined. This is because the variable sum is visible only within the body of the let expression and not within the lambda expression whose value is bound to sum. We can get around this problem by passing the procedure sum to itself as follows.

 (let ((sum (lambda (sum ls)              (if (null? ls)                  0                  (+ (car ls) (sum sum (cdr ls)))))))   (sum sum '(1 2 3 4 5)))  15 

This works and is a clever solution, but there is an easier way, using letrec. Like let, the letrec syntactic form includes a set of variable-value pairs, along with a sequence of expressions referred to as the body of the letrec.

 (letrec ((var val) ...) exp1 exp2 ...) 

Unlike let, the variables var are visible not only within the body of the letrec but also within val . Thus, we can rewrite the expression above as follows.

 (letrec ((sum (lambda (ls)                 (if (null? ls)                 0                 (+ (car ls) (sum (cdr ls)))))))   (sum '(1 2 3 4 5)))  15 

Using letrec, we can also define mutually recursive procedures, such as the procedures even? and odd? that were the subject of Exercise 2.8.6.

 (letrec ((even?           (lambda (x)             (or (= x 0)                 (odd? (- x 1)))))          (odd?           (lambda (x)             (and (not (= x 0))                  (even? (- x 1))))))   (list (even? 20) (odd? 20)))  (#t #f) 

In a letrec expression, val are most commonly lambda expressions, though this need not be the case. One restriction on the expressions must be obeyed, however. It must be possible to evaluate each val without evaluating any of the variables var . This restriction is always satisfied if the expressions are all lambda expressions, since even though the variables may appear within the lambda expressions, they cannot be evaluated until the resulting procedures are invoked in the body of the letrec. The following letrec expression obeys this restriction.

 (letrec ((f (lambda () (+ x 2)))          (x 1))   (f))  3 

while the following does not.

 (letrec ((y (+ x 2))          (x 1))   y) 

The behavior in this case depends upon the implementation. The expression may return 3, it may return any other value, or it may result in an error being signaled.

We can use letrec to hide the definitions of "help" procedures so that they do not clutter the top-level name space. This is demonstrated by the definition of list? below, which follows the "hare and tortoise" algorithm outlined in Exercise 2.9.8.

 (define list?   (lambda (x)     (letrec ((race               (lambda (h t)                 (if (pair? h)                     (let ((h (cdr h)))                       (if (pair? h)                           (and (not (eq? h t))                                (race (cdr h) (cdr t)))                           (null? h)))                     (null? h)))))     (race x x)))) 

When a recursive procedure is called in only one place outside the procedure, as in the example above, it is often clearer to use a named let expression. Named let expressions take the following form.

 (let name ((var val) ...) exp1 exp2 ...) 

Named let is similar to unnamed let in that it binds the variables var to the values of val within the body exp1 exp2 . As with unnamed let, the variables are visible only within the body and not within val . In addition, the variable name is bound within the body to a procedure that may be called to recur; the arguments to the procedure become the new values for the variables var .

The definition of list? has been rewritten below to use named let.

 (define list?   (lambda (x)     (let race ((h x) (t x))       (if (pair? h)           (let ((h (cdr h)))             (if (pair? h)                 (and (not (eq? h t))                      (race (cdr h) (cdr t)))                 (null? h)))           (null? h))))) 

Just as let can be expressed as a simple direct application of a lambda expression to arguments, named let can be expressed as the application of a recursive procedure to arguments. A named let of the form

 (let name ((var val) ...) exp1 exp2 ...) 

can be rewritten in terms of letrec as follows.

 ((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) exp1 exp2 ...)))    name)  val ...) 

Alternatively, it can be rewritten as

 (letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) exp1 exp2 ...)))   (name val ...)) 

provided that the variable name does not appear free within val .

As we discussed in Section 2.8, some recursion is essentially iteration and executes as such. When a procedure call is in tail position (see below) with respect to a lambda expression, it is considered to be a tail call, and Scheme systems must treat it properly, as a "goto" or jump. When a procedure tail calls itself or calls itself indirectly through a series of tail calls, the result is tail recursion. Because tail calls are treated as jumps, tail recursion can be used for indefinite iteration in place of the more restrictive iteration constructs provided by other programming languages, without fear of overowing any sort of recursion stack.

A call is in tail position with respect to a lambda expression if its value is returned directly from the lambda expression, i.e., if nothing is left to do after the call but to return from the lambda expression. For example, a call is in tail position if it is the last expression in the body of a lambda expression, the consequent or alternative part of an if expression in tail position, the last subexpression of an and or or expression in tail position, the last expression in the body of a let or letrec in tail position, etc. Each of the calls to f in the expressions below are tail calls, but the calls to g are not.

 (lambda () (f (g))) (lambda () (if (g) (f) (f))) (lambda () (let ((x 4)) (f))) (lambda () (or (g) (f))) 

In each case, the values of the calls to f are returned directly, whereas the calls to g are not.

Recursion in general and named let in particular provide a natural way to implement many algorithms, whether iterative, recursive, or partly iterative and partly recursive; the programmer is not burdened with two distinct mechanisms.

The following two definitions of factorial use named let expressions to compute the factorial, n!, of a nonnegative integer n. The first employs the recursive definition n! = n (n 1)!, where 0! is defined to be 1.

 (define factorial   (lambda (n)     (let fact ((i n))       (if (= i 0)           1           (* i (fact (- i 1))))))) (factorial 0)  1 (factorial 1)  1 (factorial 2)  2 (factorial 3)  6 (factorial 10)  3628800 

The second is an iterative version that employs the iterative definition n! = n (n 1) (n 2) 1, using an accumulator, a, to hold the intermediate products.

 (define factorial   (lambda (n)     (let fact ((i n) (a 1))       (if (= i 0)           a           (fact (- i 1) (* a i)))))) 

A similar problem is to compute the nth Fibonacci number for a given n. The Fibonacci numbers are an infinite sequence of integers, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc., in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers in the sequence. A procedure to compute the nth Fibonacci number is most naturally defined recursively as follows.

 (define fibonacci   (lambda (n)     (let fib ((i n))       (cond         ((= i 0) 0)         ((= i 1) 1)         (else (+ (fib (- i 1)) (fib (- i 2)))))))) (fibonacci 0)  0 (fibonacci 1)  1 (fibonacci 2)  1 (fibonacci 3)  2 (fibonacci 4)  3 (fibonacci 5)  5 (fibonacci 6)  8 (fibonacci 20)  6765 (fibonacci 30)  832040 

This solution requires the computation of the two preceding Fibonacci numbers at each step and hence is doubly recursive. For example, to compute (fibonacci 4) requires the computation of both (fib 3) and (fib 2), to compute (fib 3) requires computing both (fib 2) and (fib 1), and to compute (fib 2) requires computing both (fib 1) and (fib 0). This is very inefficient, and it becomes more inefficient as n grows. A more efficient solution is to adapt the accumulator solution of the factorial example above to use two accumulators, a1 for the current Fibonacci number and a2 for the preceding one.

 (define fibonacci   (lambda (n)     (if (= n 0)         0         (let fib ((i n) (a1 1) (a2 0))           (if (= i 1)               a1               (fib (- i 1) (+ a1 a2) a1)))))) 

Here, zero is treated as a special case, since there is no preceding value. This allows us to use the single base case (= i 1). The time it takes to compute the nth Fibonacci number using this iterative solution grows linearly with n, which makes a significant difference when compared to the doubly recursive version. To get a feel for the difference, try computing (fibonacci 30) and (fibonacci 35) using both definitions to see how long each takes.

We can also get a feel for the difference by looking at a trace for each on small inputs. The first trace below shows the calls to fib in the non-tail-recursive version of fibonacci, with input 5.

 |(fib 5) | (fib 4) | |(fib 3) | | (fib 2) | | |(fib 1) | | |1 | | |(fib 0) | | |0 | | 1 | | (fib 1) | | 1 | |2 | |(fib 2) | | (fib 1) | | 1 | | (fib 0) | | 0 | |1 | 3 | (fib 3) | |(fib 2) | | (fib 1) | | 1 | | (fib 0) | | 0 | |1 | |(fib 1) | |1 | 2 |5 

Notice how there are several calls to fib with arguments 2, 1, and 0. The second trace shows the calls to fib in the tail-recursive version, again with input 5.

 |(fib 5 1 0) |(fib 4 1 1) |(fib 3 2 1) |(fib 2 3 2) |(fib 1 5 3) |5 

Clearly, there is quite a difference.

The named let examples shown so far are either tail-recursive or not tail-recursive. It often happens that one recursive call within the same expression is tail-recursive while another is not. The definition of factor below computes the prime factors of its nonnegative integer argument. The first call to f is not tail-recursive, but the second one is.

 (define factor   (lambda (n)     (trace-let f ((n n) (i 2))       (cond         ((>= i n) (list n))         ((integer? (/ n i))          (cons i (f (/ n i) i)))         (else (f n (+ i 1))))))) (factor 0)  (0) (factor 1)  (1) (factor 12)  (2 2 3) (factor 3628800)  (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 7) (factor 9239)  (9239) 

The trace of the calls to f in the evaluation of (factor 120) below highlights the difference between the nontail calls and the tail calls.

 |(f 120 2) | (f 60 2) | |(f 30 2) | | (f 15 2) | | (f 15 3) | | |(f 5 3) | | |(f 5 4) | | |(f 5 5) | | |(5) | | (3 5) | |(2 3 5) | (2 2 3 5) |(2 2 2 3 5) 

A nontail call to f is shown indented relative to its caller, since the caller is still active, whereas tail calls appear at the same level of indentation.

Exercise 3.2.1.

start example

Which of the recursive procedures defined in Section 3.2 are tail- recursive, and which are not?

end example

Exercise 3.2.2.

start example

Rewrite factor using letrec to bind f in place of named let. Which version do you prefer?

end example

Exercise 3.2.3.

start example

Can the letrec expression below be rewritten using named let? If not, why not? If so, do it.

 (letrec ((even?           (lambda (x)             (or (= x 0)                 (odd? (- x 1)))))         (odd?          (lambda (x)            (and (not (= x 0))                 (even? (- x 1))))))   (even? 20)) 
end example

Exercise 3.2.4.

start example

Rewrite both definitions of fibonacci given in this section to count the number of recursive calls to fib, using a counter similar to the one used in the cons-count example of Section 2.9. Count the number of recursive calls made in each case for several input values. What do you notice?

end example

Exercise 3.2.5.

start example

Augment the definition of let given in Section 3.1 to handle named let as well as unnamed let, using two rules.

end example

Exercise 3.2.6.

start example

The following definition of or is simpler than the one given in Section 3.1.

 (define-syntax or ; incorrect!   (syntax-rules ()     (( ) #f)     (( e1 e2 ...)      (let ((t e1))        (if t t (or e2 ...)))))) 

Say why it is not correct. [Hint: Think about what would happen if this version of or were used in the even? and odd? example given on page 63 for very large inputs.]

end example

Exercise 3.2.7.

start example

The definition of factor is not the most efficient possible. First, no factors of n besides n itself can possibly be found beyond n. Second, the division (/ n i) is performed twice when a factor is found. Third, after 2, no even factors can possibly be found. Recode factor to correct all three problems. Which is the most important problem to solve? Are there any additional improvements you can make?

end example

The Scheme Programming Language
The Scheme Programming Language
ISBN: 026251298X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 98

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