

Package object (use case), 87

Packaging phase (deployment), 173

Page organization, accessible, 115

Paradigm, defined, 6

Parsing functions (locale-aware), 114

Partially trusted code, 173

Partitioned table, drawbacks to using, 370

Partitioning, to ease demand on resources, 155

Partitioning data, 370

Partitioning resources and activities, 155

Partitions (application), 10

Pascal casing, for routine names, 409

Passport web-based authentication system, 304

Password fields with asterisks, 305

Passwords, handling, 305

Path for deployment, 117

PDAs (personal digital assistants)

solution for use on, 266

web site accessibility for, 116

Peak number of new records anticipated, 86

Peer review, elements of, 425

Pentium III 500MHz servers, 85

Performance, 159-161

of asynchronous applications, 321

database, 313, 369

Performance bottlenecks

analyzing, 370-371

of dependent tasks, 307

Performance goals, determining, 159-160

Performance management, 444

Performance metrics, 390, 442-445

Performance requirements, 160-161

Performance-critical code, 19

Perl language, 13

Permissions, 119

Permissions request, defined, 354

Personal information, as sensitive data, 120

Personnel (key), interviews with, 86

Personnel needs, analyzing, 95-96

Physical data model (DBMS), 168-169

Physical database design model, creating, 368-370

Physical design, 99, 214, 337-387

for data model, 368-370

deriving from logical model, 338-361

effectiveness of, 371-373

exam objectives, 468-470

including constraints in, 355-356

for maintenance, 366-368

purpose of, 338

tasks of, 338

technical factors of, 338-339

technologies for, 304-305

validating, 371-373

Physical design summary, 146-147

Physical disabilities, requirements for, 114

Physical integration, creating specifications for, 345-348

Physical protection requirements, 120

Pilot plan, 195

PKI (public key infrastructure), 119

Plaintext, 186

Planning for building software, 44, 444

Planning phase (MSF), 84, 99-100, 151


and application communication, 16

choosing, 305

.NET, 29-30

for running Visual Studio .NET, 24

web services/SOAP and, 14

XML on, 274

Plug-ins, accessible, 115

POC code, reuse of, 322

POC (proof-of-concept) example, 321-322

Point notation, in procedure diagrams, 256

Policies, Visual Studio IDE features managed by, 437

Policy file (enterprise template), 437-441

CONSTRAINTS nodes, 439



Policy File properties dialog box, 438

Political climate of a company, analyzing, 97-98

Political issues (global), 167

Pooling of components, 154

Ports, blocked for security purposes, 9

Prefixes (naming), in present or past tense, 409

Presentation layer (application), 269

building, 306-307

designing, 356-357

technology decisions, 356-357

Pretty Listing (Reformatting) Of Code (Visual Basic), 414

Primary key

as fastest type of index, 313

based on unique numeric values, 313

for database performance, 313

foreign key that points to, 314

need not be indexed, 369

unique, 312-313

Principal classes, creating, 303

Principal object security context, 187

Principal objects in .NET, types of, 351-352

Principal policy, values for setting, 188

PrincipalPermission object, 189

Printing, in Microsoft Word, 308

Privacy (in .NET), 305, 354-355

Privacy requirements, 119

Privacy vs. security, 305

Privacy statements, 120

Private assemblies, 173-174

Private business information, as sensitive data, 120

Private components, 358

Private key cryptography, 186

Privileges, system-level, 303

Problem management processes, 194

Procedural programming, 4

Procedure diagrams, 252-257

action rectangle, 254

activities within, 256

breaking up, 256

creating in VEA, 256-257

decision arrows, 255-256

decision diamonds, 254-257

dynamic connector, 257

numbered process steps, 256

numbered tasks, 256

process flow, 254

process rectangle, 257

read top to bottom or left to right, 255

for searching inventory, 255

Procedure modeling methodology, 253-256

Procedures, documenting, 252

Process (as a risk category), 67

Process identity, 190

Process isolation, transaction servers for, 271

Process model (MSF), 45, 47

Process modules, testing, 422

Process objects (data flow diagrams), 105-106

Process objects (Gane-Sarson model), 106

Process review issues, 94


designing for commutability, 153-154

documenting, 252

establishing, 424-441

exam objectives, 470

grouping into logical units, 291

importance of, 441

multiple routes to, 156

that handle events, 291

that trigger events, 291

that wait, 153

in VEA DFDs, 262

Product evaluation, 121

Professional Edition (Visual Studio .NET), 24

Profiles, to test the solution, 160

Profiling expected usage, 158-159

Programmers, user interface design and, 265

Programming language compilers (.NET), 24-25

Programming languages, 304

compiled vs. interpreted, 19

and converting to .NET, 11

interoperating, 10, 19

runtime performance of, 10

tools for editing, 23

Programming methodologies, four major, 4

Progressive disclosure (user interface), 418

Project action plan for findings of code review, 427

Project build order, 431-432

Project configuration, 430

Project control, evaluating, 444

Project development phases (in case study), 65

Project documentation, 391, 393-394

Project goal, 59

Project management, 444

Project management discipline (MSF), 45, 47

Project manager tasks, 48

Project progress, evaluating, 444

Project Properties list, 438

Project risks, 68

grouping, 68

identifying key, 65-70

listing in order of severity, 68-69

potential sources of, 66-67

probability and impact values of, 67-68

for RPM system case study, 69-70

Project scope, 64-65

Project structure document, 46

Project support documents, 394

Project team

meeting due dates, 442

skills of, 48

structuring of, 45

Project team performance

being busy vs. producing results, 444-445

evaluating, 444

Project template default files, 22

Project templates in Visual Studio .NET, 20-22

Project vision, 65

Project work order, with functional specifications, 145


developed and deployed in stages, 47

making one dependent on another, 431

with projected ship date, 442

saved on NTFS partition, 436

Promotion management system case study, 60-61, 63, 65, 69-70

Proof of concept, creating for logical design, 321-322

Property constraints, setting, 440-441

Property names, conventions for, 409

Property window, 90

Protecting code (in .NET), 352-354

Protecting data and applications, 119

Protection against physical damage, 120

Prototype file (enterprise template), 437

Prototype of the system, 121

Prototyping, 103, 121

Providers of web services, 31

Proxies, on client machines, 8

Proxy object, 16

Psychology, in user interface design, 265

Public key, 118-119

Public key cryptography, 186

Published data exchange standards, 165

Purging of data, 193

MCSD Analyzing Requirements and Defining. NET Solutions Architectures Study Guide (Exam 70-300)
MCSD Analyzing Requirements and Defining .NET Solutions Architectures Study Guide (Exam 70-300 (Certification Press)
ISBN: 0072125861
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 94 © 2008-2017.
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