Reporting and Remediation Support

A good application security assessment should not be an isolated event. Sometimes the findings are just handed off and the job is done. However, most assessments require some degree of follow-up and interaction with the development team. Application security often isn't well understood, so you might play a big part in carrying out remediation. In particular, the developers might need to be educated on the nature of the vulnerabilities you identify. They might also need you to review the proposed remediation and identify any issues that weren't addressed adequately or spot the introduction of new vulnerabilities.

The remediation review can also introduce additional operational review requirements, which often occurs with serious design vulnerabilities or pandemic implementation issues. Severe issues might be too expensive or time consuming to address adequately. Therefore, the development team might need your assistance in identifying stopgap measures and operational protections that can provide additional assurance.

Vulnerability research has its own unique process, even though a researcher typically has only one or two critical risk bugs that warrant publication. The amount of work required to document, report, and support just one bug can easily exceed the effort needed to support an internal assessment with 30 findings. The issue must be documented technically and reported to third-party vendors, which is usually fairly straightforward. A researcher generally constructs exploits for a few platforms before contacting the vendor. This step is a final sanity check of the analysis and unequivocally establishes the risk of the issue in case its exploitability is disputed.

The vendor typically asks for at least a month to fix the bug. At some point, the researcher has to prepare information for publication, which must be scrutinized and fact checked. Researchers might also be responsible for constructing intrusion detection system (IDS) signatures and scanner checks or creating reliable exploits suitable for penetration testers to use. Before publication, sometimes they're asked to verify the developer's remediation, and they often help the marketing staff prepare a press release to accompany any advisory. After the vulnerability is published, the researcher occasionally explains the issue to reporters and addresses any issues raised in response to the disclosure.

The Art of Software Security Assessment. Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
ISBN: 0321444426
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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