Software Design Fundamentals

Before you tackle the subject of design review, you need to review some fundamentals of software design. Many of these concepts tie in closely with the security considerations addressed later in the chapter, particularly in the discussion of threat modeling. The following sections introduce several concepts that help establish an application's functional boundaries with respect to security.


Software engineering can be summed up as the process of developing and implementing algorithms. From a design perspective, this process focuses on developing key program algorithms and data structures as well as specifying problem domain logic. To understand the security requirements and vulnerability potential of a system design, you must first understand the core algorithms that comprise a system.

Problem Domain Logic

Problem domain logic (or business logic) provides rules that a program follows as it processes data. A design for a software system must include rules and processes for the main tasks the software carries out. One major component of software design is the security expectations associated with the system's users and resources. For example, consider banking software with the following rules:

  • A person can transfer money from his or her main account to any valid account.

  • A person can transfer money from his or her money market account to any valid account.

  • A person can transfer money from his or her money market account only once a month.

  • If a person goes below a zero balance in his or her main account, money is automatically transferred from his or her money market account to cover the balance, if that money is available.

This example is simple, but you can see that bank customers might be able to get around the once-a-month transfer restriction on money market accounts. They could intentionally drain their main account below zero to "free" money from their monkey market accounts. Therefore, the design for this system has an oversight that bank customers could potentially exploit.

Key Algorithms

Often programs have performance requirements that dictate the choice of algorithms and data structures used to manage key pieces of data. Sometimes it's possible to evaluate these algorithm choices from a design perspective and predict security vulnerabilities that might affect the system.

For example, you know that a program stores an incoming series of records in a sorted linked list that supports a basic sequential search. Based on this knowledge, you can foresee that a specially crafted huge list of records could cause the program to spend considerable time searching through the linked list. Repeated focused attacks on a key algorithm such as this one could easily lead to temporary or even permanent disruption of a server's functioning.

Abstraction and Decomposition

Every text on software design inevitably covers two essential concepts: abstraction and decomposition. You are probably familiar with these concepts already, but if not, the following paragraphs give you a brief overview.

Abstraction is a method for reducing the complexity of a system to make it more manageable. To do this, you isolate only the most important elements and remove unnecessary details. Abstractions are an essential part of how people perceive the world around them. They explain why you can see a symbol such as and associate it with a smiling face. Abstractions allow you to generalize a concept, such as a face, and group-related concepts, such as smiling faces and frowning faces.

In software design, abstractions are how you model the processes an application will perform. They enable you to establish hierarchies of related systems, concepts, and processesisolating the problem domain logic and key algorithms. In effect, the design process is just a method of building a set of abstractions that you can develop into an implementation. This process becomes particularly important when a piece of software must address the concerns of a range of users, or its implementation must be distributed across a team of developers.

Decomposition (or factoring) is the process of defining the generalizations and classifications that compose an abstraction. Decomposition can run in two different directions. Top-down decomposition, known as specialization, is the process of breaking a larger system into smaller, more manageable parts. Bottom-up decomposition, called generalization, involves identifying the similarities in a number of components and developing a higher-level abstraction that applies to all of them.

The basic elements of structural software decomposition can vary from language to language. The standard top-down progression is application, module, class, and function (or method). Some languages might not support every distinction in this list (for example, C doesn't have language support for classes); other languages add more distinctions or use slightly different terminology. The differences aren't that important for your purposes, but to keep things simple, this discussion generally sticks to modules and functions.

Trust Relationships

In Chapter 1, "Software Vulnerability Fundamentals," the concept of trust and how it affects system security was introduced. This chapter expands on that concept to state that every communication between multiple parties must have some degree of trust associated with it. This is referred to as a trust relationship. For simple communications, both parties can assume complete trustthat is, each communicating party allows other parties participating in the communication complete access to its exposed functionality. For security purposes, however, you're more concerned with situations in which communicating parties should restrict their trust of one another. This means parties can access only a limited subset of each other's functionality. The limitations imposed on each party in a communication define a trust boundary between them. A trust boundary distinguishes between regions of shared trust, known as trust domains. (Don't worry if you're a bit confused by these concepts; some examples are provided in the next section.)

A software design needs to account for a system's trust domains, boundaries, and relationships; the trust model is the abstraction that represents these concepts and is a component of the application's security policy. The impact of this model is apparent in how the system is decomposed, as trust boundaries tend to be module boundaries, too. The model often requires that trust not be absolute; instead, it supports varying degrees of trust referred to as privileges. A classic example is the standard UNIX file permissions, whereby a user can provide a limited amount of access to a file for other users on the system. Specifically, users can dictate whether other users are allowed to read, write, or execute (or any combination of these permissions) the file in question, thus extending a limited amount of trust to other users of the system.

Simple Trust Boundaries

As an example of a trust relationship, consider a basic single-user OS, such as Windows 98. To keep the example simple, assume that there's no network involved. Windows 98 has basic memory protection and some notion of users but offers no measure of access control or enforcement. In other words, if users can log in to a Windows 98 system, they are free to modify any files or system settings they please. Therefore, you have no expectation of security from any user who can log on interactively.

You can determine that there are no trust boundaries between interactive users of the same Windows 98 system. You do, however, make an implicit assumption about who has physical access to the system. So you can say that the trust boundary in this situation defines which users have physical access to the system and which do not. That leaves you with a single domain of trusted users and an implicit domain that represents all untrusted users.

To complicate this example a bit, say you've upgraded to a multiuser OS, such as Windows XP Professional. This upgrade brings with it a new range of considerations. You expect that two normally privileged users shouldn't be able to manipulate each other's data or processes. Of course, this expectation assumes you aren't running as an administrative user. So now you have an expectation of confidentiality and integrity between two users of the system, which establishes their trust relationship and another trust boundary. You also have to make allowances for the administrative user, which adds another boundary: Nonadministrative users can't affect the integrity or configuration of the system. This expectation is a natural progression that's necessary to enforce the boundary between users. After all, if any user could affect the state of the system, you would be right back to a single-user OS. Figure 2-1 is a graphical representation of this multiuser OS trust relationship.

Figure 2-1. Simple trust boundaries

Now take a step back and consider something about the nature of trust. That is, every system must eventually have some absolutely trusted authority. There's no way around this because someone must be responsible for the state of the system. That's why UNIX has a root account, and Windows has an administrator account. You can, of course, apply a range of controls to this level of authority. For instance, both UNIX and Windows have methods of granting degrees of administrative privilege to different users and for specific purposes. The simple fact remains, however, that in every trust boundary, you have at least one absolute authority that can assume responsibility.

Complex Trust Relationships

So far, you've looked at fairly simple trust relationships to get a sense of the problem areas you need to address later. However, some of the finer details have been glossed over. To make the discussion a bit more realistic, consider the same system connected to a network.

After you hook a system up to a network, you have to start adding a range of distinctions. You might need to consider separate domains for local users and remote users of the system, and you'll probably need a domain for people who have network access to the system but aren't "regular" users. Firewalls and gateways further complicate these distinctions and allow more separations.

It should be apparent that defining and applying a trust model can have a huge impact on any software design. The real work begins before the design process is even started. The feasibility study and requirements-gathering phases must adequately identify and define users' security expectations and the associated factors of the target environment. The resulting model must be robust enough to meet these needs, but not so complex that it's too difficult to implement and apply. In this way, security has to carefully balance the concerns of clarity with the need for accuracy. When you examine threat modeling later in this chapter, you take trust models into account by evaluating the boundaries between different system components and the rights of different entities on a system.

Chain of Trust

Chapter 1 also introduced the concept of transitive trust. Essentially, it means that if component A trusts component B, component A must implicitly trust all components trusted by component B. This concept can also be called a chain of trust relationship.

A chain of trust is a completely viable security construct and the core of many systems. Consider the way certificates are distributed and validated in a typical Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection to a Web server. You have a local database of signatures that identifies providers you trust. These providers can then issue a certificate to a certificate authority (CA), which might then be extended to other authorities. Finally, the hosting site has its certificate signed by one of these authorities. You must follow this chain of trust from CA to CA when you establish an SSL connection. The traversal is successful only when you reach an authority that's in your trusted database.

Now say you want to impersonate a Web site for some nefarious means. For the moment, leave Domain Name System (DNS) out of the picture because it's often an easy target. Instead, all you want to do is find a way to manipulate the certificate database anywhere in the chain of trust. This includes manipulating the client certificate database of visitors, compromising the target site directly, or manipulating any CA database in the chain, including a root CA.

It helps to repeat that last part, just to make sure the emphasis is clear. The transitive nature of the trust shared by every CA means that a compromise of any CA allows an attacker to impersonate any site successfully. It doesn't matter if the CA that issued the real certificate is compromised because any certificate issued by a valid CA will suffice. This means the integrity of any SSL transaction is only as strong as the weakest CA. Unfortunately, this method is the best that's available for establishing a host's identity.

Some systems can be implemented only by using a transitive chain of trust. As an auditor, however, you want to look closely at the impact of choosing this trust model and determine whether a chain of trust is appropriate. You also need to follow trusts across all the included components and determine the real exposure of any component. You'll often find that the results of using a chain of trust are complex and subtle trust relationships that attackers could exploit.

Defense in Depth

Defense in depth is the concept of layering protections so that the compromise of one aspect of a system is mitigated by other controls. Simple examples of defense in depth include using low privileged accounts to run services and daemons, and isolating different functions to different pieces of hardware. More complex examples include network demilitarized zones (DMZs), chroot jails, and stack and heap guards.

Layered defenses should be taken into consideration when you're prioritizing components for review. You would probably assign a lower priority to an intranet-facing component running on a low privileged account, inside a chroot jail, and compiled with buffer protection. In contrast, you would most likely assign a higher priority to an Internet-facing component that must run as root. This is not to say that the first component is safe and the second isn't. You just need to look at the evidence and prioritize your efforts so that they have the most impact. Prioritizing threats is discussed in more detail in "Threat Modeling" later on in this chapter.

Principles of Software Design

The number of software development methodologies seems to grow directly in proportion to the number of software developers. Different methodologies suit different needs, and the choice for a project varies based on a range of factors. Fortunately, every methodology shares certain commonly accepted principles. The four core principles of accuracy, clarity, loose coupling, and strong cohesion (discussed in the following sections) apply to every software design and are a good starting point for any discussion of how design can affect security.


Accuracy refers to how effectively design abstractions meet the associated requirements. (Remember the discussion on requirements in Chapter 1.) Accuracy includes both how correctly abstractions model the requirements and how reasonably they can be translated into an implementation. The goal is, of course, to provide the most accurate model with the most direct implementation possible.

In practice, a software design might not result in an accurate translation into an implementation. Oversights in the requirements-gathering phase could result in a design that misses important capabilities or emphasizes the wrong concerns. Failures in the design process might result in an implementation that must diverge drastically from the design to meet real-world requirements. Even without failures in the process, expectations and requirements often change during the implementation phase. All these problems tend to result in an implementation that can diverge from the intended (and documented) design.

Discrepancies between a software design and its implementation result in weaknesses in the design abstraction. These weaknesses are fertile ground for a range of bugs to creep in, including security vulnerabilities. They force developers to make assumptions outside the intended design, and a failure to communicate these assumptions often creates vulnerability-prone situations. Watch for areas where the design isn't adequately defined or places unreasonable expectations on programmers.


Software designs can model extremely complex and often confusing processes. To achieve the goal of clarity, a good design should decompose the problem in a reasonable manner and provide clean, self-evident abstractions. Documentation of the structure should also be readily available and well understood by all developers involved in the implementation process.

An unnecessarily complex or poorly documented design can result in vulnerabilities similar to those of an inaccurate design. In this case, weaknesses in the abstraction occur because the design is simply too poorly understood for an accurate implementation. Your review should identify design components that are inadequately documented or exceptionally complex. You see examples of this problem throughout the book, especially when variable relationships are tackled in Chapter 7, "Program Building Blocks."

Loose Coupling

Coupling refers to the level of communication between modules and the degree to which they expose their internal interfaces to each other. Loosely coupled modules exchange data through well-defined public interfaces, which generally leads to more adaptable and maintainable designs. In contrast, strongly coupled modules have complex interdependencies and expose important elements of their internal interfaces.

Strongly coupled modules generally place a high degree of trust in each other and rarely perform data validation for their communication. The absence of well-defined interfaces in these communications also makes data validation difficult and error prone. This tends to lead to security flaws when one of the components is malleable to an attacker's control. From a security perspective, you want to look out for any strong intermodule coupling across trust boundaries.

Strong Cohesion

Cohesion refers to a module's internal consistency. This consistency is primarily the degree to which a module's interfaces handle a related set of activities. Strong cohesion encourages the module to handle only closely related activities. A side effect of maintaining strong cohesion is that it tends to encourage strong intramodule coupling (the degree of coupling between different components of a single module).

Cohesion-related security vulnerabilities can occur when a design fails to decompose modules along trust boundaries. The resulting vulnerabilities are similar to strong coupling issues, except that they occur within the same module. This is often a result of systems that fail to incorporate security in the early stages of their design. Pay special attention to designs that address multiple trust domains within a single module.

Fundamental Design Flaws

Now that you have a foundational understanding, you can consider a few examples of how fundamental design concepts affect security. In particular, you need to see how misapplying these concepts can create security vulnerabilities. When reading the following examples, you'll notice quickly that they tend to result from a combination of issues. Often, an error is open to interpretation and might depend heavily on the reviewer's perspective. Unfortunately, this is part of the nature of design flaws. They usually affect the system at a conceptual level and can be difficult to categorize. Instead, you need to concentrate on the issue's security impact, not get caught up in the categorization.

Exploiting Strong Coupling

This section explores a fundamental design flaw resulting from a failure to decompose an application properly along trust boundaries. The general issue is known as the Shatter class of vulnerabilities, originally reported as part of independent research conducted by Chris Paget. The specific avenue of attack takes advantage of certain properties of the Windows GUI application programming interface (API). The following discussion avoids many details in order to highlight the design specific nature of Shatter vulnerabilities. Chapter 12, "Windows II: Interprocess Communication," provides a much more thorough discussion of the technical details associated with this class of vulnerabilities.

Windows programs use a messaging system to handle all GUI-related events; each desktop has a single message queue for all applications associated with it. So any two processes running on the same desktop can send messages to each other, regardless of the user context of the processes. This can cause an issue when a higher privileged process, such as a service, is running on a normal user's desktop.

The Windows API provides the SetTimer() function to schedule sending a WM_TIMER message. This message can include a function pointer that is invoked when the default message handler receives the WM_TIMER message. This creates a situation in which a process can control a function call in any other process that shares its desktop. An attacker's only remaining concern is how to supply code for execution in the target process.

The Windows API includes a number of messages for manipulating the content of window elements. Normally, they are used for setting the content of text boxes and labels, manipulating the Clipboard's content, and so forth. However, an attacker can use these messages to insert data into the address space of a target process. By combining this type of message with the WM_TIMER message, an attacker can build and run arbitrary code in any process on the same desktop. The result is a privilege escalation vulnerability that can be used against services running on the interactive desktop.

After this vulnerability was published, Microsoft changed the way the WM_TIMER message is handled. The core issue, however, is that communication across a desktop must be considered a potential attack vector. This makes more sense when you consider that the original messaging design was heavily influenced by the concerns of single-user OS. In that context, the design was accurate, understandable, and strongly cohesive.

This vulnerability demonstrates why it's difficult to add security to an existing design. The initial Windows messaging design was sound for its environment, but introducing a multiuser OS changed the landscape. The messaging queue now strongly couples different trust domains on the same desktop. The result is new types of vulnerabilities in which the desktop can be exploited as a public interface.

Exploiting Transitive Trusts

A fascinating Solaris security issue highlights how attackers can manipulate a trusted relationship between two components. Certain versions of Solaris included an RPC program, automountd, that ran as root. This program allowed the root user to specify a command to run as part of a mounting operation and was typically used to handle mounting and unmounting on behalf of the kernel. The automountd program wasn't listening on an IP network and was available only through three protected loopback transports. This meant the program would accept commands only from the root user, which seems like a fairly secure choice of interface.

Another program, rpc.statd, runs as root and listens on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) interfaces. It's used as part of the Network File System (NFS) protocol support, and its purpose is to monitor NFS servers and send out a notification in case they go down. Normally, the NFS lock daemon asks rpc.statd to monitor servers. However, registering with rpc.statd requires the client to tell it which host to contact and what RPC program number to call on that host.

So an attacker can talk to a machine's rpc.statd and register the automountd program for receipt of crash notifications. Then the attacker tells rpc.statd that the monitored NFS server has crashed. In response, rpc.statd contacts the automountd daemon on the local machine (through the special loopback interface) and gives it an RPC message. This message doesn't match up to what automountd is expecting, but with some manipulation, you can get it to decode into a valid automountd request. The request comes from root via the loopback transport, so automountd thinks it's from the kernel module. The result is that it carries out a command of the attacker's choice.

In this case, the attack against a public interface to rpc.statd was useful only in establishing trusted communication with automountd. It occurred because an implicit trust is shared between all processes running under the same account. Exploiting this trust allowed remote attackers to issue commands to the automountd process. Finally, assumptions about the source of communication caused developers to be lenient in the format automountd accepts. These issues, combined with the shared trust between these modules, resulted in a remote root-level vulnerability.

Failure Handling

Proper failure handling is an essential component of clear and accurate usability in a software design. You simply expect an application to handle irregular conditions properly and provide users with assistance in solving problems. However, failure conditions can create situations in which usability and security appear to be in opposition. Occasionally, compromises must be made in an application's functionality so that security can be enforced.

Consider a networked program that detects a fault or failure condition in data it receives from a client system. Accurate and clear usability dictates that the application attempt to recover and continue processing. When recovery isn't possible, the application should assist users in diagnosing the problem by supplying detailed information about the error.

However, a security-oriented program generally takes an entirely different approach, which might involve terminating the client session and providing the minimum amount of feedback necessary. This approach is taken because a program designed around an ideal of security assumes that failure conditions are the result of attackers manipulating the program's input or environment. From that perspective, the attempt to work around the problem and continue processing often plays right into an attacker's hands. The pragmatic defensive reaction is to drop what's going on, scream bloody murder in the logs, and abort processing. Although this reaction might seem to violate some design principles, it's simply a situation in which the accuracy of security requirements supersedes the accuracy and clarity of usability requirements.

The Art of Software Security Assessment. Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
ISBN: 0321444426
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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