s notation (seconds), 529

image from book Sales by Product.xlsx, 286

salvage, of assets, 542

sampling functions, 558–559, 579–580

Sampling tool, 579–580

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 821

image from book SAT scores.xlsx file, 556


chart templates, 631–632

default folders, 51

documents to Excel Services, 821

file formats, 51–52, 56

files, 51

files to remote computers, 789–790

hidden windows, 178

hidden workbooks, 178

importing or exporting files, 68

last saved versions of shared workbooks, 793

linked workbooks, 473–474

macros in Personal Macro Workbook, 845

PDF files, 423

previously shared workbooks, 798

queries, 763–764, 778

recalculating before, 463

Save As dialog box, 51–52, 68, 70–71

scenarios, 608

shared workbooks, 791

SharePoint files, 808

Solver parameters, 607

Web files, 70–71

Web queries, 782

window view settings, 174

workbook characteristics, 169

workbooks to Excel Services, 822

workbooks with custom functions, 855

workspaces, 60–61

XPS documents, 423–424


chart axes, 626, 644–651

logarithmic, 645

printed pages, 405, 419

Scenario Manager

adding, editing, and deleting scenarios, 593

browsing existing scenarios, 592–593

creating scenarios, 593

defining scenarios, 590–592

including Solver results in, 608

overview, 588–590

reports, 595–599

routing and merging scenarios, 593–595

scenarios in shared workbooks, 792

tracking changes to scenarios, 593

Scenario PivotTable reports, 597–598

Scenario Summary reports, 596–597, 598

schedules, working, 534

scheduling meetings, 808

schemas, 756

schemes, colors, 707

image from book School Financial Application.xlsx file, 338

scientific notation, 138, 139, 305–306

scope of cell names, 445–446

screen captures of worksheets, 395–398, 805, 945

screen output resolution, 373


accessibility and, 100

custom schemes, 95

defined, 73

functions, 489–490

hyperlink descriptions, 875

illustrated, 73

scribble shapes, drawing, 349–351

scroll box, 28

Scroll Lock mode, 127

scroll thumb, 28

scrolling. See also navigating

accessibility and, 100

keyboard shortcuts, 942–943

wheeled mouse and, 27

workbooks, 27–29

worksheets, 29

worksheets synchronously, 171

SDI (single document interface), 30, 166

SEARCH function, 505–506, 982

SEARCHB function, 982


case sensitivity and, 221

for clip art, 362–363, 364

commands and options lor, 907–925

lor conditional formatting rules, 293–294

displayed values vs. underlying, 222

for external data connection files, 745

FIND function, 505–506, 962

Find results, 9

FINDB function, 962

for formatting, 223–224

for formulas, 222

for functions, 492–493

for Help on the Web, 109

for Help topics, 78–79

new and changed features, 9

number of results, 9

for printers, 417

and replacing items, 221–226

by rows or columns, 221–222

in Solver add-in, 608

specifying items to be found, 221

specifying scope, 221–222

starting points for, 222

strings, defined, 221

for target strings, 221

for text, 505–506

for values, 222

Web site addresses for hyperlinks, 876

wildcards and, 225

SECOND function, 533, 982

secondary value axes, 653


displaying, 526

overview, 521–522

s, ss, s.0, ss.0, ss.00 notations, 529

secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS), 816

securities, 544–549, 545

security. See also passwords; protecting workbooks; protecting worksheets; Trust Center

alerts, 104, 474–475, 476

bogus URLs, 107

digital signatures, 112–114

Excel Services and, 821

exploits, 107

homograph attacks, 107, 110

macros and, 827–830

new and changed features, 16

passwords. See passwords

phishing, 107, 110

removing personal information, 110–111

shared workbooks, 796

spyware, 107

Trust Center, 104

Web beacons, 107

workbooks, 110–114

security alerts

dependent workbooks, 474–475, 476

Trust Center, 104

seed values, 576

Select Case structures, 862

selecting. See also Go To commands

Access tables to import, 749

all worksheets in a workbook, 147

arrays, 133, 469

cells, 349

cells for cell references, 429

chart elements, 630, 633–634

columns, 129–131

comments, 131–132

conditional formatting, 131–132, 133

constants, 131–132, 133

data for charts, 615–616, 655–658

data validations, 131–132, 133

dependents, 135

dragging with mouse, 205

Find & Select commands, 131–132

formulas, 131–132

graphics, 349, 386–387

items without activating hyperlinks, 879

keyboard shortcuts, 131, 135, 930–932, 938–939, 944

last cell in active area, 133

with mouse actions, 128–131

moving to edge of region, 127

multiple worksheet areas, 129–131

nonadjacent cells and ranges, 129–131, 349, 655–658

nonadjacent worksheets, 129–131

objects, 133

options in dialog boxes, 935–936

precedents, 135

regions, 131, 133

row differences, 135–136

rows, 129–131

Selection pane, 388

selection rectangle, 203, 204, 205

table elements, 673, 704–705

text in shapes, 384, 387

visible cells only, 133

worksheets, 946

zooming to large areas, 129

selection areas, printing, 417

Selection pane, 388

selection rectangle, 203, 204, 205


adding cells to, 127

column differences, 135–136

extending, 127

fill handles and, 204

keyboard shortcuts, 135

naming selected cells, 446–447

navigating through multiple, 134

printing, 417

self-repairing links, 889

semicolons (;), 471, 472


e-mail, 808, 812

files by e-mail, 800–802

files for review, 802

shapes backward, 387–388

Sensitivity reports, 609–610

sensitivity tables. See data tables

separators, 86

serial values of dates, 521, 532–533


chart data series. See data series

dates, 523–526

series axes (depth axes), 626, 651–652

SERIESSUM function, 982


hyperlinks to locations on, 874

logging on, 745

service releases (SRs) Excel 2007, 22–23

set theory, 507

settlement dates of securities, 544, 548


pasted tables in Word, 892

reports, 596

shadows, 370, 371, 377–378, 631

Shape Styles feature, 629–631


adding to SmartArt, 360–361

aligning and snapping into place, 391–393

alt text tags, 391

assigning macros to, 394–395

behind WordArt text, 357

charts and, 629–631

connectors and callouts, 354–356

copying, 348

displaying and hiding, 388, 393

drawing constrained objects, 347–348

editing, 350–351

examples of, 398–401

fills, 371, 376–377

formatting, 374–384

freehand lines and polygons, 348–351

grouping, 386–387

handles on, 350–351

hyperlinks in, 879

moving and positioning, 346, 387–393

nonprinting, 390

outlines, 371

overview, 345–347

protecting and locking, 393–394

reshaping pictures, 369

resizing, 346–347, 354

responding to worksheet changes, 388–390

rotating, 354, 380

selecting, 349, 386–387

selecting text in, 384

shadows, 377–378

Shapes palette, 345–347

text in, 353, 371–373

Shapes palette, 345–347

[Shared] indicator, 790

Shared Workspace task pane, 808

SharePoint Server 2007, 807

SharePoint Services

alerts, 814

assigning and monitoring tasks, 812–814

checking documents in or out, 810–811

creating document workspaces, 816–818

document information, 815

Document Management task pane, 811–815

document status, 812

document workspace addresses, 817

e-mailing links to, 801

exporting tables to, 818–820

moving documents, 818

opening related documents, 814

sharing files with, 789

storing links, 815

versions of documents, 808

shares, hyperlinks to, 874

sharing files. See collaboration; SharePoint Services

sheets. See worksheets

Shift key, 927–946

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

showing. See displaying

side-by-side worksheet comparison, 18, 169, 170–171, 798–800

SIGN function, 983

signing up for User Experience program, 109–110

similar clip art, searching for, 363

Simple filtering, 684

SIN function, 983

single-cell array formulas, 471

single document interface (SDI), 30, 166

Single File Web Page format, 70

single quote ('), 458

single-variable data tables, 583–586

SINH function, 983

SKEW function, 983

skewness, 569

skipping blank cells, 190

slash (/), 40, 139, 297–298

SEN function, 542, 983

SLOPE function, 565–566, 983

slope of linear regression, 565–566

small caps in text, 372

SMALL function, 557, 983

smallest numbers, 569

smart tags

AutoCorrect feature and, 229–230

AutoFill feature and, 212

keyboard shortcuts, 945

menu, 210

overview, 146

SmartArt feature

creating diagrams and objects, 358–362

examples of, 398–401

flipping, 361

new and changed features, 5–6

smooth points, 352

sneakernet, 789

social security numbers, 306–307

soft edges effects, 370, 371, 631

solve order, changing, 737

Solver add-in

Answer reports, 610

assigning results to scenarios, 608

changing cells, 604

constraints, 604–606

default settings, 608

displaying iterations, 609

in Excel Web Access, 821

further reading, 603

installing, 601–602

limiting iterations, 608

Limits report, 610

linear models, 608–609

precision, 608

saving parameters, 607

Sensitivity reports, 609–610

setting targets, 603–604

troubleshooting, 611


case-sensitive text, 683–684

cells with formulas, 680–682

contiguous sections of worksheets, 678–679

default sequence of, 682

files in lists, 64

header rows and, 676–677

levels, 9

multiple-column sorting, 677–678

new and changed features, 9, 15

options for, 677

partial lists, 678–679

PivotTable fields, 727–728

Query records, 763–764

query result sets, 768–769

records for mail merge, 904

single-column sorting, 676–677

tables, 575, 667, 675–676

worksheet segments with graphics, 390

sound clips, 363

sound feedback, 100

source data. See also data sources

chart data tables, 624

charts, 616

embedding, 881–882

sources (supporting workbooks), 475


cell names and, 445

conditional sum formulas and, 483

deleting from text, 503, 504

intersection operators, 458

#NAME? errors, 490


between characters, 372

between chart gridlines, 646

special characters and symbols

accepting as text, 142

ASCII codes, 504

in cell names, 445

entering, 138–139, 143–144

filtering, 689

formatting, 297–298, 309–311

sorting, 682

structured references and, 458, 705

symbol keys, 933–934

text alignment, 142

special effects. See effects

special item specifiers

examples, 457

tables, 454, 455

types of, 458–459

speed features, 9–10

spelling checker

automatic correction, 232

overview, 232–233

text boxes, 353

spelling, matching in filters, 690

spoofed Web site detection, 110

spreadsheetML, 57

spreadsheets. See workbooks; worksheets

spyware, 107

SQL querying. See Query

SQL Server 2005, 803

SQRT function, 983

SQRTPI function, 983

squares, 348

SRs (service releases) Excel 2007, 22–23

ss, s.0, ss.0, ss.00 notations (seconds), 529

stacks of shapes, 387–393

image from book Staff.xlsx file, 676

standard deviations, 558–559, 569, 577

standard error values

Descriptive Statistics tool, 568

linear regression, 561

regression analysis, 566

Standard toolbar options, 922–923

STANDARDIZE function, 983

starting Excel 2007, 21–22, 845

startup prompts for workbooks, 476

static pasting, 882–883

statistical functions

Analysis Toolpak add-in. See Analysis Toolpak add-in

Descriptive Statistics tool, 568–569

distributions of data, 553–559

error bars on charts, 661–662

linear and exponential regression, 559–566

new and changed features, 18

overview, 553–555

status of documents, 812

STDDEVP function, 732

STDEV function, 558–559, 732, 983

STDEVA function, 556, 983

STDEVP function, 558, 559, 984

STDEVPA function, 556, 984

Step By Step Mail Merge Wizard, 901–904

Step Into command, 862

Step Out command, 862

Step Over command, 862

step values in dates, 524

stepping through code, 859–866

steps in macros, 833

STEYX function, 566, 984

stop positions in gradients, 640

stop values in dates, 525

straight-line depreciation, 542

straight-line linear regression, 562, 566

straight points on shapes, 352

strikethrough text, 372, 940

strings, 221. See also text; values

stripes, 668, 706, 708

The Structure of Scientific Revolution, 3

structured references

copying, 460–461

defined, 454–457

filling, 460–461

Formula AutoComplete feature, 459

further readings, 705

overview, 10

parts of tables, 703–705

qualified and unqualified, 459

syntax, 457–458

tables and formulas, 667, 701–702

styles. See also cell styles; themes

chart lines, 635–637, 642

charts, 620

clip art, 363

colors in, 706

commas, 298

disabling automatic, 255

editing, 707–709

fonts in, 706, 709

footers and headers, 409

gradient fills in, 620

header rows, 708

lines, 377

outlining, 255

percentages, 304

PivotTables, 723

SmartArt, 360

themes, 278, 620, 706–707

total rows, 708

WordArt, 356, 629–631

Sub statements, 835, 847

subcategories in charts, 658–660

subroutines, 843–845

subscript text, 372

SUBSTITUTE function, 506–507, 984

substring functions, 505–507

SUBTOTAL function, 674, 685, 984


PivotTables, 724–727

shared workbooks, 792

tables, 674, 675, 685

subwebs, 816

Sum button, 439–440, 498

SUM function

array formula example, 472

compared to SUMIF function, 508

Conditional Sum Wizard, 480–483

current row and, 703

inserted cells and, 435

as linear, 608

overview, 497–498, 984

PivotTables and, 724, 731–732

quick sum functionality, 440

Sum button, 439–440, 498

sum-of-the-years'-digits depreciation, 543

SUMIF function, 508, 555, 984

SUMIFS function, 555, 984

summary functions in PivotTables, 731–739

SUMPRODUCT function, 499, 985

sums in Descriptive Statistics tool, 569

SUMSQ function, 985

SUMX2MY2 function, 985

SUMX2PY2 function, 985

SUMXMY2 function, 985

superscript text, 372

surfaces on shapes, 380


pictures, 369

themes, 706

windows or programs, 945

SYD function, 543, 985

SYLK (Symbolic Link Format) file format, 72

symbol keys, 933–934

symbols. See special characters and symbols

Synchronous Scrolling feature, 171


automatically checking, 860

by-name and by-position, 840–841

cell references, 435

custom functions, 849–851

debugging, 859–869

functions, 490–492

hyperlink formulas, 880

structured references, 457–458

Visual Basic for Applications, 835–837

system diagnostics, 109

system separators, 210

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Inside Out
MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2007 Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 073562321X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 260

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