Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts


This appendix lists keyboard-accessible commands and controls in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Besides being an essential accessibility table, it also provides a glimpse into the depth and breadth of the features available.

Keyboard shortcuts are divided into the following categories in this appendix:

Keyboard Shortcuts by Key

  • Function Keys

  • Control and Navigation Keys

  • Numeric Keys

  • Symbols and Keypad

  • Alphabet Keys

Keyboard Shortcuts by Task

  • Charts and Select Chart Elements

  • Dialog Box Edit Boxes

  • Dialog Boxes

  • Edit Data

  • Enter and Calculate Formulas

  • Enter Data

  • Extend a Selection

  • Filter Lists

  • Format Cells Dialog Box-Border Tab

  • Format Data

  • Help

  • Help Window

  • Insert, Delete, and Copy Cells

  • Macros

  • Ribbon and Buttons

  • Move and Scroll-In End Mode

  • Move and Scroll-Worksheets

  • Move Within a Selected Range

  • Print

  • Print Preview

  • Select Cells, Rows, Columns, and Objects

  • Select Cells with Special Characteristics

  • Show, Hide, and Outline Data

  • Smart Tags

  • Task Panes

  • Windows and Office Interface

  • Worksheets

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Inside Out
MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2007 Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 073562321X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 260 © 2008-2017.
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