Saves the design, layout, or structure of a database object.
expression.Save [ObjectType][, ObjectName]
with the following parameters:
A constant of the AcObjectType enumeration specifying the type of database object to save. Possible values are acDataAccessPage, acDefault (the active object; this is the default value), acDiagram, acForm, acFunction (a user-defined function for SQL Server), acMacro, acModule, acQuery, acReport, acServerView, acStoredProcedure, or acTable.
A String specifying the name of the database object to be saved.
The Save method corresponds to the File | Save As menu option. That is, it typically saves such things as the state of an object’s design, layout, and structure, rather than the state of its data.
If you specify an ObjectType, you must also specify an existing object name in the ObjectName argument.
If you omit both ObjectType and ObjectName, Access saves the active object.
If you omit ObjectType but provide an ObjectName argument, Access saves the object using ObjectName, even if this amounts to a renaming operation. In this case, if SetWarnings is True and ObjectName already exists, Access will prompt you to confirm that you want to overwrite the file.