13.3. The AdWords API Services The AdWords API services have the same relationship to each other as the objects you can manipulate from a regular AdWords account. Most importantly, an AdWords Campaign contains Ad Groups, which in turn contain keywords and creatives. To modify keywords associated with an ad, you'll need to start with the Campaign Service (using the client information for the account the campaign is part of) and drill down to an Ad Group via the Ad Group Service and from there to the Keyword Service. This containment relationship is shown in Figure 13-1. Figure 13-1. Manipulating granular information, such as the keywords associated with an ad, involves drilling down through the AdWords API services Here's some more information about the purpose and role of each of the AdWords API services and where to find the service's WSDL file:
Account Service The Account Service lets you create and modify information associated with AdWords accounts, such as billing information. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/AccountService?wsdl.
Ad Group Service The Ad Group Service lets you create ad groups, list Ad Groups, associate Ad Groups with a Campaign, and perform actions on a per group basis. For example, you can set the cost per click for all keywords in a particular Ad Group. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/AdGroupService?wsdl.
Campaign Service The Campaign Service lets you create, list, and modify Campaigns. For example, you can change the name, set the daily budget, and define the end date of a Campaign. This service also lets you perform actions on a Campaign, such as pausing it. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/CampaignService?wsdl.
Creative Service The Creative Service lets you create and modify creatives and associate them with an Ad Group. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/CreativeService?wsdl.
Info Service The Info Service lets you get basic information about how much you have used the AdWords API and how many operations you have left. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/InfoService?wsdl.
Keyword Service The Keyword Service lets you get information about keywords. For example, you can get the keywords in an Ad Group and create and modify keywords. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/KeywordService?wsdl.
Report Service The Report Service lets you generate reports on the performance of your AdWords campaigns. For example, you can get reports on the daily number of impressions, clicks, and click-through rate. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/ReportService?wsdl.
Traffic Estimator Service The Traffic Estimator Service lets you estimate the performance of keywords, Ad Groups, and Campaigns. You can estimate data, such as the cost per click, click through rate, and average position of your ads. The WSDL file for the services is located at https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v2/TrafficEstimatorService?wsdl. |