10.9 Monitoring for SLA compliance

monitoring and managing microsoft exchange 2000 server
Chapter 10 - Monitoring Exchange
Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
by Mike Daugherty  
Digital Press 2001

10.11 Monitoring Exchange backups

Regular backups of the Exchange servers are essential to the long- term reliable functioning of the messaging infrastructure. Monitoring the backup process will ensure that this critical activity is completed without error and on schedule.

The Exchange administrator should perform the monitoring and any resulting alerts should be automatically generated upon the completion of the backup process. An Informational notification message should be sent upon the successful completion of the backup process. If differential or incremental backups are used (not recommended), then a Warning notification should be sent if a differential or incremental backup fails. An Urgent notification message should be used to indicate the failure of a full backup or of a second sequential differential or incremental backup failure. This notification message should be sent to the operations groups on-call technical support person who is directly responsible for the backup. The Exchange administrative group should also be similarly informed.


Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
Monitoring and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 155558232X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 113

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