Essential COM

. CoMarshalInterface . , , , . , , . , . AddRef Release. . , . , , . , , (garbage collection) .

, (OID) , (OXID Resolver - OR). OR , - . , CoUnmarshalInterface OR , . , OR , OID - . OID - , OR (ping relationship) . OR RPC, , - . . (ping interval) OID, . , , .

Windows NT 4.0 , ( ) , OR , , - . OR , , . - , , , , .

, , - . , , . , CoUninitialize ( , ), . , OR , OR- . , 1.

. , , , , . , . , , , , - . , , MSHLFLAGS_NOPING. , , .

, . , . CoMarshalInterface MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL, n, . , , n . CoMarshalInterface , . , .


(strong) (weak) . MSHLFLAGS_TABLEWEAK, . , , . . , , , , . , . , . , MSHLFLAGS_TABLESTRONG, , . , . , , . , . , . , - , , . API- CoReleaseMarshalData, , :

 HRESULT CoReleaseMarshalData([in] IStream *pStm); 

CoUnmarshalInterface, CoReleaseMarshalData IStream . , CoReleaseMarshalData. CoUnmarshalInterface, CoReleaseMarshalData.

, , . CoLockObjectExternal, :

   HRESULT CoLockObjectExternal([in] IUnknown *pUnkObject,                                 [in] BOOL bLock,                                [in] BOOL bLastUnlockKillsStub); 

CoLockObjectExternal , . , bLock, , . , , . , CoLockObjectExternal, , (Running Object Table) . , , , . , , , , , . , :

 STDMETHODIMP Monitor::StartMonitoring(void) {   // ensure that stub manager/object stays alive   //  ,      /       HRESULT hr = CoLockObjectExternal(this, TRUE, FALSE);   // start hardware monitoring    //              if (SUCCEEDED(hr))        hr = this->EnableHardwareProbe();   return hr; } 

, :

 STDMETHODIMP Monitor::StopMonitoring(void) {    // stop hardware monitoring    //            this->DisableHardwareProbe();   // allow stub manager/object to die when no clients exist    //      /       //  ,          hr = CoLockObjectExternal(this, FALSE, TRUE);   return hr; } 

, , , .

, , . API- CoDisconnectObject, , :

 HRESULT CoDisconnectObject(     [in] Unknown * pUnkObject,          // ptr to object          //          [in] DWORD dwReserved         // reserved, must be zero          //  ,      ); 

CoLockObjectExternal, CoDisconnectObject . CoDisconnectObject , , , . , , CoDisconnectObject, :

 STDMETHODIMP Monitor::GetSample(/*[out]*/ SAMPLEDATA *ps)  {     HRESULT hr = this->GetSampleFromProbe(ps);     if (FAILED(hr))       // probe or object may be corrupted       //                CoDisconnectObject(this, 0);     return hr; } 

CoDisconnectObject , , . CoDisconnectObject , , , ORPC- , . ORPC- , , , , . , .

- CoLockObjectExternal CoDisconnectObject . , - , (strong marshals). , , IExternalConnection, :

 [ uuid(00000019-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), object, local ] interface IExternalConnection : IUnknown {      DWORD AddConnection(                [in] DWORD extconn,                   // type of reference                   //                   [in] DWORD reserved                   // reserved, must be zero                   //  ,              );     DWORD ReleaseConnection(                [in] DWORD extconn,                   // type of reference                   //                   [in] DWORD reserved,                   // reserved, must be zero                   //  ,                       [in] BOOL fLastReleaseCloses                   // should kill stub?                   //        ?    ); } 

, , . IExternalConnection QueryInterface. IExternalConnection, , . IExternalConnection, , CoDisconnectObject.

, , IExternalConnection, , AddConnection ReleaseConnection. AddConnection , . , , AddConnection ReleaseConnection, . , , , , , . CoLockObjectExternal . , . , . , , , , , . , IExternalConnection , . , IExternalConnection :

 class Monitor : public IExternalConnection, public IMonitor {     LONG m_cRef;       // normal COM reference count        //            LONG m_cExtRef;       // external reference count       //          Monitor(void) : m_cRef(0), m_cExtRef(0) { ... }     STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) AddConnection(DWORD extconn, DWORD) {       if (extconn & EXTCONN_STRONG)          // must check for this bit          //                return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cExtRef);     }          STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) ReleaseConnection(DWORD extconn, DWORD,                                            BOOL bLastUnlockKillsStub) {          DWORD res = 0;         if (extconn & EXTCONN_STRONG) {              // must check for this bit              //                      res = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cExtRef);             if (res == 0 && bLastUnlockKillsStub)                  CoDisconnectObject(this, 0);         }          return res;     } }    :    :    :    :    :    : } 

, , , :

 DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(void *pv)  {       // assume ptr to real object is passed to CreateThread         //               CreateThread     Monitor *pm = (Monitor*)pv;     while (1) {           // sleep for 10 seconds            //   10            Sleep(1OOOO);           // if object is not in use, perform a log operation            //        ,                   if (pm->m_cExtRef == 0)            pm->TryToLogSampleData();     }      return 0; } 

, TryToLogSampleData , , ( , CoLockObjectExternal). , , . 6 .

1 OR , , .

Suschnost' tehnologii SOM
Essential COM
ISBN: 0201634465
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 103
Authors: Don Box © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: