Section 34.5. User Test

34.5. User Test

This section describes the purpose, design, and results of the user test.

34.5.1. Purpose

Our user test was designed to evaluate whether PGP 5.0 meets the specific usability standard described in the section "A Usability Standard for PGP." We gave our participants a test scenario that was both plausible and appropriately motivating, and then avoided interfering with their attempts to carry out the security tasks that we gave them.

34.5.2. Description

This section outlines the characteristics of the test design and participants. Test design

Our test scenario was that the participant had volunteered to help with a political campaign and had been given the job of campaign coordinator (the party affiliation and campaign issues were left to the participant's imagination, so as not to offend anyone). The participant's task was to send out campaign plan updates to the other members of the campaign team by email, using PGP for privacy and authentication. Because volunteering for a political campaign presumably implies a personal investment in the campaign's success, we hoped that the participants would be appropriately motivated to protect the secrecy of their messages.

Because PGP does not handle email itself, it was necessary to provide the participants with an email handling program to use. We chose to give them Eudora, as that would allow us to also evaluate the success of the Eudora plug-in that is included with PGP. Because we were not interested in testing the usability of Eudora (aside from the PGP plug-in), we gave the participants a brief Eudora tutorial before starting the test, and intervened with assistance during the test if a participant got stuck on something that had nothing to do with PGP.

After briefing the participants on the test scenario and tutoring them on the use of Eudora, we gave them an initial task description, which provided them with a secret message (a proposed itinerary for the candidate), the names and email addresses of the campaign manager and four other campaign team members, and a request to please send the secret message to the five team members in a signed and encrypted email. In order to complete this task, a participant had to generate a key pair, get the team members' public keys, make their own public key available to the team members, type the (short) secret message into an email, sign the email using their private key, encrypt the email using the five team members' public keys, and send the result. In addition, we designed the test so that one of the team members had an RSA key while the others all had Diffie-Hellman/DSS keys; thus, if a participant encrypted one copy of the message for all five team members (which was the expected interpretation of the task), they would encounter the mixed key types warning message. Participants were told that after accomplishing that initial task, they should wait to receive email from the campaign team members and follow any instructions they gave.

Each of the five campaign team members was represented by a dummy email account and a key pair: these were accessible to the test monitor through a networked laptop. The campaign manager's private key was used to sign each of the team members' public keys, including her own, and all five of the signed public keys were placed on the default key server at MIT so that they could be retrieved by participant requests.

Under certain circumstances, the test monitor posed as a member of the campaign team and sent email to the participant from the appropriate dummy account. These circumstances were:

  1. The participant sent email to that team member asking a question about how to do something. In that case, the test monitor sent the minimally informative reply consistent with the test scenario (i.e., the minimal answer that wouldn't make that team member seem hostile or ignorant beyond the bounds of plausibility).[17]

    [17] This aspect of the test may trouble the reader in that different test participants were able to extract different amounts of information by asking questions in email, thus leading to test results that are not as standardized as we might like. However, this is in some sense realistic; PGP is being tested here as a utility for secure communication, and people who use it for that purpose will be likely to ask each other for help with the software as part of that communication. We point out also that the purpose of our test is to locate extreme usability problems, not to compare the performance of one set of participants against another, and that while inaccurately improved performance by a few participants might cause us to fail to identify some usability problems, it certainly would not lead us to identify a problem where none exists.

  2. The participant sent the secret in a plain-text email. The test monitor then sent email posing as the campaign manager, telling the participant what happened, stressing the importance of using encryption to protect the secrets, and asking the participant to try sending an encrypted test email before going any further. If the participant succeeded in doing so, the test monitor (posing as the campaign manager) then sent an updated secret to the participant in encrypted email and the test proceeded as from the beginning.

  3. The participant sent email encrypted with the wrong key. The test monitor then sent email posing as one of the team members who had received the email, telling the participant that the team member was unable to decrypt the email and asking whether the participant had used that team member's key to encrypt.

  4. The participant sent email to a team member asking for that team member's key. The test monitor then posed as that team member and sent the requested key in email.

  5. The participant succeeded in carrying out the initial task. They were then sent a signed, encrypted email from the test monitor, posing as the campaign manager, with a change for the secret message, in order to test whether they could decrypt and read it successfully. If at that point, they had not done so on their own, they received email prompting to remember to back up their key rings and to make a backup revocation certificate, to see if they were able to perform those tasks. If they had not sent a separately encrypted version of the message to the team member with the RSA key, they also received email from the test monitor posing as that team member and complaining that he couldn't decrypt the email message.

  6. The participant sent email telling the team member with the RSA key that he should generate a new key or should upgrade his copy of PGP. In that case, the test monitor continued sending email as that team member, saying that he couldn't or didn't want to do those things and asking the participant to please try to find a way to encrypt a copy that he could decrypt.

Each test session lasted for 90 minutes, from the point at which the participant was given the initial task description to the point when the test monitor stopped the session. Manuals for both PGP and Eudora were provided, along with a formatted floppy disk, and participants were told to use them as much as they liked. Participants

The user test was run with 12 different participants, all of whom were experienced users of email, and none of whom could describe the difference between public and private key cryptography prior to the test sessions. The participants all had attended at least some college, and some had graduate degrees. Their ages ranged from 20 to 49, and their professions were diversely distributed, including graphic artists, programmers, a medical student, administrators, and a writer More detailed information about participant selection and demographics is available in Whitten and Tygar.[18]

[18] Whitten and Tygar.

34.5.3. Results

We summarize the most significant results we observed from the test sessions, again focusing on the usability standard for PGP that we gave in the section "A Usability Standard for PGP." Detailed transcripts of the test sessions are available in Whitten and Tygar.[19]

[19] Whitten and Tygar. Avoiding dangerous errors

Three of the twelve test participants (P4, P9, and P11) accidentally emailed the secret to the team members without encryption. Two of the three (P9 and P11) realized immediately that they had done so, but P4 appeared to believe that the security was supposed to be transparent to him and that the encryption had taken place. In all three cases, the error occurred while the participants were trying to figure out the system by exploring.

One participant (P12) forgot her passphrase during the course of the test session and had to generate a new key pair. Participants tended to choose passphrases that could have been standard passwords, 8 to 10 characters long and without spaces. Figuring out how to encrypt with any key

One of the twelve participants (P4) was unable to figure out how to encrypt at all. He kept attempting to find a way to "turn on" encryption, and at one point believed that he had done so by modifying the settings in the Preferences dialog in PGPkeys. Another of the 12 (P2) took more than 30 minutes[20] to figure out how to encrypt, and the method he finally found required a reconfiguration of PGP (to make it display the PGPMenu inside Eudora). Another (P3) spent 25 minutes sending repeated test messages to the team members to see if she had succeeded in encrypting them (without success), and finally succeeded only after being prompted to use the PGP Plug-In buttons.

[20] This is measured as time the participant spent working on the specific task of encrypting a message, and does not include time spent working on getting keys, generating keys, or otherwise exploring PGP and Eudora. Figuring out the correct key to encrypt with

Among the 11 participants who figured out how to encrypt, failure to understand the public key model was widespread. Seven participants (P1, P2, P7, P8, P9, P10, and P11) used only their own public keys to encrypt email to the team members. Of those seven, only P8 and P10 eventually succeeded in sending correctly encrypted email to the team members before the end of the 90-minute test session (P9 figured out that she needed to use the campaign manager's public key, but then sent email to the entire team encrypted only with that key), and they did so only after they had received fairly explicit email prompting from the test monitor posing as the team members. P1, P7, and P11 appeared to develop an understanding that they needed the team members' public keys (for P1 and P11, this was also after they had received prompting email), but still did not succeed at correctly encrypting email. P2 never appeared to understand what was wrong, even after twice receiving feedback that the team members could not decrypt his email.

Another of the 11 (P5) so completely misunderstood the model that he generated key pairs for each team member rather than for himself, and then attempted to send the secret in an email encrypted with the five public keys he had generated. Even after receiving feedback that the team members were unable to decrypt his email, he did not manage to recover from this error. Decrypting an email message

Five participants (P6, P8, P9, P10, and P12) received encrypted email from a team member (after successfully sending encrypted email and publicizing their public keys). P10 tried for 25 minutes but was unable to figure out how to decrypt the email. P9 mistook the encrypted message block for a key, and emailed the team member who sent it to ask if that was the case; after the test monitor sent a reply from the team member saying that no key had been sent and that the block was just the message, she was then able to decrypt it successfully. P6 had some initial difficulty viewing the results after decryption, but recovered successfully within 10 minutes. P8 and P12 were able to decrypt without any problems. Publishing the public key

Ten of the twelve participants were able to successfully make their public keys available to the team members; the other two (P4 and P5) had so much difficulty with earlier tasks that they never addressed key distribution. Of those ten, five (P1, P2, P3, P6, and P7) sent their keys to the key server, three (P8, P9, and P10) emailed their keys to the team members, and P11 and P12 did both P3, P9, and P10 publicized their keys only after being prompted to do so by email from the test monitor posing as the campaign manager.

The primary difficulty that participants appeared to experience when attempting to publish their keys involved the iconic representation of their key pairs in PGPkeys. P1, P11, and P12 all expressed confusion about which icons represented their public keys and which their private keys, and were disturbed by the fact that they could only select the key pair icon as an indivisible unit; they feared that if they then sent their selection to the key server, they would be accidentally publishing their private keys. Also, P7 tried and failed to email her public key to the team members; she was confused by the directive to "paste her key into the desired area" of the message, thinking that it referred to some area specifically demarcated for that purpose that she was unable to find. Getting other people's public keys

Eight of the twelve participants (P1, P3, P6, P8, P9, P10, P11, and P12) successfully got the team members' public keys; all of the eight used the key server to do so. Five of the eight (P3, P8, P9, P10, and P11) received some degree of email prompting before they did so. Of the four who did not succeed, P2 and P4 never seemed aware that they needed to get the team members' keys; P5 was so confused about the model that he generated keys for the team members instead; and P7 spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get the keys but ultimately failed.

P7 gave up on using the key server after one failed attempt in which she tried to retrieve the campaign manager's public key but got nothing back (perhaps because she mistyped the name). P1 spent 25 minutes trying and failing to import a key from an email message; he copied the key to the clipboard but then kept trying to decrypt it rather than import it. P12 also had difficulty trying to import a key from an email message: the key was one she already had in her key ring, and when her copy-and-paste of the key failed to have any effect on the PGPkeys display, she assumed that her attempt had failed and kept trying. Eventually, she became so confused that she began trying to decrypt the key instead. Handling the mixed key types problem

Four participants (P6, P8, P10, and P12) eventually managed to send correctly encrypted email to the team members (P3 sent a correctly encrypted email to the campaign manager, but not to the whole team). P6 sent an individually encrypted message to each team member to begin with, so the mixed key types problem did not arise for him. The other three received a reply email from the test monitor posing as the team member with an RSA key, complaining that he was unable to decrypt their email.

P8 successfully employed the solution of sending that team member an email encrypted only with his own key. P10 explained the cause of the problem correctly in an email to that team member, but didn't manage to offer a solution. P12 half understood, initially believing that the problem was due to the fact that her own key pair was Diffie-Hellman/DSS, and attempting to generate herself an RSA key pair as a solution. When she found herself unable to do that, she then decided that maybe the problem was just that she had a corrupt copy of that team member's public key, and began trying in various ways to get a good copy of it. She was still trying to do so at the end of the test session. Signing an email message

All of the participants who were able to send an encrypted email message were also able to sign the message (although in the case of P5, he signed using key pairs that he had generated for other people). It was unclear whether they assigned much significance to doing so, beyond the fact that it had been requested as part of the task description. Verifying a signature on an email message

Again, all of the participants who were able to decrypt an email message were by default also verifying the signature on the message, because the only decryption operation available to them includes verification. Whether they were aware that they were doing so, or paid any attention to the verification result message, is not something we were able to determine from this test. Creating a backup revocation certificate

We would have liked to know whether the participants were aware of the good reasons to make a backup revocation certificate and were able to figure out how to do so successfully. Regrettably, this was very difficult to test for. We settled for direct prompting to make a backup revocation certificate, for participants who managed to successfully send encrypted email and decrypt a reply (P6, P8, and P12).

In response to this prompting, P6 generated a test key pair and then revoked it, without sending either the key pair or its revocation to the key server. He appeared to think that he had completed the task successfully. P8 backed up her key rings, revoked her key, then sent email to the campaign manager saying she didn't know what to do next. P12 ignored the prompt, focusing on another task. Deciding whether to trust keys from the key server

Of the eight participants who got the team members' public keys, only three (P1, P6, and P11) expressed some concern over whether they should trust the keys. P1's worry was expressed in the last five minutes of his test session, so he never got beyond that point. P6 noted aloud that the team members' keys were all signed by the campaign manager's key, and took that as evidence that they could be trusted. P11 expressed great distress over not knowing whether she should trust the keys, and got no further in the remaining 10 minutes of her test session. None of the three made use of the validity and trust labeling provided by PGPkeys.

Security and Usability. Designing Secure Systems that People Can Use
Security and Usability: Designing Secure Systems That People Can Use
ISBN: 0596008279
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 295 © 2008-2017.
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