Online help

Online help is just like printed documentation, a reference tool for perpetual intermediates. Ultimately, online help is not important, the way that the user manual of your car is not important. If you find yourself needing the manual, it means that your car is badly designed. The design is what is important.

A complex program with many features and functions should come with a reference document: a place where users who wish to expand their horizons with a product can find definitive answers. This document can be a printed manual or it can be online help. The printed manual is comfortable, browsable, friendly, and can be carried around. The online help is searchable, semi-comfortable, very lightweight, and cheap.

The index

Because you don't read a manual like a novel, the key to a successful and effective reference document is the quality of the tools for finding what you want in it. Essentially, this means the index. A printed manual has an index in the back that you use manually. Online help has an automatic index search facility.

The authors suspect that few online help facilities they've seen were indexed by a professional indexer. However many entries are in your program's index, you could probably double the number. What's more, the index needs to be generated by examining the program and all its features, not by examining the help text. This is not easy, because it demands that a highly skilled indexer be intimately familiar with all the features of the program. It may be easier to rework the interface to improve it than to create a really good index.

The list of index entries is arguably more important than the text of the entries themselves. The user will forgive a poorly written entry with more alacrity than he will forgive a missing entry. The index must have as many synonyms as possible for topics. Prepare for it to be huge. The user who needs to solve a problem will be thinking "How do I turn this cell black?" not "How can I set the shading of this cell to 100%?" If the entry is listed under shading, the index fails the user. The more goal-directed your thinking is, the better the index will map to what might possibly pop into the user's head when he is looking for something. One index model that works is the one in The Joy of Cooking, Irma S. Rombaur & Marion Rombaur Becker (Bobbs-Merrill, 1962). That index is one of the most complete and robust of any the authors have used.

Shortcuts and overview

One of the features missing from almost every help system is a shortcuts option. It is an item in the Help menu which when selected, shows in digest form all the tools and keyboard commands for the program's various features. It is a very necessary component on any online help system because it provides what perpetual intermediates need the most: access to features. They need the tools and commands more than they need detailed instructions.

The other missing ingredient from online help systems is overview. Users want to know how the Enter Macro command works, and the help system explains uselessly that it is the facility that lets you enter macros into the system. What we need to know is scope, effect, power, upside, downside, and why we might want to use this facility both in absolute terms and in comparison to similar products from other vendors. @Last Software provides online streaming video tutorials for its architectural sketching application, SketchUp. This is a fantastic approach to overviews, particularly if they are also available on CD-ROM.

Not for beginners

Many help systems assume that their role is to provide assistance to beginners. This is not true. Beginners stay away from the help system because it is generally just as complex as the program. Besides, any program whose basic functioning is too hard to figure out just by experimentation is unacceptable, and no amount of help text will resurrect it. Online help should ignore first-time users and concentrate on those people who are already successfully using the product, but who want to expand their horizons: the perpetual intermediates.

Modeless and interactive help

ToolTips are modeless online help, and they are incredibly effective. Standard help systems, on the other hand, are implemented in a separate program that covers up most of the program for which it is offering help. If you were to ask a human how to perform a task, he would use his finger to point to objects on the screen to augment his explanation. A separate help program that obscures the main program cannot do this. Apple has used an innovative help system that directs the user through a task step by step by highlighting menus and buttons that the user needs to activate in sequence. Though this is not totally modeless, it is interactive and closely integrated with the task the user wants to perform, and not a separate room, like reference help systems.


Wizards are an idiom unleashed on the world by Microsoft, and they have rapidly gained popularity among programmers and user interface designers. A wizard attempts to guarantee success in using a feature by stepping the user through a series of dialog boxes. These dialogs parallel a complex procedure that is "normally" used to manage a feature of the program. For example, a wizard helps the user create a presentation in PowerPoint.

Programmers like wizards because they get to treat the user like a peripheral device. Each of the wizard's dialogs asks the user a question or two, and in the end the program performs whatever task was requested. They are a fine example of interrogation tactics on the program's part, and violate the axiom: Asking questions isn't the same as providing choices (see Chapter 9).

Wizards are written as step-by-step procedures, rather than as informed conversations between user and program. The user is like the conductor of a robot orchestra, swinging the baton to set the tempo, but otherwise having no influence on the proceedings. In this way, wizards rapidly devolve into exercises in confirmation messaging. The user learns that he merely clicks the Next button on each screen without critically analyzing why.

There is a place for wizards in actions that are very rarely used, such as installation and initial configuration. In the weakly interactive world of HTML, they have also become the standard idiom for almost all transactions on the Web — something that better browser technology will eventually change.

A better way to create a wizard is to make a simple, automatic function that asks no questions of the user but that just goes off and does the job. If it creates a presentation, for example, it should create it, and then let the user have the option, later, using standard tools, to change the presentation. The interrogation tactics of the typical wizard are not friendly, reassuring, or particularly helpful. The wizard often doesn't explain to the user what is going on.

Wizards were purportedly designed to improve user interfaces, but they are, in many cases, having the opposite effect. They are giving programmers license to put raw implementation model interfaces on complex features with the bland assurance that: "We'll make it easy with a wizard." This is all too reminiscent of the standard abdication of responsibility to users: "We'll be sure to document it in the manual."

"Intelligent" agents

Perhaps not much needs to be said about Clippy and his cousins, since even Microsoft has turned against their creation in its marketing of Windows XP (not that it has actually removed Clippy from XP, mind you). Clippy is a remnant of research Microsoft did in the creation of BOB, an "intuitive" real-world, metaphor-laden interface remarkably similar to General Magic's Magic Cap interface, discussed briefly in Chapter 20. BOB was populated with anthropomorphic, animated characters that conversed with users to help them accomplish things. It was one of Microsoft's most spectacular interface failures. Clippy is a descendant of these help agents and is every bit as annoying as they were.

A significant issue with "intelligent" animated agents is that by employing animated anthropomorphism, the software is upping the ante on user expectations of the agent's intelligence. If it can't deliver on these expectations, users will quickly become furious, just as they would with a sales clerk in a department store who claims to be an expert on his products, but who, after a few simple questions, proves himself to be clueless.

These constructs soon become cloying and distracting. Users of Microsoft Office are trying to accomplish something, not be entertained by the antics and pratfalls of the help system. Most applications demand more direct, less distracting, and trustworthier means of getting assistance.

About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
Year: 2006
Pages: 263 © 2008-2017.
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