

EDSLock, 308

Encryption, 348


clustered, 276

disasters, 46

as downtime cause, 45–47

elements, 45

restore operation, 134

ESEFILE, 107–8

for checking physical database page integrity, 107

defined, 107

ESEUTIL, 39, 103–4, 106–7

changes, 106

command line options/parameters, 107

defined, 106

repair mode, 103

Event Log, 373

Exchange 2000

clustering changes, 263–72

cluster permissions model, 269

cluster resource dependencies, 262–63

cluster support, 258–59

cluster-supported services, 259–60

components not supported on MSCS, 260

features and benefits, 2

recovery servers, 148–52

Service Pack, 3

virtual servers, 282–85

Exchange 2000/2003

access control, 308–9

backup strategies, 168

cluster monitoring, 288

configuring, in clustered environment, 276

content indexing, 89–90

MP, 375

MP monitoring features, 376

property promotion rules, 87

recovery planning scenarios, 97–98

SG limitations, 276

storage design, 235–39

storage design best practices, 61–62

storage layout, 63

unsolicited mail features, 341

Exchange 2003

antispam features, 342

cluster design, 279

cluster design scenarios, 289–90

cluster supported components, 271–72

geo-clustering, 290–91

Exchange Information Store

components, 64

defined, 64

ESE, 67–92

ExIFS and, 88–89

information store layer, 64–67

Integrity Checker utility, 105

message move actions, 67

message receive actions, 66

Exchange Installable File System (ExIFS), 81, 87–88

defined, 87

implementation, 88

Information Store and, 88–89

Exchange Security Operations Guide, 315, 321, 333

Exchange Server

benchmarking information, 16

built-in security mechanisms, 18

complexity, 51

configuration worksheet, 178

data corruption, 12

data replication with, 223

management, 374–77

mission-critical deployments, 10

reliability improvement, 10

suggested readings, 22

Exchange Server 2000

evolution, 1–5

storage design, 54

Exchange Server 2003, 3–5

backup types, 117

cached mode, 3

feature enhancements, 3–4

as key milestone, 4

KMS, 19, 347

mission-critical, 5

storage design, 54

storage technologies, 198–213

VSS support, 141–45

Exchange servers

data-collection points, 364–65

deployment, 16

failure, 95–114

failure causes, 96–98

locking down, 297–348

mission-critical, architecting, 49–50

monitoring points, 364–65

network security, 324–33

path management, 317

performance monitoring, 366

securing, 316–48

Windows security checklist for, 315–16

Exchange System Manager (ESM), 132, 285

cluster view from, 285

illustrated, 285

MMC snap-in, 283

permissions delegation, 310

Exchange virtual server (EVS), 258

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 313

Extensible Storage Engine (ESE), 53, 67–92

Active Directory and, 74

B-Tree structure, 71

buffer pool, 76

cache, 124

evolution, 68–69

industry-standard core technology, 69–74

page structure, 72

Page Zeroing feature, 117, 130–32

patching operation, 128–30

technology, 71–72

version store, 73

Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2003. Designing and Building Reliable Exchange Servers
Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2003: Designing and Building Reliable Exchange Servers (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 155558294X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91
Authors: Jerry Cochran © 2008-2017.
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