

LDAP Directory Synchronization Utility (LDSU), 93

Ldp tool, 365, 458

Leveraging WMI Scripting, 390

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 14

integration, 271–72

as interoperability enabling technology, 263

NIS gateway, 286–87

PKIX, 456

queries, 113, 114

version 3, 363

Line of business (LOB) applications, 424

Link value replication (LVR), 363–64

availability, 364

defined, 364

LM hashes, 119–20

NT hash vs., 120

protocol using, 119

weakness, 119

LMHosts file, 94

Local logon process

multiple domain environment, 156–57

single domain environment, 152–53

See also Kerberos

Local security authority (LSA), 29–32, 331

AD, 30–31

database, 30, 31–32

defined, 29

process/subprocesses, 30

SAM, 30

secrets, 31

Lockboxes, 434

Lockoutstatus.exe, 66–67

defined, 66

illustrated, 67


event, 126–30, 400

Netlogon, 130–32

verbose, 557

Logical certificate stores, 475–78

Active Directory User Object container, 477

Certificate Enrollment Requests container, 477

Enterprise Trust container, 476

illustrated, 475

Intermediate Certification Authorities container, 476–77

operations, 477–78

Other People container, 477

Personal container, 475–76

Third-Party Root Certification Authorities container, 477

Trusted People container, 477

Trusted Publishers container, 477

Trusted Root Certification Authorities container, 476

Untrusted Certificates container, 477

viewing, 476

See also Certificate stores


GC-less process, 177

methods, 106

multiple domain environment, 156–63

multiple forest process, 163–64

names, 40

Process field values, 127–28, 130

secondary session, 120

sessions, cached-account, 125

single domain environment, 152–55

Type field values, 129

Logon events

audit, 126

failed, 127

successful, 126

LOphtcrack, 54–57

cracking method support, 56

defined, 54–55

GUI, 55

password hash sources, 55–56

Lower-level keying material, 145

Luna CA, 486–87

defined, 486

illustrated, 486

security model, 487

Windows Server 2003 Security Infrastructures. Core Security Features of Windows. NET
Windows Server 2003 Security Infrastructures: Core Security Features (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582834
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 137
Authors: Jan De Clercq © 2008-2017.
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