Chapter 16. Concurrent Programming with Java Threads

  •  16.1 Starting Threads
  •  16.2 Race Conditions
  •  16.3 Synchronization
  •  16.4 Creating a Multithreaded Method
  •  16.5 Thread Methods
  •  16.6 Thread Groups
  •  16.7 Multithreaded Graphics and Double Buffering
  •  16.8 Animating Images
  •  16.9 Timers
  •  16.10 Summary

Topics in This Chapter

  • Starting threads by using separate thread objects

  • Starting threads within an existing object

  • Solving common thread problems

  • Synchronizing access to shared resources

  • Methods in the Thread class

  • Exploring alternative approaches to multithreaded graphics

  • Implementing double buffering

  • Animating images

  • Controlling timers

The Java programming language has one of the most powerful and usable concurrent programming packages of any modern programming language: the Thread class. Threads are sometimes known as "lightweight processes": processes that share the heap but have their own stack. Threads provide three distinct advantages.

Efficiency Performing some tasks is quicker in a multithreaded manner. For instance, consider the task of downloading and analyzing five text files from various URLs. Suppose that it took 12 seconds to establish the network connection and 1 second to download the file once the connection was open. Doing this serially would take 5 x 13 = 65 seconds. But if done in separate threads, the waiting could be done in parallel, and the total time might take about 12 + 5 = 17 seconds. In fact, the efficiency benefits of this type of approach are so great that the Java platform automatically downloads images in separate threads. For more information, see Section 9.12 (Drawing Images).

Convenience Some tasks are simpler to visualize and implement when various pieces are considered separately. For instance, consider a clock display or an image animation; in each case, a separate thread is responsible for controlling the display updates.

New Capabilities Finally, some tasks simply cannot be done without multiprocessing. For instance, an HTTP server needs to listen on a given network port for a connection. When the server obtains one, the connection is passed to a different process that actually handles the request. If the server didn't do this, the original port would be tied up until the request was finished and only very light loads could be supported; the server would be unusable for real-life applications. In fact, in Chapter 17 (Network Programming) we'll present code for a simple multithreaded HTTP server that is based on the socket techniques discussed in Chapter 17 and the threading techniques explained here.

However, a word of caution is in order. Threads in the Java programming language are more convenient than threads or "heavyweight" processes in other languages (e.g., fork in C). Threads add significant capability in some situations. Nevertheless, testing and debugging a program where multiple things are going on at once is much harder than debugging a program where only one thing is happening at a time. So, carefully weigh the pros and cons of using threads before considering them, and be prepared for extra development and debugging time when you do, especially until you gain experience.

16.1 Starting Threads

The Java implementation provides two convenient mechanisms for thread programming: (1) making a separate subclass of the Thread class that contains the code that will be run, and (2) using a Thread instance to call back to code in an ordinary object.

Mechanism 1: Put Behavior in a Separate Thread Object

The first way to run threads in the Java platform is to make a separate subclass of Thread, put the actions to be performed in the run method of the subclass, create an instance of the subclass, and call that instance's start method. This technique is illustrated in Listings 16.1 and 16.2.

Listing 16.1
public class DriverClass extends SomeClass {   ...   public void startAThread() {     // Create a Thread object.     ThreadClass thread = new ThreadClass();     // Start it in a separate process.     thread.start();     ...   } } 
Listing 16.2
public class ThreadClass extends Thread {   public void run() {     // Thread behavior here.   } } 

If a class extends Thread, then the class will inherit a start method that calls the run method in a separate thread of execution. The author of the class is responsible for implementing run, and the thread dies when run ends. So, even though you put your code in run, you call start, not run. If you call run directly, the code will be executed in the current thread, just like a normal method. Data that is to be local to that thread is normally kept in local variables of run or in private instance variables of that object. Outside data is only accessible to the thread if the data (or a reference to the data) is passed to the thread's constructor or if publicly available static variables or methods are used.

Core Warning


Never call a thread's run method directly. Doing so does not start a separate thread of execution.

For example, Listing 16.3 gives a Counter class that counts from 0 to N with random pauses in between. The driver class (Listing 16.4) can create and start multiple instances of Counter, resulting in interleaved execution (Listing 16.5).

Listing 16.3
/** A subclass of Thread that counts up to a specified  *  limit with random pauses in between each count.  */ public class Counter extends Thread {   private static int totalNum = 0;   private int currentNum, loopLimit;   public Counter(int loopLimit) {     this.loopLimit = loopLimit;     currentNum = totalNum++;   }   private void pause(double seconds) {     try { Thread.sleep(Math.round(1000.0*seconds)); }     catch(InterruptedException ie) {}   }   /** When run finishes, the thread exits. */   public void run() {     for(int i=0; i<loopLimit; i++) {       System.out.println("Counter " + currentNum + ": " + i);       pause(Math.random()); // Sleep for up to 1 second     }   } } 
Listing 16.4
/** Try out a few instances of the Counter class. */ public class CounterTest {   public static void main(String[] args) {     Counter c1 = new Counter(5);     Counter c2 = new Counter(5);     Counter c3 = new Counter(5);     c1.start();     c2.start();     c3.start();   } } 
Listing 16.5 CounterTest Output
Counter 0: 0 Counter 1: 0 Counter 2: 0 Counter 1: 1 Counter 2: 1 Counter 1: 2 Counter 0: 1 Counter 0: 2 Counter 1: 3 Counter 2: 2 Counter 0: 3 Counter 1: 4 Counter 0: 4 Counter 2: 3 Counter 2: 4 

Mechanism 2: Put Behavior in the Driver Class, Which Must Implement Runnable

The second way to perform multithreaded computation is to implement the Runnable interface, construct an instance of Thread passing the current class (i.e., the Runnable) as an argument, and call that Thread's start method. You put the actions you want executed in the run method of the main class; the thread's run method is ignored. This means that run has full access to all variables and methods of the class containing the run method. The actual run method executed (either the run method in the Thread class or the run method in the class implementing Runnable) is determined by the object passed to the thread constructor. If a Runnable is supplied, the thread's start method will use the Runnable's run method instead of its own. Declaring that you implement Runnable serves as a guarantee to the thread that you have a public run method. Listing 16.6 shows an outline of this approach.

Listing 16.6
public class ThreadedClass extends AnyClass implements Runnable {   public void run() {     // Thread behavior here.   }   public void startThread() {     Thread t = new Thread(this);     t.start(); // Calls back to the run method in "this."   }   ... } 

You can invoke multiple threads of the class implementing the Runnable interface. In this case, each thread concurrently executes the same run method. Furthermore, each invocation of run owns a separate copy of the local variables, but you must carefully control access to any class variables, since they are shared among all thread instances of the class. Contention for common data is discussed in Section 16.2 (Race Conditions). If you want to access the thread instance to get private per-thread data, use Thread.currentThread().

Listing 16.7 gives an example of this process. Note that the driver class (Listing 16.8) does not call start on the instantiated Counter2's objects because Counter2 is not a Thread and thus does not necessarily have a start method. The result (Listing 16.9) is substantially the same as with the original Counter.

Listing 16.7
/** A Runnable that counts up to a specified  *  limit with random pauses in between each count.  */ public class Counter2 implements Runnable {   private static int totalNum = 0;   private int currentNum, loopLimit;   public Counter2(int loopLimit) {     this.loopLimit = loopLimit;     currentNum = totalNum++;     Thread t = new Thread(this);     t.start();   }   private void pause(double seconds) {     try { Thread.sleep(Math.round(1000.0*seconds)); }     catch(InterruptedException ie) {}   }   public void run() {     for(int i=0; i<loopLimit; i++) {       System.out.println("Counter " + currentNum + ": " + i);       pause(Math.random()); // Sleep for up to 1 second.     }   } } 
Listing 16.8
/** Try out a few instances of the Counter2 class. */ public class Counter2Test {   public static void main(String[] args) {     Counter2 c1 = new Counter2(5);     Counter2 c2 = new Counter2(5);     Counter2 c3 = new Counter2(5);   } } 
Listing 16.9 Counter2Test Output
Counter 0: 0 Counter 1: 0 Counter 2: 0 Counter 1: 1 Counter 1: 2 Counter 0: 1 Counter 1: 3 Counter 2: 1 Counter 0: 2 Counter 0: 3 Counter 1: 4 Counter 2: 2 Counter 2: 3 Counter 0: 4 Counter 2: 4 

In this particular instance, this approach probably seems more cumbersome than making a separate subclass of Thread. However, because the Java programming language does not have multiple inheritance, if your class already is a subclass of something else (say, Applet), then your class cannot also be a subclass of Thread. In such a case, if the thread needs access to the instance variables and methods of the main class, this approach works well, whereas the previous approach (a separate Thread subclass) requires some extra work to give the Thread subclass access to the applet's variables and methods (perhaps by passing along a reference to the Applet). When you are doing this from an Applet, the applet's start method is usually the place to create and start the threads.

16.2 Race Conditions

A class that implements Runnable could start more than one thread per instance. However, all of the threads started from that object will be looking at the same instance of that object. Per-thread data can be in local variables of run, but take care when accessing class instance variables or data in other classes because multiple threads can access the same variables concurrently. For instance, Listing 16.10 shows an incorrect counter applet. Before reading further, take a look at the run method and see if you can see what is wrong.

Listing 16.10
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; /** Emulates the Counter and Counter2 classes, but this time  *  from an applet that invokes multiple versions of its own run  *  method. This version is likely to work correctly  *  <B>except</B> when  an important customer is visiting.  */ public class BuggyCounterApplet extends Applet                                 implements Runnable{   private int totalNum = 0;   private int loopLimit = 5;   // Start method of applet, not the start method of the thread.   // The applet start method is called by the browser after init is   // called.   public void start() {     Thread t;     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {       t = new Thread(this);       t.start();     }   }   private void pause(double seconds) {     try { Thread.sleep(Math.round(1000.0*seconds)); }     catch(InterruptedException ie) {}   }   public void run() {     int currentNum = totalNum;     System.out.println("Setting currentNum to " + currentNum);     totalNum = totalNum + 1;     for(int i=0; i<loopLimit; i++) {       System.out.println("Counter " + currentNum + ": " + i);       pause(Math.random());     }   } } 
Listing 16.11 Usual BuggyCounterApplet Output
> appletviewer BuggyCounterApplet.html Setting currentNum to 0 Counter 0: 0 Setting currentNum to 1 Counter 1: 0 Setting currentNum to 2 Counter 2: 0 Counter 2: 1 Counter 1: 1 Counter 0: 1 Counter 2: 2 Counter 0: 2 Counter 1: 2 Counter 1: 3 Counter 0: 3 Counter 2: 3 Counter 1: 4 Counter 2: 4 Counter 0: 4 

In the vast majority of cases, the output is correct as in Listing 16.11, and the temptation would be to assume that the class is indeed correct and to leave the class as it stands. In fact, however, the class suffers from the flawed assumption that no new thread will be created and read totalNum between the time the previous thread reads totalNum and increments the value. That is, the operation of this code depends on the previous thread "winning the race" to the increment operation. This assumption is unsafe, and, in fact, a small percent of the time the already activated thread will lose the race, as shown in Listing 16.12, obtained after running the same applet over and over many times.

Listing 16.12 Occasional BuggyCounterApplet Output
> appletviewer BuggyCounterApplet.html Setting currentNum to 0 Counter 0: 0 Setting currentNum to 1 Setting currentNum to 1 Counter 0: 1 Counter 1: 0 Counter 1: 0 Counter 0: 2 Counter 0: 3 Counter 1: 1 Counter 0: 4 Counter 1: 1 Counter 1: 2 Counter 1: 3 Counter 1: 2 Counter 1: 3 Counter 1: 4 Counter 1: 4 

Now, one obvious "solution" is to perform the updating of the thread number in a single step, as follows, rather than first reading the value, then incrementing the value a couple of lines later.

public void run() {   int currentNum = totalNum++;   System.out.println("Setting currentNum to " +                      currentNum);   for(int i=0; i<loopLimit; i++) {     System.out.println("Counter " + currentNum +                        ": " + i);     pause(Math.random());   } } 

Although the idea of performing the update in a single step is a good one, the Java Virtual Machine does not guarantee that this code really will be done in a single step. Sure, the program statement is a single line of Java source code, but who knows what goes on behind the scenes? The most likely scenario is that this approach simply shortens the race so the error occurs less frequently. Less frequent errors are worse, not better, because they are more likely to survive unnoticed until some critical moment. Fortunately, the Java programming language has a construct (synchronized) that lets you guarantee that a thread can complete a designated series of operations before another thread gets to execute any of the same operations. This concept is so important that we devote the entire next section to the topic.

16.3 Synchronization

Synchronization is a way to arbitrate contention for shared resources. When you synchronize a section of code, a "lock" (or "monitor") is set when the first thread enters that section of code. Unless the thread explicitly gives up the lock, no other thread can enter that section of code until the first one exits. In fact, synchronization can be even stronger than just locking a single section of code. A synchronized block has an Object as a tag, and once a thread enters a synchronized section of code, no other thread can enter any other section of code that is locked with the same tag.

Synchronizing a Section of Code

The way to protect a section of code that accesses shared resources is to place the code inside a synchronized block, as follows:

synchronized(someObject) {   code } 

The synchronization statement tells the system to block other threads from entering this section of code when the section is already in use. Once a thread enters the enclosed code, no other thread will be allowed to enter until the first thread exits or voluntarily gives up the lock through wait. Note that this lock does not mean that the designated code is executed uninterrupted; the thread scheduler can suspend a thread in the middle of the synchronized section to let another thread run. The key point is that the other thread will be executing a different section of code.

Also note that you lock sections of code, not objects. Every object has an associated flag that can be used as a monitor to control a synchronization lock. Using someObject as a label on the lock in no way "locks" someObject; the synchronized statement simply sets the flag. Other threads can still access the object, and race conditions are still possible if a different section of code accesses the same resources as those inside the synchronized block. However, you are permitted to use the same label on more than one block of code. Thus, once a thread enters a block that is synchronized on someObject, no other section of code that is also synchronized on someObject can run until either the first thread exits the synchronized section or the section of code explicitly gives up the lock. In fact, a single thread is allowed to hold the same lock multiple times, as when one synchronized block calls another block that is synchronized with the same lock.

Core Note


The synchronized construct locks sections of code, not objects.

Synchronizing an Entire Method

If you want to synchronize all of the code in a method, the Java programming language provides a shorthand method using the synchronized keyword, as follows:

public synchronized void someMethod() {   body } 

This declaration tells the system to perform someMethod in a synchronized manner, using the current object instance (i.e., this) as the lock label. That is, once a thread starts executing someMethod, no other thread can enter the method or any other section of code that is synchronized on the current object (this) until the current thread exits from someMethod or gives up the lock explicitly with wait. Thus, the following are equivalent.

public synchronized void someMethod() {   body } public void someMethod() {   synchronized(this) {     body   } } 

Now, after all the dire warnings about race conditions, programmers are sometimes tempted to synchronize everything in sight. Unfortunately, this can have performance penalties and can result in coarser-grained threading. For an extreme case, consider what would happen if you marked the run method as synchronized: you'd be forcing your code to run completely serially!

A static method that specifies synchronized has the same effect as one whose body is synchronized on the class object. The synchronized modifier of a method is not inherited, so if someMethod is overridden in a subclass, the method is no longer synchronized unless the synchronized keyword is repeated.

Core Warning


Overridden methods in subclasses do not inherit the synchronized declaration.

Common Synchronization Bug

When extending the Thread class, a common bug is to synchronize on this when sharing data across multiple instances of the threaded class. Consider the following example, where SomeThreadedClass contains a static object, someSharedObject, that has classwide visibility and is shared by all instances of the class. To avoid race conditions between each thread and to preserve data integrity of the shared object, the method, doSomeOperation, is synchronized. Does this block the other threads from entering the same method and modifying the shared data?

public class SomeThreadedClass extends Thread {   private static RandomClass someSharedObject;   ...   public synchronized void doSomeOperation() {     accessSomeSharedObject();   }   ...   public void run() {     while(someCondition) {       doSomeOperation();    // Accesses shared data.       doSomeOtherOperation();// No shared data.     }   } } 

Remember that a synchronized method declaration is equivalent to

synchronized(this){   ... } 

But if there are multiple instances of SomeThreadedClass, then there are multiple different this references. For this situation, each this reference is unique and not an appropriate lock to protect the shared data. Correcting the bug is simply a matter of selecting an appropriate lock object.

Synchronize on the Shared Data

One solution is to synchronize on the shared data object. Again, the internal data fields of the object are not "locked" and can be modified. The object is just a label (acting as a tag), telling all other threads looking at the same label (tag) whether or not they can enter the block of code.

public void doSomeOperation() {   synchronized(someSharedObject) {     accessSomeSharedObject();   } } 
Synchronize on the Class Object

Another solution is to synchronize on the class object. Java uses a unique Class object to represent information about each class. The syntax is as follows:

public void doSomeOperation() {   synchronized(SomeThreadedClass.class) {     accessSomeSharedObject();   } } 

Note that if you synchronize a static method, the lock is the corresponding Class object, not this.

Synchronize on an Arbitrary Object

The last solution is to simply create a new, arbitrary, shared (static) object in SomeThreadedClass to function as the lock monitor. Specifically,

public class SomeThreadedClass extends Thread {   private static Object lockObject = new Object();   ...   public void doSomeOperation() {     synchronized(lockObject) {       accessSomeSharedObject();     }   }   ... } 

This last approach allows you to select an appropriate name for the lock to simplify code maintenance. In addition, if the class has multiple shared objects requiring synchronization in different methods, then creating a new lock object is probably the easiest to implement.

The synchronization problem that occurs with multiple this references is not a concern for a class that implements the Runnable interface. In this situation, all the associated threads are executing in the same run method of the class. Each thread has the same this. To avoid race conditions with the shared data, synchronization on this (either explicitly in a synchronized block or implicitly by means of the synchronized keyword) is perfectly appropriate.

16.4 Creating a Multithreaded Method

Occasionally, you will realize, after the fact, that some of the code that you wrote just begs to be threaded. Often this occurs because the program moved from a single- user environment to a multiuser environment. Here, processing each user serially is no longer acceptable. Or, another possibility is that your program invokes a computation-intensive method, leaving the user to simply wait until the process has completed before continuing. Not pretty.

In many cases, you can create a new class that runs the designated task in the background without modifying the original class at all. Conceptually, the idea is to inherit from the original class, make the class Runnable, and override the original method to produce the threaded behavior and invoke the original method located in the superclass. For this approach to work, the following two restrictions should hold:

  • The method performs a task only; no side effects are produced on other variables.

  • The method does not return data; the method simply returns void.

For the first requirement, the understanding is that the method does not modify other variables (either in the class or outside the class) that might be required by a subsequent thread requiring the data; otherwise, a race condition may be produced. The second requirement is also necessary because the calling program would otherwise simply wait for the return result anyway. If these two conditions do not hold, then most likely the original class will require modification to prevent race conditions. Real examples where this approach is common include sending messages to a log file, processing clients on an HTTP (Web) server, and handling mail through an SMTP server.

To illustrate this approach, assume that the class, SomeClass, contains a method, foo, with a single parameter argument, randomArg, and that foo produces no side effects on other variables or objects. The basic template for threading the foo method without modifying the original class is:

public class ThreadedSomeClass extends SomeClass                                implements Runnable {   //foo returns void, since no side effects are allowed.   public void foo(RandomClass randomArg) {     MyThread t = new MyThread(this, randomArg);     t.start();   }   public void run() {     MyThread t = (MyThread)Thread.currentThread();     RandomClass randomArg =                 (RandomClass)t.getValueSavedEarlier();;   } } 

Wrapping a thread around the foo method ( permits foo to return immediately while the task continues to run in the background.

The basic template for MyThread is:

public class MyThread extends Thread {   private Object data;   public MyThread(Runnable runnable, Object data) {     super(runnable); = data;   }   public Object getValueSavedEarlier() {     return data;   } } 

The foo method argument, randomArg, is passed to the constructor of MyThread and saved as a local copy inside MyThread to avoid the possibility of a race condition. Saving a local copy of randomArg inside foo doesn't prevent the race condition because randomArg might be modified between the time that the thread is started and the time that the same thread is able to call in run. Synchronization in foo does not solve the problem either because program execution immediately jumps to another method. Once the thread is running, the data saved earlier in MyThread is retrieved and the original foo, located in the superclass, is then called.

The template for MyThread made one subtle assumption: that a "new" RandomClass object is passed into foo each time, or RandomClass is an immutable class (instance variables cannot change), for example, String, Integer, Float, Double, etc. MyThread only saves a reference to the randomArg object; any changes to instance variables of randomArg are also seen by data. Thus, if foo doesn't pass in a new RandomClass object each time, then object cloning in MyThread is required to truly preserve a local copy, as in = data.clone(); 

The clone method in RandomClass should perform deep cloning (copying of all internal objects primitive instance variables are always copied by default).

An example of creating a background process from an originally nonthreaded class method is shown in Listing 16.13 and Listing 16.14. The nonthreaded class, RSAKey, provides a method, calculateKey, to calculate an RSA public-private key pair, where the minimum number of digits for the public key is passed in as a parameter. The calculated RSA pair, along with the modulus, N, is printed to System.out. The source for can be downloaded from the on-line archive at

Listing 16.13
import java.math.BigInteger; /** Calculate RSA public key pairs with a minimum number of  *  required digits.  */ public class RSAKey {   private static final BigInteger ONE = new BigInteger("1");   // Determine the encryption and decryption key.   // To encrypt an integer M, compute R = M^e mod N.   // To decrypt the encrypted integer R, compute M = R^d mod N,   // where e is the public key and d is the private key.   // For a discussion of the algorithm see section 7.4.3 of   // Weiss's Data Structures and Problem Solving with Java.   public void computeKey(String strNumDigits) {     BigInteger p, q, n, m, encrypt, decrypt;     int numDigits = Integer.parseInt(strNumDigits);     if (numDigits%2==1) {       numDigits++;     }     do {       p = Primes.nextPrime(Primes.random(numDigits/2));       q = Primes.nextPrime(Primes.random(numDigits/2));       n = p.multiply(q);       m = (p.subtract(ONE)).multiply(q.subtract(ONE));       // Find encryption key, relatively prime to m.       encrypt = Primes.nextPrime(Primes.random(numDigits));       while (!encrypt.gcd(m).equals(ONE)) {         encrypt = Primes.nextPrime(encrypt);       }       // Decrypt key is multiplicative inverse of encrypt mod m.       decrypt = encrypt.modInverse(m);     // Ensure public and private key have size numDigits.     }while ((decrypt.toString().length() != numDigits) ||             (encrypt.toString().length() != numDigits) ||             (n.toString().length() != numDigits));     System.out.println("\nN       => " + n);     System.out.println("public  => " + encrypt);     System.out.println("private => " + decrypt);   } } 
Listing 16.14
import*; /** An example of creating a background process for an  *  originally nonthreaded, class method. Normally,  *  the program flow will wait until computeKey is finished.  */ public class ThreadedRSAKey extends RSAKey implements Runnable {   // Store strNumDigits into the thread to prevent race   // conditions.   public void computeKey(String strNumDigits) {     RSAThread t = new RSAThread(this, strNumDigits);     t.start();   }   // Retrieve the stored strNumDigits and call the original   // method.  Processing is now done in the background.   public void run() {     RSAThread t = (RSAThread)Thread.currentThread();     String strNumDigits = t.getStrDigits();     super.computeKey(strNumDigits);   }   public static void main(String[] args){     ThreadedRSAKey key = new ThreadedRSAKey();     for (int i=0; i<args.length ; i++) {         key.computeKey(args[i]);     }   } } class RSAThread extends Thread {    protected String strNumDigits;    public RSAThread(Runnable rsaObject, String strNumDigits) {       super(rsaObject);       this.strNumDigits = strNumDigits;    }    public String getStrDigits() {      return(strNumDigits);    } } 

Finding very large prime numbers is an extremely CPU-intensive process, so a natural extension is to thread the calculateKey method as a background process instead of waiting for the results to finish before performing another task. The class, ThreadedRSAKey, provides a threaded version of calculateKey, saving a local copy of the argument in an instance of RSAThread. An example of the output from the ThreadedRSAKey application is shown in Listing 16.15. As shown, calculation of the key pair with 5 digits (first command-line argument) is completed before the key pair with 25 digits (second command-line argument).

Prior to October 2000, the RSA algorithm was protected under United States Patent No. 4,405,829. Commercial use of the algorithm to encode and decode data without a license is now permitted.

Listing 16.15 ThreadedRSAKey Output
>java ThreadedRSAKey 50 8 N       => 22318033 public  => 99371593 private => 13439917 N       => 80587805972834425980516431184482416019941499846039 public  => 82145673210793850346670822324910704743113917481417 private => 54738576754079530157967908359197723401677283881913 

An additional example of creating a multithreaded method in an originally nonthreaded class is given in Section 17.8 (Example: A Simple HTTP Server). Here, a simple HTTP server handles client connections serially. After the handleConnection method is threaded, the number of clients that can make a connection to the HTTP server in a fixed time interval is limited by how fast a Socket object is obtained and how quickly a new thread can be launched.

16.5 Thread Methods

The following subsections summarize the constructors, constants, and methods in the Thread class. Included also are the wait, notify, and notifyAll methods (which really belong to Object, not just to Thread).


public Thread()

Using this constructor on the original Thread class is not very useful because once started, the thread will call its own run method, which is empty. However, a zero-argument constructor is commonly used for thread subclasses that have overridden the run method. Calling new Thread() is equivalent to calling new Thread(null, null, "Thread-N"), where N is automatically chosen by the system.

public Thread(Runnable target)

When you create a thread with a Runnable as a target, the target's run method will be used when start is called. This constructor is equivalent to Thread(null, target, "Thread-N").

public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target)

This method creates a thread with the specified target (whose run method will be used), placing the thread in the designated ThreadGroup as long as that group's checkAccess method permits this action. A ThreadGroup is a collection of threads that can be operated on as a set; see Section 16.6 for details. In fact, all threads belong to a ThreadGroup; if one is not specified, then ThreadGroup of the thread creating the new thread is used. This constructor is equivalent to Thread(group, target, "Thread-N").

public Thread(String name)

When threads are created, they are automatically given a name of the form "Thread-N" if a name is not specified. This constructor lets you supply your own name. Thread names can be retrieved with the getName method. This constructor is equivalent to Thread(null, null, name), meaning that the calling thread's ThreadGroup will be used and the new thread's own run method will be called when the thread is started.

public Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name)

This constructor creates a thread in the given group with the specified name. The thread's own run method will be used when the thread is started. This constructor is equivalent to Thread(group, null, name).

public Thread(Runnable target, String name)

This constructor creates a thread with the specified target and name. The target's run method will be used when the thread is started; this constructor is equivalent to Thread(null, target, name).

public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)

This constructor creates a thread with the given group, target, and name. If the group is not null, the new thread is placed in the specified group unless the group's checkAccess method throws a SecurityException. If the group is null, the calling thread's group is used. If the target is not null, the passed-in thread's run method is used when started; if the target is null, the thread's own run is used.


public final int MAX_PRIORITY

This priority is the highest assignable priority of a thread.

public final int MIN_PRIORITY

This priority is the lowest assignable priority of a thread.

public final int NORM_PRIORITY

This priority given to the first user thread. Subsequent threads are automatically given the priority of their creating thread.

Typical implementations of the JVM define MAX_PRIORITY equal to 10, NORM_PRIORITY equal to 5, and MIN_PRIORITY equal to 1. However, be advised that the priority of a Java thread may map differently to the thread priorities supported by the underlying operating system. For instance, the Solaris Operating Environment supports 231 priority levels, whereas Windows NT supports only 7 user priority levels. Thus, the 10 Java priority levels will map differently on the two operating systems. In fact, on Windows NT, two Java thread priorities can map to a single OS thread priority. If your program design is strongly dependent on thread priorities, thoroughly test your implementation before production release.


public static int activeCount()

This method returns the number of active threads in the thread's ThreadGroup (and all subgroups).

public void checkAccess()

This method determines if the currently running thread has permission to modify the thread. The checkAccess method is used in applets and other applications that implement a SecurityManager.

public static native Thread currentThread()

This method returns a reference to the currently executing thread. Note that this is a static method and can be called by arbitrary methods, not just from within a Thread object.

public void destroy()

This method kills the thread without performing any cleanup operations. If the thread locked any locks, they remain locked. As of JDK 1.2, this method is not implemented.

public static void dumpStack()

This method prints a stack trace to System.err.

public static int enumerate(Thread[ ] groupThreads)

This method finds all active threads in the ThreadGroup belonging to the currently executing thread (not a particular specified thread), placing the references in the designated array. Use activeCount to determine the size of the array needed.

public ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() [Java 2]

This method returns the ClassLoader used by the thread to load resources and other classes. Unless explicitly assigned through setContextClassLoader, the ClassLoader for the thread is the same as the ClassLoader for the parent thread.

public final String getName()

This method gives the thread's name.

public final int getPriority()

This method gives the thread's priority. See setPriority for a discussion of the way Java schedules threads of different priorities.

public final ThreadGroup getThreadGroup()

This method returns the ThreadGroup to which the thread belongs. All threads belong to a group; if none is specified in the Thread constructor, the calling thread's group is used.

public void interrupt()

This method can force two possible outcomes. First, if the thread is executing the join, sleep, or wait methods, then the corresponding method will throw an InterruptedException. Second, the method sets a flag in the thread that can be detected by isInterrupted. In that case, the thread is responsible for checking the status of the interrupted flag and taking action if required. Calling interrupted resets the flag; calling isInterrupted does not reset the flag.

public static boolean interrupted()

This static method checks whether the currently executing thread is interrupted (i.e., has its interrupted flag set through interrupt) and clears the flag. This method differs from isInterrupted, which only checks whether the specified thread is interrupted.

public final native boolean isAlive()

This method returns true for running or suspended threads, false for threads that have completed the run method. A thread calling isAlive on itself is not too useful, since if you can call any method, then you are obviously alive. The method is used by external methods to check the liveness of thread references they hold.

public final boolean isDaemon()

This method determines whether the thread is a daemon thread. A Java program will exit when the only active threads remaining are daemon threads. A thread initially has the same status as the creating thread, but this can be changed with setDaemon. The garbage collector is an example of a daemon thread.

public boolean isInterrupted()

This method checks whether the thread's interrupt flag has been set and does so without modifying the status of the flag. You can reset the flag by calling interrupted from within the run method of the flagged thread.

public final void join() throws InterruptedException

public final synchronized join(long milliseconds) throws InterruptedException

public final synchronized join(long milliseconds,int nanoseconds) throws InterruptedException

This method suspends the calling thread until either the specified timeout has elapsed or the thread on which join was called has terminated (i.e., would return false for isAlive). For those not familiar with the terminology of "thread joining," naming this method sleepUntilDead would have been clearer. This method provides a convenient way to wait until one thread has finished before starting another, but without polling or consuming too many CPU cycles. A thread should never try to join itself; the thread would simply wait forever (a bit boring, don't you think?). For more complex conditions, use wait and notify instead.

public final native void notify()

public final native void notifyAll()

Like wait, the notify and notifyAll method are really methods of Object, not just of Thread. The first method (notify) wakes up a single thread, and the second method (notifyAll) wakes all threads that are waiting for the specified object's lock. Only code that holds an object's lock (i.e., is inside a block of code synchronized on the object) can send a notify or notifyAll request; the thread or threads being notified will not actually be restarted until the process issuing the notify request gives up the lock. See the discussion of wait for more details.

public void run()

In this method the user places the actions to be performed. When run finishes, the thread exits. The method creating the thread should not call run directly on the thread object; the method should instead call start on the thread object.

public void setContextClassLoader(ClassLoader loader) [Java 2]

This method sets the ClassLoader for the thread. The ClassLoader defines the manner in which the Java Virtual Machine loads classes and resources used by the thread. If a SecurityManager prevents the assignment of a different ClassLoader, then a SecurityException is thrown. If not explicitly assigned, the ClassLoader for the thread assumes the same loader as for the parent thread.

public final void setDaemon(boolean becomeDaemon)

This method sets the daemon status of the thread. A thread initially has the same status as that of the creating thread, but this status can be changed with setDaemon. A Java program will exit when the only active threads remaining are daemon threads.

public final void setName(String threadName)

This method changes the name of the thread.

public final void setPriority(int threadPriority)

This method changes the thread's priority; higher-priority threads are supposed to be executed in favor of lower-priority ones. Legal values range from Thread.MIN_PRIORITY to Thread.MAX_PRIORITY. A thread's default priority is the same as the creating thread. The priority cannot be set higher than the MAX_PRIORITY of the thread's thread group. Be careful because starvation can occur: almost all current implementations use a completely preemptive scheduler where lower-priority threads will never be executed unless the higher-priority threads terminate, sleep, or wait for I/O.

public static native void sleep(long milliseconds) throws InterruptedException

public static native void sleep(long milliseconds, int nanoseconds) throws InterruptedException

This method does a nonbusy wait for at least the specified amount of time unless the thread is interrupted. Since sleep is a static method, sleep is used by nonthreaded applications as well.

Core Approach


You can use Thread.sleep from any method, not just in threads.

public synchronized native void start()

This method is called to initialize the thread and then call run. If the thread is created with a null target (see the constructors earlier in this section), then start calls its own run method. But if some Runnable is supplied, then start calls the run method of that Runnable.

Note that applets also have a start method that is called after init is finished and before the first call to paint. Don't confuse the applet's start method with the start method of threads, although the applet's start method is a convenient place for applets to initiate threads.

public final void wait() throws InterruptedException

public final void wait(long milliseconds) throws InterruptedException

public final void wait(long milliseconds, int nanoseconds) throws InterruptedException

These methods give up the lock and suspend the current thread. The thread is restarted by notify or notifyAll. This method is actually a member of Object, not just of Thread, but can only be called from within a synchronized method or block of code. For example,

public synchronized void someMethod() {   doSomePreliminaries();   while (!someContinueCondition()) {     try {       // Give up the lock and suspend ourselves.       // We'll rely on somebody else to wake us up,       // but will check someContinueCondition before       // proceeding, just in case we get woken up       // for the wrong reason.       wait();     } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}   }   continueOperations(); } 

You call wait on the object that is used to set up (tag) the synchronized block, so if the synchronization object is not the current object (this), simply call wait on the synchronizing object explicitly, as in the following example.

public void someOtherMethod() {   doSomeUnsynchronizedStuff();   synchronized(someObject) {     doSomePreliminaries();     while (!someContinueCondition()) {       try {         someObject.wait();       } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}     }     continueOperations();   }   doSomeMoreUnsynchronizedStuff(); } 

See Listing 16.16 for an example of using wait and notify.

public static native void yield()

If two threads of the same priority are running and neither thread sleeps or waits for I/O, they may or may not alternate execution. Using yield gives up execution to any other process of the same priority that is waiting and is a good practice to ensure that time-slicing takes place. Although leaving the details of time-slicing to the implementation definitely seems appropriate, in our opinion, not requiring that threads be time-sliced is a significant drawback in an otherwise excellent thread specification. Fortunately, virtually all Java 2 implementations perform time-slicing properly.

Stopping a Thread

In the original Java thread model, a stop method was included to terminate a live thread. This method was immediately deprecated in the next release of the Java platform since termination of a thread by stop immediately released all associated locks, potentially placing these locks in an inconsistent state for the remaining threads; housecleaning was not performed. The correct approach for terminating a thread is to set a flag that causes the run method to complete. For example,

class ThreadExample implements Runnable {   private boolean running;   public ThreadExample()      Thread thread = new Thread(this);      thread.start();   }   public void run(){     running = true;     while (running) {     ...     }   }   public void setRunning(boolean running) {     this.running = running;   } } 

Setting the flag running to false anywhere in the program will terminate the while loop the next time the thread is granted CPU time and the loop test is performed. This approach works well for a single thread executing in the run method or if all threads executing in the run method should be terminated through the same single flag.

For classes that inherit from Thread, each instance of the class contains a separate run method. The best approach for this situation is to add a public method to the class for setting an internal flag to terminate the run method. Consider the template shown in Listing 16.16 (originally written by Scott Oaks and published in Java Report, Vol. 2, No. 11, 1997, p. 87). The class provides a public method, setState, to change the thread state to STOP, RUN, or WAIT. In the run method of the class, the state of the thread is continuously polled, and when the state is changed to STOP (either through the object itself or through another object invoking the public setState method), the while loop terminates and the instance of the thread dies. In addition, the thread can conveniently be placed in a waiting state (WAIT), where the thread will remain until interrupted, thread.interrupt(), or the state is set to RUN. Each instance of a thread from the class can be controlled individually through this technique.

Listing 16.16
/** A template to control the state of a thread through setting  *  an internal flag.  */ public class StoppableThread extends Thread {    public static final int STOP    = 0;    public static final int RUN     = 1;    public static final int WAIT    = 2;    private int state = RUN;   /** Public method to permit setting a flag to stop or    *  suspend the thread.  The state is monitored through the    *  corresponding checkState method.    */    public synchronized void setState(int state) {       this.state = state;       if (state==RUN) {          notify();       }    }   /** Returns the desired state of the thread (RUN, STOP, WAIT).    *  Normally, you may want to change the state or perform some    *  other task if an InterruptedException occurs.    */    private synchronized int checkState() {       while (state==WAIT) {         try {           wait();         } catch (InterruptedException e) { }       }       return state;    }   /** An example of thread that will continue to run until    *  the creating object tells the thread to STOP.    */    public void run() {       while (checkState()!=STOP) {          ...       }    } } 
Stopping Threads in an Applet

Applets have a stop method that is called whenever the Web page is exited or, in the case of Netscape, when the browser is resized. Depending on the browser, threads are not automatically stopped when transferring to another Web page, so you should normally put code in the applet's stop method to set flags to terminate all active threads.

Core Approach


If you make a multithreaded applet, you should halt the threads in the applet's stop method, restarting them in the applet's start method.

16.6 Thread Groups

The ThreadGroup class provides a convenient mechanism for controlling sets of threads. A ThreadGroup can contain other thread groups in addition to threads, letting you arrange groups hierarchically. The constructors and methods for the ThreadGroup class are summarized in the following subsections.


public ThreadGroup(String groupName)

This constructor creates a named ThreadGroup that belongs to the same group as the thread that called the constructor.

public ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup parent, String groupName)

This constructor creates a named ThreadGroup that belongs to the specified parent group.


public synchronized int activeCount()

This method gives the number of active threads directly or indirectly in the thread group as of the time the method call was initiated.

public synchronized int activeGroupCount()

This method gives the number of active thread groups in the group as of the time the method call was initiated.

public final void checkAccess()

This method determines whether the calling thread is allowed to modify the group. The checkAccess method is used by applets and applications with a custom SecurityManager.

public final synchronized void destroy()

If the group contains no threads, the group (and any empty subgroups) is destroyed and removed from the parent group. The method throws an IllegalThreadStateException if the group contains any threads when this method is called.

public int enumerate(Thread[ ] threads)

public int enumerate(Thread[ ] threads, boolean recurse)

public int enumerate(ThreadGroup[ ] groups)

public int enumerate(ThreadGroup[ ] groups, boolean recurse)

These methods copy the references of active threads or thread groups into the specified array. If the recurse flag is true, the method recursively descends child groups.

public final int getMaxPriority()

This method returns the maximum priority that can be assigned to any thread in the group. See setMaxPriority for setting the value.

public final String getName()

This method returns the name of the group.

public final ThreadGroup getParent()

This method returns the parent group. The first group created in the system will have a null parent.

public final void interrupt()

This method invokes the interrupt method of each thread in the group and all subgroups if permitted by the security manager.

public final boolean isDaemon()

This methods tells you whether the group is a daemon group. Daemon groups are automatically destroyed when they are empty.

public final boolean isDestroyed()

This method determines whether the thread group is destroyed. A daemon group is automatically destroyed if the last thread is no longer running or the last subgroup is destroyed. Adding a Thread or ThreadGroup to a destroyed thread group is not permitted.

public synchronized void list()

This method prints all the threads and subgroups in the group to System.out and is a useful debugging tool.

public final boolean parentOf(ThreadGroup descendant)

This method determines whether the group is an ancestor (not necessarily the direct parent) of the specified descendant group.

public final void setDaemon(boolean becomeDaemon)

A group automatically gets the daemon status of the parent group; this method can change that initial status. A daemon group is automatically destroyed when the group becomes empty.

public final synchronized void setMaxPriority(int max)

This method gives the maximum priority that any thread in the group can be explicitly given by setPriority. Threads in the thread group with higher priorities remain unchanged. The threads can still inherit a higher priority from their creating thread, however.

public void uncaughtException(Thread thread,Throwable error)

When a thread throws an exception that is not caught, execution flow is transferred to the uncaughtException method first. The default behavior is to print a stack trace.

16.7 Multithreaded Graphics and Double Buffering

One common application of threads is to develop dynamic graphics. Various standard approaches are available, each of which has various advantages and disadvantages.

  • Redraw Everything in paint. This approach is simple and easy, but if things change quickly, drawing everything in paint is slow and can result in a flickering display.

  • Implement the Dynamic Part as a Separate Component. This approach is relatively easy and eliminates the flickering problem but requires a null layout manager and can be quite slow.

  • Have Routines Other Than paint Draw Directly. This approach is easy, efficient, and flicker free but results in "transient" drawing that is lost the next time the screen is redrawn.

  • Override update and Have paint Do Incremental Updating. This approach eliminates the flicker and improves efficiency somewhat but requires the graphics to be nonoverlapping.

  • Use Double Buffering. This approach is the most efficient option and has no problem with overlapping graphics. However, double buffering is more complex than other approaches and requires additional memory resources.

Redraw Everything in paint

A common technique in graphical Java programs is to have processes set parameters that describe the appearance of the window, rather than drawing the graphics themselves. The various routines call repaint to schedule a call to paint, and paint does the necessary drawing based on the parameters that have been set. The repaint method actually calls update, which clears the screen and then calls paint with the appropriate Graphics object. The paint method also is called automatically after the applet is initialized, whenever part of the applet is obscured and reexposed and when certain other resizing or layout events occur. A rectangular region can also be supplied when the repaint method is called to determine the clipping region given to the Graphics object used in update and paint. However, determining the proper area is difficult, and the entire region, not just some particular graphical items, is still redrawn.

For instance, suppose you are developing a user interface for a naval simulation system and you need to animate the icons that represent the ships. A background thread (or threads) could be updating the positions, then periodically invoking repaint. The paint method simply loops over all the simulation objects, drawing them in their current positions, as shown in the simplified example of Listing 16.17.

Listing 16.17
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class ShipSimulation extends Applet implements Runnable {   ...     public void run() {     Ship s;     for(int i=0; i<ships.length; i++) {       s = ships[i];       s.move(); // Update location.     }     repaint();   }   ...   public void paint(Graphics g) {     Ship s;     for(int i=0; i<ships.length; i++) {       s = ships[i];       g.draw(s); // Draw at current location.     }   } } 

Alternatively, you might only initiate changes to the interface at user request but still redraw everything each time. For example, suppose that you want to draw some sort of image wherever the user clicks the mouse. Listing 16.18 shows a solution using the "store and redraw" approach, with a sample result shown in Figure 16-1. Here, when the user clicks the mouse, a new SimpleCircle object is created and added to the data structure. The repaint method is immediately called and completely redraws each SimpleCircle in the data structure on the applet.

Figure 16-1. By storing results in a permanent data structure and redrawing the whole structure every time paint is invoked, you cause the drawing to persist even after the window is covered up and reexposed.


Listing 16.18
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Vector; /** An applet that draws a small circle where you click.*/ public class DrawCircles extends Applet {   private Vector circles;   /** When you click the mouse, create a SimpleCircle,    *  put it in the Vector, and tell the system    *  to repaint (which calls update, which clears    *  the screen and calls paint).    */   private class CircleDrawer extends MouseAdapter {     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {       circles.addElement(          new SimpleCircle(event.getX(),event.getY(),25));       repaint();     }   }   public void init() {     circles = new Vector();     addMouseListener(new CircleDrawer());     setBackground(Color.white);   }   /** This loops down the available SimpleCircle objects,    *  drawing each one.    */   public void paint(Graphics g) {     SimpleCircle circle;     for(int i=0; i<circles.size(); i++) {       circle = (SimpleCircle)circles.elementAt(i);       circle.draw(g);     }   } } 

Listing 16.19 presents the SimpleCircle class used in DrawCircles.

Listing 16.19
import java.awt.*; /** A class to store an x, y, and radius, plus a draw method.  */ public class SimpleCircle {   private int x, y, radius;   public SimpleCircle(int x, int y, int radius) {     setX(x);     setY(y);     setRadius(radius);   }   /** Given a Graphics, draw the SimpleCircle    *  centered around its current position.    */   public void draw(Graphics g) {     g.fillOval(x -- radius, y -- radius,                radius * 2, radius * 2);   }   public int getX() { return(x); }   public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; }   public int getY() { return(y); }   public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; }   public int getRadius() { return(radius); }   public void setRadius(int radius) {     this.radius = radius;   } } 
Pros and Cons

This approach is quite simple and was well suited to the circle-drawing application. However, the approach is poorly suited to applications that have complicated, time-consuming graphics (because all or part of the window gets redrawn each time) or for ones that have frequent changes (because of the flicker caused by the clearing of the screen).

Implement the Dynamic Part as a Separate Component

Components know how to update themselves, so the Container that uses a Component need not explicitly draw it. For instance, in the simulation example above, the ships could be implemented as custom subclasses of Canvas and placed in a window with a null layout manager. To update the positions, the main simulation process could simply call move on the components. Similarly, drawing triggered by user events is a simple matter of creating a Component, setting its x and y locations, and adding the component to the current Container. An example of drawing circles this way is shown in Section 13.9 (Serializing Windows).

Pros and Cons

In some situations, this approach is easier than doing things explicitly in paint because the movement can be controlled directly by the Component, with few changes required in the code for the Container. However, this approach suffers from problems with overlapping components and also suffers from poor speed performance and memory usage. Creating a separate Canvas for each drawing is expensive, and moving the component involves more than just redrawing.

Have Routines Other Than paint Draw Directly

In some cases, you don't want to bother to call paint at all, but you want to do drawing directly. You can do the drawing by getting the Graphics object, using getGraphics, setting the drawing mode to use XOR, then directly calling the drawXxx methods of the Graphics object. You can erase the original drawing by drawing in the same location a second time, at least as long as multiple drawing does not overlap. To illustrate this technique, Listing 16.20 creates a simple Applet that lets the user create and stretch "rubberband" rectangles. Figure 16-2 shows a typical result.

Figure 16-2. Direct drawing from threads or event handlers is easy to implement and is very fast but gives transient results.


Listing 16.20
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /** Draw "rubberband" rectangles when the user drags  *  the mouse.  */ public class Rubberband extends Applet {   private int startX, startY, lastX, lastY;   public void init() {     addMouseListener(new RectRecorder());     addMouseMotionListener(new RectDrawer());     setBackground(Color.white);   }   /** Draw the rectangle, adjusting the x, y, w, h    *  to correctly accommodate for the opposite corner of the    *  rubberband box relative to the start position.    */   private void drawRectangle(Graphics g, int startX, int startY,                              int stopX, int stopY ) {     int x, y, w, h;     x = Math.min(startX, stopX);     y = Math.min(startY, stopY);     w = Math.abs(startX -- stopX);     h = Math.abs(startY -- stopY);     g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);   }   private class RectRecorder extends MouseAdapter {     /** When the user presses the mouse, record the      *  location of the top--left corner of rectangle.      */     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {       startX = event.getX();       startY = event.getY();       lastX = startX;       lastY = startY;     }     /** Erase the last rectangle when the user releases      *  the mouse.      */     public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {       Graphics g = getGraphics();       g.setXORMode(Color.lightGray);       drawRectangle(g, startX, startY, lastX, lastY);     }   }   private class RectDrawer extends MouseMotionAdapter {     /** This draws a rubberband rectangle, from the location      *  where the mouse was first clicked to the location      *  where the mouse is dragged.      */     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {       int x = event.getX();       int y = event.getY();       Graphics g = getGraphics();       g.setXORMode(Color.lightGray);       drawRectangle(g, startX, startY, lastX, lastY);       drawRectangle(g, startX, startY, x, y);       lastX = x;       lastY = y;     }   } } 
Pros and Cons

This approach (direct drawing instead of setting variables that paint will use) is appropriate for temporary drawing; direct drawing is simple and efficient. However, if paint is ever triggered, this drawing will be lost. So, this approach is not appropriate for permanent drawing.

Override update and Have paint Do Incremental Updating

Suppose that some graphical objects need to be moved around on the screen. Suppose further that the objects never overlap one another. In such a case, rather than clearing the screen and completely redrawing the new situation, you could use the paint method to erase the object at its old location (say, by drawing a solid rectangle in the background color) and then redraw the object at the new location, saving the time required to redraw the rest of the window. The paint method could be triggered from some mouse or keyboard event or by a background thread calling the applet's repaint method. For this technique to work without flickering, however, you must define a new version of update that does not clear the screen before calling paint.

public void update(Graphics g) {   paint(g); } 

Also, because paint runs from the same foreground thread that watches for mouse and keyboard events, keeping the time spent in paint as short as possible is important to prevent the system from being unresponsive to buttons, scrollbars, and the like.

Core Approach


Minimize the amount of time spent in paint because event handling executes in the same thread.

To illustrate this approach, Listing 16.21 shows an applet that lets you create any number of small circles that bounce around in the window. As can be seen in Figure 16-3, the incremental drawing works well everywhere except where the circles overlap, where erasing one circle can accidentally erase part of another circle.

Figure 16-3. Incremental updating from paint can be flicker free and relatively fast, but it does not easily handle overlapping items.


Listing 16.21
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Vector; /** Bounce circles around on the screen. Doesn't use double  *  buffering, so has problems with overlapping circles.  *  Overrides update to avoid flicker problems.  */ public class Bounce extends Applet implements Runnable,                                               ActionListener {   private Vector circles;   private int width, height;   private Button startButton, stopButton;   private Thread animationThread = null;   public void init() {     setBackground(Color.white);     width = getSize().width;     height = getSize().height;     circles = new Vector();     startButton = new Button("Start a circle");     startButton.addActionListener(this);     add(startButton);     stopButton = new Button("Stop all circles");     stopButton.addActionListener(this);     add(stopButton);   }   /** When the "start" button is pressed, start the animation    *  thread if it is not already started. Either way, add a    *  circle to the Vector of circles that are being bounced.    *  <P>    *  When the "stop" button is pressed, stop the thread and    *  clear the Vector of circles.    */   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {     if (event.getSource() == startButton) {       if (circles.size() == 0) {         // Erase any circles from previous run.         getGraphics().clearRect(0, 0, getSize().width,                                       getSize().height);         animationThread = new Thread(this);         animationThread.start();       }       int radius = 25;       int x = radius + randomInt(width -- 2 * radius);       int y = radius + randomInt(height -- 2 * radius);       int deltaX = 1 + randomInt(10);       int deltaY = 1 + randomInt(10);       circles.addElement(new MovingCircle(x, y, radius, deltaX,                                           deltaY));     } else if (event.getSource() == stopButton) {       if (animationThread != null) {         animationThread = null;         circles.removeAllElements();       }     }     repaint();   }   /** Each time around the loop, call paint and then take a    *  short pause. The paint method will move the circles and    *  draw them.    */   public void run() {     Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread();     // Really while animationThread not null     while(animationThread==myThread) {       repaint();       pause(100);     }   }   /** Skip the usual screen--clearing step of update so that    *  there is no flicker between each drawing step.    */   public void update(Graphics g) {     paint(g);   }   /** Erase each circle's old position, move it, then draw it    *  in new location.    */   public void paint(Graphics g) {     MovingCircle circle;     for(int i=0; i<circles.size(); i++) {       circle = (MovingCircle)circles.elementAt(i);       g.setColor(getBackground());       circle.draw(g);  // Old position.       circle.move(width, height);       g.setColor(getForeground());       circle.draw(g);  // New position.     }   }   // Returns an int from 0 to max (inclusive),   // yielding max + 1 possible values.   private int randomInt(int max) {     double x =       Math.floor((double)(max + 1) * Math.random());     return((int)(Math.round(x)));   }   // Sleep for the specified amount of time.   private void pause(int milliseconds) {     try {       Thread.sleep((long)milliseconds);     } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}   } } 

The Bounce class makes use of MovingCircle, a class that encapsulates the movement of the circle as well as the position and size, which are inherited from SimpleCircle. MovingCircle is shown in Listing 16.22.

Listing 16.22
/** An extension of SimpleCircle that can be moved around  *  according to deltaX and deltaY values. Movement will  *  continue in a given direction until the edge of the circle  *  reaches a wall, when it will "bounce" and move in the other  *  direction.  */ public class MovingCircle extends SimpleCircle {   private int deltaX, deltaY;   public MovingCircle(int x, int y, int radius, int deltaX,                       int deltaY) {     super(x, y, radius);     this.deltaX = deltaX;     this.deltaY = deltaY;   }   public void move(int windowWidth, int windowHeight) {     setX(getX() + getDeltaX());     setY(getY() + getDeltaY());     bounce(windowWidth, windowHeight);   }   private void bounce(int windowWidth, int windowHeight) {     int x = getX(), y = getY(), radius = getRadius(),         deltaX = getDeltaX(), deltaY = getDeltaY();     if ((x -- radius < 0) && (deltaX < 0)) {       setDeltaX(--deltaX);     } else if ((x + radius > windowWidth) && (deltaX > 0)) {       setDeltaX(--deltaX);     }     if ((y --radius < 0) && (deltaY < 0)) {       setDeltaY(--deltaY);     } else if((y + radius > windowHeight) && (deltaY > 0)) {       setDeltaY(--deltaY);     }   }   public int getDeltaX() {     return(deltaX);   }   public void setDeltaX(int deltaX) {     this.deltaX = deltaX;   }   public int getDeltaY() {     return(deltaY);   }   public void setDeltaY(int deltaY) {     this.deltaY = deltaY;   } } 
Pros and Cons

This approach takes a bit more effort than previous ones and requires that your objects be nonoverlapping. However, incremental updating lets you implement "permanent" drawing more quickly than redrawing everything every time.

Use Double Buffering

Consider a scenario that involves many different moving objects or overlapping objects. Drawing several different objects individually is expensive, and, if the objects overlap, reliably erasing them in their old positions is difficult. In such a situation, double buffering is often employed. In this approach, an off-screen image (pixmap) is created, and all of the drawing operations are done into this image. The actual "drawing" of the window consists of a single step: draw the image on the screen. As before, the update method is overridden to avoid clearing of the screen. Even though the image replaces the applet graphics each time something is drawn to the image, the default implementation of update would still clear the applet in the background color before drawing the image.

Double buffering is automatically built into Swing components. However, for AWT components, double buffering must be provided by the programmer. Although different variations are available for double buffering, the basic approach involves five steps.

  1. Override update to simply call paint. This step prevents the flicker that would normally occur each time update clears the screen before calling paint.

  2. Allocate an Image by using createImage. Since this image uses native window-system support, the allocation cannot be done until a window actually appears. For instance, you should call createImage in an applet from init (or later), not in the direct initialization of an instance variable. For an application, you should wait until after the initial frame has been displayed (e.g., by setVisible) before calling createImage. However, calling createImage for a component that has no peer results in the return of null. Normally, the peer is created when the component is first displayed. Or, you can call addNotify to force creation of the peer prior to setVisible.

Core Warning


Calling createImage from a component that is not visible results in null.

  1. Look up the Graphics object by using getGraphics. Unlike the case with windows, where you need to look up the Graphics context each time you draw, with images you can reliably get the Graphics object associated with the image once, store the object in a reference, and reuse the same reference thereafter.

  2. For each step, clear the image and redraw all objects. This step will be dramatically faster than drawing onto a visible window. In Swing, you achieve this result by calling super.paintComponent.

  3. Draw the off-screen image onto the window. Use drawImage for this step.

Listing 16.23 shows a concrete implementation of this approach. DoubleBufferBounce changes the previous Bounce applet to use double buffering, resulting in improved performance and eliminating the problems with overlapping circles. Figure 16-4 shows the result.

Figure 16-4. Double buffering allows fast, flicker-free updating of possibly overlapping images, but at the cost of some complexity and additional memory usage.


Listing 16.23
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Vector; /** Bounce circles around on the screen, using double buffering  *  for speed and to avoid problems with overlapping circles.  *  Overrides update to avoid flicker problems.  */ public class DoubleBufferBounce extends Applet implements                                       Runnable, ActionListener {   private Vector circles;   private int width, height;   private Image offScreenImage;   private Graphics offScreenGraphics;   private Button startButton, stopButton;   private Thread animationThread = null;   public void init() {     setBackground(Color.white);     width = getSize().width;     height = getSize().height;     offScreenImage = createImage(width, height);     offScreenGraphics = offScreenImage.getGraphics();     // Automatic in some systems, not in others.     offScreenGraphics.setColor(;     circles = new Vector();     startButton = new Button("Start a circle");     startButton.addActionListener(this);     add(startButton);     stopButton = new Button("Stop all circles");     stopButton.addActionListener(this);     add(stopButton);   }   /** When the "start" button is pressed, start the animation    *  thread if it is not already started. Either way, add a    *  circle to the Vector of circles that are being bounced.    *  <P>    *  When the "stop" button is pressed, stop the thread and    *  clear the Vector of circles.    */   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {     if (event.getSource() == startButton) {       if (circles.size() == 0) {         animationThread = new Thread(this);         animationThread.start();       }       int radius = 25;       int x = radius + randomInt(width -- 2 * radius);       int y = radius + randomInt(height -- 2 * radius);       int deltaX = 1 + randomInt(10);       int deltaY = 1 + randomInt(10);       circles.addElement(new MovingCircle(x, y, radius, deltaX,                                           deltaY));       repaint();     } else if (event.getSource() == stopButton) {       if (animationThread != null) {         animationThread = null;         circles.removeAllElements();       }     }   }   /** Each time around the loop, move each circle based on its    *  current position and deltaX/deltaY values. These values    *  reverse when the circles reach the edge of the window.    */   public void run() {     MovingCircle circle;     Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread();     // Really while animationThread not null.     while(animationThread==myThread) {       for(int j=0; j<circles.size(); j++) {         circle = (MovingCircle)circles.elementAt(j);         circle.move(width, height);       }       repaint();       pause(100);     }   }   /** Skip the usual screen--clearing step of update so that    *  there is no flicker between each drawing step.    */   public void update(Graphics g) {     paint(g);   }   /** Clear the off--screen pixmap, draw each circle onto it, then    *  draw that pixmap onto the applet window.    */   public void paint(Graphics g) {     offScreenGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);     MovingCircle circle;     for(int i=0; i<circles.size(); i++) {       circle = (MovingCircle)circles.elementAt(i);       circle.draw(offScreenGraphics);     }     g.drawImage(offScreenImage, 0, 0, this);   }   // Returns an int from 0 to max (inclusive), yielding max + 1   // possible values.   private int randomInt(int max) {     double x = Math.floor((double)(max + 1) * Math.random());     return((int)(Math.round(x)));   }   // Sleep for the specified amount of time.   private void pause(int milliseconds) {     try {       Thread.sleep((long)milliseconds);     } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}   } } 
Pros and Cons

Drawing into an off-screen image and then drawing that image once to the screen is much faster than drawing directly to the screen. Double buffering allows fast, flicker-free updating even when no reliable way to erase the old graphics is available. However, double buffering is more complex than most of the previously discussed options and requires extra memory for the off-screen image.

Don't underestimate the beauty and strength of double buffering. Granted, additional programing is required to achieve double buffering in the AWT model. However, once you move to Swing components (covered in Chapter 14, Basic Swing), everything you've learned about double buffering becomes commonplace, because double buffering is built right into the Swing model. What a plus!

16.8 Animating Images

An exciting application for threads is animation of images. Many Web pages contain animated GIF files (GIF89A) that cycle through a sequence of images. Typically, these animated GIF files are created with graphical packages like Adobe PhotoShop and Quark, which permit selection of a sequence of equal-sized images to combine into a single GIF file. When loaded into a browser, each subimage in the GIF sequence is presented to the user in a time-sliced fashion. The Java programming language provides better control over animated GIF89A files because the sequence of images can be explicitly controlled, as can the timing interval between image updates. The basic concept for creating animated images is as follows:

  • Read the sequence of images into an Image array.

  • Define an index variable to sequence through the Image array.

  • Start a thread to continuously cycle through a sequence of index values, calling repaint and sleep after each change of the index value.

  • In paint (AWT) or paintComponent (Swing), draw the indexed image to the Graphics or Graphics2D object.

The order in which the images are presented to the user is controlled by the index sequence, and the delay between image updates is controlled by the sleeping interval of the thread (as well as by the OS). See Section 9.12 (Drawing Images) for additional information on loading and drawing images.

An example of creating an animated image is shown in Listing 16.24. In this applet, each Duke object represents a unique thread cycling an index through an array of 15 images. One thread cycles through the index values in increasing order (tumbleDirection of 1), while the other thread cycles through the index values in decreasing order (tumbleDirection of -1). For each thread to have knowledge of the repaint method in the applet, a reference to the parent Applet is passed in to the Duke constructor. Whenever an index value is changed in either thread, redrawing of the applet is requested by a call to repaint. The paint method queries each thread for the corresponding image index value and then draws the correct DukeTM image stored in the array to the Graphics object.

Additionally, the Duke class provides a public setState method so that the thread can be courteously started and stopped when the HTML file is loaded and removed from the browser. The result for this applet is shown in Figure 16-5. An excellent enhancement to this animation would be to preload the images before any drawing is performed. See Section 9.13 (Preloading Images) and Section 9.14 (Controlling Image Loading: Waiting for Images and Checking Status) for additional details.

Figure 16-5. The use of threads to perform animation of Duke. [Duke is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Images used with permission. All rights reserved.]


Listing 16.24
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class ImageAnimation extends Applet { /** Sequence through an array of 15 images to perform the  *  animation. A separate Thread controls each tumbling Duke.  *  The Applet's stop method calls a public service of the  *  Duke class to terminate the thread. Override update to  *  avoid flicker problems.  */   private static final int NUMDUKES  = 2;   private Duke[] dukes;   private int i;   public void init() {     dukes = new Duke[NUMDUKES];     setBackground(Color.white);   }   /** Start each thread, specifing a direction to sequence    *  through the array of images.    */   public void start() {     int tumbleDirection;     for (int i=0; i<NUMDUKES ; i++) {       tumbleDirection = (i%2==0) ? 1 :--1;       dukes[i] = new Duke(tumbleDirection, this);       dukes[i].start();     }   }   /** Skip the usual screen--clearing step of update so that    *  there is no flicker between each drawing step.    */   public void update(Graphics g) {     paint(g);   }   public void paint(Graphics g) {     for (i=0 ; i<NUMDUKES ; i++) {       if (dukes[i] != null) {         g.drawImage(Duke.images[dukes[i].getIndex()],                     200*i, 0, this);       }     }   }   /** When the Applet's stop method is called, use the public    *  service, setState, of the Duke class to set a flag and    *  terminate the run method of the thread.    */   public void stop() {     for (int i=0; i<NUMDUKES ; i++) {       if (dukes[i] != null) {         dukes[i].setState(Duke.STOP);       }     }   } } 
Listing 16.25
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; /** Duke is a Thread that has knowledge of the parent applet  *  (highly coupled) and thus can call the parent's repaint  *  method. Duke is mainly responsible for changing an index  *  value into an image array.  */ public class Duke extends Thread {   public static final int STOP = 0;   public static final int RUN  = 1;   public static final int WAIT = 2;   public static Image[] images;   private static final int NUMIMAGES = 15;   private static Object lock = new Object();   private int state = RUN;   private int tumbleDirection;   private int index = 0;   private Applet parent;   public Duke(int tumbleDirection, Applet parent) {     this.tumbleDirection = tumbleDirection;     this.parent = parent;     synchronized(lock) {       if (images==null) {  // If not previously loaded.         images = new Image[ NUMIMAGES ];         for (int i=0; i<NUMIMAGES; i++) {           images[i] = parent.getImage( parent.getCodeBase(),                                        "images/T" + i + ".gif");         }       }     }   }   /** Return current index into image array.  */   public int getIndex() { return index; }   /** Public method to permit setting a flag to stop or    *  suspend the thread. State is monitored through    *  corresponding checkState method.    */   public synchronized void setState(int state) {     this.state = state;     if (state==RUN) {       notify();     }   }   /** Returns the desired state (RUN, STOP, WAIT) of the    *  thread. If the thread is to be suspended, then the    *  thread method wait is continuously called until the    *  state is changed through the public method setState.    */   private synchronized int checkState() {     while (state==WAIT) {       try {         wait();       } catch (InterruptedException e) {}     }     return state;   }   /** The variable index (into image array) is incremented    *  once each time through the while loop, calls repaint,    *  and pauses for a moment. Each time through the loop the    *  state (flag) of the thread is checked.    */   public void run() {     while (checkState()!=STOP) {       index += tumbleDirection;       if (index < 0) {         index = NUMIMAGES -- 1;       }       if (index >= NUMIMAGES) {         index = 0;       }       parent.repaint();       try {         Thread.sleep(100);       } catch (InterruptedException e) {         break;   // Break while loop.       }     }   } } 

Interestingly, Java does support GIF89A files. Simply load the GIF file into an Image object and then draw the image in paint as normally would be done. Behind the scenes, Java sets up a separate Animator thread which continuously calls repaint and adjusts for the subimage embedded in the GIF89A file when paint is called. Ok, so you've placed an animated GIF (GIF89A) file in your applet and the user goes to a different HTML page. How do you gracefully stop the thread that is controlling the animation? What flag would you set and for which run method? Good question. In Internet Explorer, the Animator thread is automatically terminated when the user goes to a new Web page. Sadly though, in Netscape the browser must be closed to terminate the Animator thread.

16.9 Timers

Timers are useful for numerous tasks, including image animation, starting and stopping simulations, and timing out secure network connections. The previous section (Animating Images) illustrated the capability of animating images by creating a user-defined thread that periodically invokes a specified action and then goes to sleep. To simplify this common and useful task, a robust Timer class, javax.swing.Timer, was added to the Swing package. A Timer can run for a single cycle or be set to ring periodically.

Creating a Swing Timer is as simple as instantiating a Timer object, specifying the period in milliseconds that the Timer should fire an ActionEvent and specifying a listener that should receive the event. Once the timer is created, activate the timer by calling the start method, as in:

Timer timer = new Timer(period, listener); timer.start(); 

By default, a Timer creates a thread that periodically fires an ActionEvent event every period milliseconds to all attached listeners (see addActionListener). Alternatively, the Timer can be defined to only fire one event, using setRepeats(false), and then stop. However, unlike a normal Thread that once stopped, cannot be restarted, calling restart on a Timer begins the timing sequence over again.

When the Timer fires, an event object is sent to the event queue. Depending on how many events are already in the queue and how heavily the system is tasked, multiple Timer events can be queued before the first event is processed. By default, Timer events are coalesced. That is, if an earlier event is already in the queue, then the next trigger will not add a new event object into the queue. If every trigger event does indeed require processing, set coalescing to false with setCoalese(false). By turning on logging, setLogTimers(true), you send a print message to the standard output each time a Timer fires an ActionEvent, thus providing an easy means for determining when the timers are firing. The setLogTimers method is a static method; thus, all active timers in the program will generate a log message.

The application of a Timer to control image animation is shown in Listing 16.26 and Listing 16.27. Here, the use of timers greatly simplifies the animation, since explicit creation and control of Thread objects is no longer required. In this example, the applet creates two separate TimedDuke objects, each with an internal Timer. The triggering period for each timer is different. As more than one TimedDuke object is instantiated, the synchronization block in the constructor of TimedDuke (along with the loaded flag) prevents the potential race condition of loading the images twice. Once the MediaTracker acknowledges loading of the animation images into the array, each timer is started by the applet. When a timer fires, the actionPerformed method is eventually called on the appropriate TimedDuke object, which in turn increments an internal index into the image array and then calls repaint on the applet. Support methods permit the applet to start and stop the timers when the user transfers to a new HTML page and returns.

Listing 16.26
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** An example of performing animation through Swing timers.  *  Two timed Dukes are created with different timer periods.  */ public class TimedAnimation extends JApplet {   private static final int NUMDUKES = 2;   private TimedDuke[] dukes;   private int i, index;   public void init() {     dukes = new TimedDuke[NUMDUKES];     setBackground(Color.white);     dukes[0] = new TimedDuke( 1, 100, this);     dukes[1] = new TimedDuke(-1, 500, this);   }   //  Start each Duke timer.   public void start() {     for (int i=0; i<NUMDUKES ; i++) {       dukes[i].startTimer();     }   }   public void paint(Graphics g) {     for (i=0 ; i<NUMDUKES ; i++) {       if (dukes[i] != null) {         index = dukes[i].getIndex();         g.drawImage(TimedDuke.images[index], 200*i, 0, this);       }     }   }   //  Stop each Duke timer.   public void stop() {     for (int i=0; i<NUMDUKES ; i++) {       dukes[i].stopTimer();     }   } } 
Listing 16.27
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; /** Duke facilitates animation by creating an internal timer.  *  When the timer fires, an actionPerformed event is  *  triggered, which in turn calls repaint on the parent  *  Applet.  */ public class TimedDuke implements ActionListener {   private static final int NUMIMAGES = 15;   private static boolean loaded = false;   private static Object lock = new Object();   private int tumbleDirection;   private int msec;   private int index = 0;   private Applet parent;   private Timer timer;   public static Image[] images = new Image[NUMIMAGES];   public TimedDuke(int tumbleDirection, int msec,                                         Applet parent) {     this.tumbleDirection = tumbleDirection;     this.msec = msec;     this.parent = parent;     synchronized (lock) {       if (!loaded) {          MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(parent);          for (int i=0; i<NUMIMAGES; i++) {            images[i] = parent.getImage(parent.getCodeBase(),                                        "images/T" + i + ".gif");            tracker.addImage(images[i],0);          }          try {            tracker.waitForAll();          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}          if (!tracker.isErrorAny()) {            loaded = true;          }       }     }     timer = new Timer(msec, this);   }   // Return current index into image array.   public int getIndex() { return index; }   // Receives timer firing event.  Increments the index into   // image array and forces repainting of the new image.   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {     index += tumbleDirection;     if (index < 0){       index = NUMIMAGES - 1;     }     if (index >= NUMIMAGES) {       index = 0;     }     parent.repaint();   }   // Public service to start the timer.   public void startTimer() {     timer.start();   }   // Public service to stop the timer.   public void stopTimer() {     timer.stop();   } } 


The Timer class has only one constructor:

public Timer(int period, ActionListener listener)

The Timer class has a single constructor that sets the timing period and listener to receive the timing event. By default, the timer will fire (ring) an ActionEvent event every period milliseconds. The fired event is delivered to all registered listeners.

Other Timer Methods

public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener)

This method registers an ActionListener with the Timer. Each queued ActionEvent is delivered to the actionPerformed method of each registered listener.

public boolean isRunning()

This method returns true if the timer is actively executing; otherwise, returns false.

public void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener)

This method removes the ActionListener from the list of listeners registered with the Timer.

public void restart()

This method cancels any undelivered events and immediately starts the timer again from an initial starting point.

public void setCoalesce(boolean flag)

The setCoalesce method turns on (true) or off (false) ActionEvent coalescing. By default, if an ActionEvent from the timer is already waiting in the event queue for processing, the timer will not create a new ActionEvent at the next firing interval. Turning coalescing off forces queueing and processing of all the timer events.

public void setDelay(int period)

This method permits changing the timing event period to a new value. The new period is applied immediately.

public void setInitialDelay(int delay)

The setInitialDelay method applies an initial offset of delay milliseconds until the first firing (ringing) of the timer. Setting the initial delay has no effect once the timer is started.

public static void setLogTimers(boolean flag)

This static method enables or disables logging of event triggers for all timers. The event is recorded to System.out in the form: Timer ringing: TimedDuke@3f345a.

public void setRepeats(boolen repeat)

This method sets the timer to ring once (false) or to ring periodically (true). Periodic ringing is the default.

public void start()

The start method begins the initial timing sequence of the Timer. If the timer had been halted by stop, the timing begins from the point at which the timer was stopped; the elapsed time is not set to 0.

public void stop()

The stop method halts the timing sequence; no further ActionEvents are generated from the Timer.

16.10 Summary

Threads can be used for a variety of applications. In some cases, using threads makes software design simpler by letting you separate various pieces of work into independent chunks rather than coordinating them in a central routine. In other cases, threads can improve efficiency by letting you continue processing while a routine is waiting for user input or a network connection.

However, threaded programs tend to be more difficult to understand and debug, and improper synchronization can lead to inconsistent results. So use threads with some caution.

A particular difficulty arises when threads are used for animation or when graphics change dynamically based on user interaction. A variety of potential solutions are possible, but one of the most generally applicable ones is double buffering, where graphics operations are performed in an off-screen pixmap which is then drawn to the screen.

Concurrent processing can be particularly beneficial in network programming. The next chapter discusses a variety of issues concerning that topic, including how servers should be made multithreaded.


Core Web Programming
Core Web Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0130897930
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 31 © 2008-2017.
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