

SAML security initiative, 229
SAP, 230
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 108
security. See also security tokens
attachments issues, 5960, 72
coordinated process issues, 189
data access issues, 109
DIME issues, 60, 73
role of tokens, 103
securing policy expressions, 158159
SOAP messages, 4748, 109
transaction issues, 189
transport level, 108
Web services overview, 101138
security context tokens
defined, 203
deriving, 206207
example, 203
requesting from STS, 204206
security contexts
defining, 202
deriving tokens, 206207
obtaining, 202
requesting tokens from an STS, 204206
requesting tokens from WSE-based service, 209215
role of tokens, 203207
Security element
defined, 115
example, 116118
overview, 116118
policy expression example, 158159
security token service (STS)
challenge-response mechanism, 198200
creating with WSE Settings tool, 208209
interoperability issues, 223
requesting tokens, 204206, 209215
role in Web services trust model, 193215
WSE-based service, 208213
security tokens. See also security context tokens
AppliesTo element, 200
attaching binary tokens to SOAP messages, 129131
attaching to SOAP messages, 127131
attaching username tokens to SOAP messages, 127129
cache, 166168
challenging, 198200
defined, 103
delegating, 201
encrypted, 200
encrypting SOAP messages, 135138
forwarding, 201
implementing manager, 131133
interoperability issues, 223
overview, 103
requesting, 195201
role in Web services trust model, 192215
signed, 192, 193, 194
special requests , 200201
specifying cryptographic key properties, 200
WS-Security Profile for XML Tokens, 229
Security.config file, defined, 33
SecurityContextService class, 208
SecurityContextToken element, 203207
SecurityContextToken object, 214
SecurityContextToken WSE class, 207
SecurityHeader policy assertion, 150
SecurityToken policy assertion, 148149
SecurityTokenReference element
defined, 116
example, 121
overview, 121
SecurityTokenService WSE class, 208
Sequence element, 8182
SequenceAcknowledgment element, 8384
serialization, 31
ServiceName element, 78, 165
Signature element
defined, 116
example, 121
overview, 121
SignChallenge element, 198
signing SOAP messages, 133135
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
adding attachments to messages using WSE, 6668
advanced .NET support, 3738
attaching binary tokens to messages, 129131
attaching to messages, 127131
attaching username tokens to messages, 127129
Base64-coded attachments, 6062
compound structures, 5255
configuring custom message router in WSE, 96
coordination context information in messages, 177178
creating responses using WSE, 40
defined, 2
DIME and, 51, 6473
encrypting messages, 47, 135138
extensibility, 5
handling requests using WSE, 3941
Hello, World example, 3435
how it works, 3941
HTTP as transport, 29, 30, 4345
HTTP protocol bindings, 56
message header elements, 115116, 177178
message security, 4748
message-based nature, 29
MIME encapsulation and, 6364
overview, 1417
reliable messaging standards. See also WS-Addressing specification; WS-ReliableMessaging specification
role in Web services, 28, 29, 30
securing messages via WS-Security specification, 109
sending attachments with messages, 48
setting up listener, 30
signing messages, 133135
TCP/IP as transport, 30, 43
WS-Attachments and, 5173
WSE specifications and, 3839
XML Encryption message examples, 111112
XML Signature message examples, 113115
SOAP Messages with Attachments, 6364
SOAPAction header, 30
SoapContext class, 40, 4345, 95
SoapContext.From property, 43
SoapHeader class, 37
solicit-response messaging, 76
specifications, Web service. See also names of specifications
competitive standards initiatives, 4, 5, 7, 8, 219, 220, 229
foundational standards, 819
goals for standards, 5
in future, 222226
licensing model, 221
overview, 35
proliferation , 219221
role of W3C, 4, 221
standards architecture, 57
WS-* protocols, 8
SpecVersion policy assertion, 147, 151
standards. See specifications, Web service
STS. See security token service (STS)
SubjectName element, 165
SubmitDocument method, 46
Sun Microsystems, 219, 220, 227, 229, 230
SupportsDigitalSignature property, 133
synchronization, need for specification support, 226
System.Web.Services.Protocols namespace, 37

Understanding Web Services Specifications and the WSE
Understanding Web Services Specifications and the WSE (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735619131
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 79 © 2008-2017.
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