
[Page 501 (continued)]


What are each of the following:

  • Clipping

  • Frames per second

  • Frame-based animation

  • Persistence of vision

  • AVI

  • JVM


How many frames would you need for a two-hour movie with a picture size of 1,024 width by 728 height and 60 frames per second? How much disk space would this movie need?


Build an animation of at least 3 seconds (48 frames at 16 frames per second or 90 frames at 30 frames per second). Have at least three things in motion during the sequence. You must use at least one JPEG image and one drawn item (like a rectangle or oval or line). For at least one of the things in motion, change the direction that it is moving during the animation.


Create a movie that has the frames slowly becoming sepia-toned.


Create a movie that has the frames slowly becoming posterized.


Create a movie that has a JPEG image rotating in it.


Create a movie that takes an image and slowly creates the negative of the image.


Create a new movie that has the kids crawling on the beach.


Create a new movie like the makeSunsetMovie method that turns the beach black after the blue and green are reduced by a passed amount.


The site is a popular news site. Let's make a movie of it. Write a function that will input a directory as a string then:

    [Page 502]
  • Visit and pick out the top three news stories headlines. (Hint: The anchors for the news story headlines all have <a href="/wire/ before them. Find that tag, then search for the beginning of the anchor <a, then you can find the anchor text, which is the headline.)

  • Create a tickertape movie on the 640 x 480 canvas of all three news stories. Have one come across at y=100, another at y=200, and the third at y=300. Generate 100 frames, and don't have the tickertapes move more than 5 pixels per frame. (In 100 frames, you won't make it all the way across the screenthat's fine.) Store the frames to files in the passed directory.


Change the movie of the kid fading out. Instead of fading in the beach, fade in the original blank wall. The effect should be of the kid disappearing.


Remember the blending of pictures in Program 28 (page 156)? Try blending one picture into another as a movie, slowly increasing the percentage of the second (incoming) image while decreasing the percentage of the original (outgoing) image.


Create a movie of a turtle (turtle.jpg) crawling across the beach (beach.jpg).


Create a movie of the robot (robot.jpg) moving across the moon (moon-surface.jpg).


Create a movie with a filled oval moving up diagonally from the bottom left to the top right of the picture.


Create a movie with a filled rectangle moving diagonally from the top right of the picture to the bottom left.


Create a movie with text in a tickertape moving up from the bottom of the picture to the top.


Create a movie that changes the edge detection amount over time.


Create a movie that has the text in a tickertape moving diagonally from top left to bottom right.


Create a movie with the turtle moving across the frames of a movie of a blowhole in directory mediasources/blowhole.


Create a movie that has two filled rectangles that move by a random amount in x and y (< 5 pixels) each time. Make sure that they don't go outside the picture.

Introduction to Computing & Programming Algebra in Java(c) A Multimedia Approach
Introduction to Computing & Programming Algebra in Java(c) A Multimedia Approach
Year: 2007
Pages: 191 © 2008-2017.
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