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- last date modified
- Last-modified field: Last-Modified
- web page, displaying with SSI: 6.2. Server Side Includes
- LAST_MODIFIED variable: 6.2.3. Environment Variables
- in files including other files: 6.2.5. Including Boilerplates
- length, HTTP message content: Content-Length
- Content-Length
- lexical variables
- in Embperl module: Variable scope
- mod_perl, problems with: 17.3.2. mod_perl Considerations
- libpng, using with gd: 13.3.1. Installation
- libraries, specifying Perl with use statement: Connecting to DBI
- libwww-perl (see LWP)
- line and point charts combination, creating with GD::Graph::linespoints module: 13.4.2. GD::Graph
- line charts
- creating with GD::Graph::lines module: 13.4.2. GD::Graph
- three-dimensional, creating with GD::Graph::lines3d module: 13.4.3. GD::Graph3D
- line endings: 3.4.1. Check the Client Browser
- (see also end-of-line characters; newlines)
- CGI scripts, not matching current system: 15.1.3. Line Endings
- differences in operating systems: Outputting documents
- newlines end of line character, binmode and: 3.4.1. Check the Client Browser
- links
- appending query strings containing session identifier to: 11.2. Hidden Fields
- HTML documents
- replacing: 11.1. Query Strings and Extra Path Information
- updating another document with: Specifying an alternative target
- symbolic links, security risks with: Configuring by directory
- list context, scalar context vs.: Date
- lists
- choices for users: 4.2.4. The <SELECT> Tag
- elements: List elements
- empty lists, use of: 15.2.1. Use strict
- printing multiple items in: 5.3.3. Standard HTML Elements
- user input, allowed: 8.2.3. Security Strategies
- loads.cgi script, plotting average system loads: 13.3.2. Using GD
- local function: 5.3.3. Standard HTML Elements
- 17.1.3. Localize Variables with my
- local processes as clients: 14.1. Communicating with Other Servers
- local variables
- bracket pair enclosing in Embperl: Embperl code blocks
- declarations, strict mode and: 15.2.1. Use strict
- localizing variables: 17.1.3. Localize Variables with my
- locating perl, Unix system: 15.1.2. The Pound-Bang
- Location header: Location
- 300-level status responses and: Specifying status codes
- redirect method, using instead of: Redirection
- redirecting requests: Forwarding to another URL
- locking files: Embperl handler
- 10.1.1. Locking
- 15.2.5. File Locking
- flock command, using: flock
- hash files: 10.2.1. DB_File
- manual lock files: Manual lock files
- logins
- 401 status code responses, asking for: Specifying status codes
- resources, restricting with: WWW-Authenticate
- restricted areas (websites), accessing with: Authorization
- loops
- creating with HTML::Template: Loops
- parameters as conditions: Conditionals
- lossless data compression: 13.1.1. GIF
- lossy compression algorithm, use in JPEG format: 13.1.3. JPEG
- lowercase index, creating: 12.3. Inverted Index Search
- LWP module: 8.2.5. Trusting the Browser
- 14.1.3. LWP
- 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware
- LWP::Simple module: 14.1.3. LWP
- 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware
- get subroutine: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware
- LZW compression algorithm: 13.1.1. GIF
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