Using Domino Classes from J2EE Servlets


Next , we'll look specifically at how to use the Domino Java Classes from J2EE servlet applications. For servlets, we have choices as to where in the servlet life cycle to establish the Domino session and, if required for local sessions, the NotesThread context. Recall that the Web container manages a servlet through four primary stages: loading, initialization ( init() ), service handling ( doGet() , doPost() ), and destruction ( destroy() ). We could establish the Domino session and thread context in the servlet's initialization stage (and undo it in the destruction stage) or establish them for each service request. Naturally, it would be more efficient to establish the session once for the servlet in the initialization method. However, this implies that the session would be established using single user identity for all servlet requests . If a single user identity is appropriate for the servlet application, then create the Domino session in the servlet's init() method. If the Domino access needs to be made under a user identity associated with the servlet requester, then the session will have to be created within the session handling methods .

As for establishing the NotesThread context for a servlet, recall that this is only required for local Domino sessions. If needed, the NotesThread context must be established for each thread invoking Domino Java objects. Since a Web container will invoke the service handling methods from multiple JVM threads (unless the servlet is defined to be single threaded), we really have no choice but to establish the NotesThread context within the service handling methods. This can be done via the NotesThread static methods, sinitThread() and stermThread() . The stermThread() method should be put in a finally clause since it must be invoked if the sinitThread() method is successful.

Let's look at a sample servlet, GetBookDomino , which accesses a Domino database, "booklist.nsf," via the Domino Java classes and accesses a view within this database. We will focus on the use of the Domino classes rather than the function of the servlet itself.


  import;  import;  import  javax.servlet.ServletException;  import  javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;  import  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;  import  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;  import  java.util.Date;  import  java.util.Enumeration;  import  java.text.SimpleDateFormat;  import  lotus.domino.*; /**  * GetBookDomino - Demonstrates using Domino Java classes from WAS.  */  public class  GetBookDomino  extends  HttpServlet {    // Holds single Domino session, if SingleDominoSession=yes    Session itsDominoSession;  public void  init()  throws  ServletException    {  super  .init();       // See if single Domino session to be set up       itsDominoSession =  null  ;       String aSessParm = getInitParameter( "SingleDominoSession" );  if  ( aSessParm !=  null  && aSessParm.equalsIgnoreCase( "yes" ) )       {  (1)  NotesThread.sinitThread();  try  {             itsDominoSession = NotesFactory.createSession();          }  catch  ( NotesException e )          {             System.out.println( "Error creating Domino session!" );             itsDominoSession =  null  ;          }       }    }  public void  doGet( HttpServletRequest theReq, HttpServletResponse theResp )  throws  ServletException, IOException    {       // Set up writer for servlet response content, write HTML heading.       theResp.setContentType( "text/html" );       PrintWriter aPW = theResp.getWriter();       aPW.println( "<HTML>\n<HEAD>"          + "\n<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\""          + " content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">"          + "\n<META http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\">"          + "\n<TITLE>GetBook Response</TITLE>"          + "\n</HEAD> \n<BODY>\n"       );       // Save the servlet request parameters.       // We look for: host, user, pw, auth (these are used for createSession)       String aHost =  null  ;  String aUser =  null  ;  String aPass =  null  ;       Enumeration aReqParms = theReq.getParameterNames();  while  ( aReqParms.hasMoreElements() )       {          String aParm = (String)aReqParms.nextElement();  if  ( aParm.equalsIgnoreCase( "host" ) )             aHost = theReq.getParameter( aParm );  else if  ( aParm.equalsIgnoreCase( "user" ) )             aUser = theReq.getParameter( aParm );  else if  ( aParm.equalsIgnoreCase( "pw" ) )             aPass = theReq.getParameter( aParm );       }       aPW.println( "<br>Session parameters: Host = " + aHost +          ", User = " + aUser + ", Passwd = " + aPass );  try  {          // Set up Domino Java thread and local session.          Date aStart =  new  Date();          SimpleDateFormat aSDF =  new  SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");          aPW.println( "<p>Servlet started: " + aSDF.format( aStart ) );          String aSessType;          Session aSession = itsDominoSession;  if  ( aSession ==  null  )          {  (2)   if  ( aHost ==  null  )  NotesThread.sinitThread();             aSession = NotesFactory.createSession( aHost, aUser, aPass );             aSessType = "created by servlet";          }  else  aSessType = "from servlet init";          aPW.println( "<br>Domino session " + aSessType +             ", set up time (ms): " +             ( (  new  Date()).getTime() - aStart.getTime() ) +             "<br>Session server: " + aSession.getServerName() +             "<br>Connected as: " + aSession.getUserName() );          // Access Domino database we want to display, fail if not found.          String aDbName = getInitParameter( "DbName" );  if  ( aDbName ==  null  )  aDbName = "booklist.nsf";  (3)  Database aDb = aSession.getDatabase(  null  , aDbName,  false  );  if  ( aDb !=  null  )          {             View aBooks = aDb.getView( "Books" );  if  ( aBooks !=  null  )             {                aPW.println( "<p><TABLE border=\"1\">" );                aPW.println( "<TR><TH>Title</TH><TH>Author</TH><TH> Price</TH>" );                Document aDoc = aBooks.getFirstDocument();  (4)   while  ( aDoc !=  null  )                {                   aPW.println( "<TR> <TD>" + aDoc.getItemValueString( "booktitle" )                      + "</TD><TD>" + aDoc.getItemValueString( "bookauthor" )                      + "</TD><TD>" + aDoc.getItemValueString( "bookprice" )                      + "</TD>" );                   aDoc = aBooks.getNextDocument( aDoc );                }                aPW.println( "</TABLE>" );  (5)  aBooks.recycle();             }  else  aPW.println( "<p><b>Error: Domino database view not found!</b>" );             aDb.recycle();          }  else  aPW.println( "<p><b>Error: Domino database not found!</b>" );          // Recycle session only if created by this servlet  if  ( itsDominoSession ==  null  )             aSession.recycle();       }  catch  ( Exception e )       {          System.out.println( "GetBookDomino error: " + e );          aPW.println( "<p><b>Servlet error: </b>" + e );       }  finally  {          // Terminate NotesThread only if established by this servlet  (6)   if  ( itsDominoSession ==  null  && aHost ==  null  )             NotesThread.stermThread();          aPW.println( "</BODY>" );          aPW.close();       }    }  public void  destroy()    {  if  ( itsDominoSession !=  null  )       {  try  {             itsDominoSession.recycle();          }  catch  ( NotesException e )          {             System.out.println( "Error recycling single Domino session!" );          }  (7)  NotesThread.stermThread();       }  super  .destroy();    } } 

Here are the specific points about the servlet code. The numbered list that follows refers to the (n) annotations in the preceding code.

  1. The servlet is coded to set up the Domino session in the initialization method based on a servlet parameter. Here, since the session is local, we must also establish a NotesThread context.

  2. If a session has not been established already, the doGet method creates the session based on the host, user, and password parameters passed via the request. If a remote host is not specified, then the NotesThread context is established. Even if the NotesThread context is established during servlet initialization, it may need to be established in doGet (or the other service-handling methods) because the method may be running under a different thread than the one under which initialization was performed. We found no way to determine if NotesThread is established other than attempting a Domino object access and catching a NotesException if the access fails.

  3. A specific Domino database object is obtained.

  4. A View object is used to iterate through a set of documents in the database. Views are used in this way to act as queries on the database content.

  5. Domino objects should be recycled after they are done being used. The recycle method performs additional resource cleanup beyond Java garbage collection.

  6. The NotesThread context must be terminated if established by the service method.

  7. The NotesThread context must be terminated if established by servlet initialization.

In order to run a servlet utilizing the Domino Java classes, the application server must have access via its Java classpath to the jar files containing the Domino Java support. For local session access, the required file is Notes.jar and for remote access it is NCSO.jar. Both of these files can be found under the Domino R6 installation path . When running the servlet under WSAD in the WebSphere Test Environment (WTE) server, you must specify the Notes and NCSO .jars to the WTE server environment file, as shown in Figure 10-1. Since our servlet can use both local and remote sessions, we specified both the Notes and NCSO .jar files.

Figure 10-1. WTE path specification for Domino .jars.

IBM WebSphere and Lotus Implementing Collaborative Solutions
IBM(R) WebSphere(R) and Lotus: Implementing Collaborative Solutions
ISBN: 0131443305
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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