

sans serif, 784, 785, 791
Save a Copy As command, 134
Save As command, 133, 134, 153
Save command, 133, 134
Save Preset dialog box, 615
Saved Files pane, 99 100
scaling. See also sizing
arithmetic calculation, basing on, 515
Control palette, using, 382, 515
frame, 253, 265, 278 279
graphic, 15, 508, 510 512, 515
print output, 633
Scale tool, using, 49 50, 278 279, 435, 511
selection, 49
attribute, adjusting when, 84
Character pane, adjusting using, 59, 382
Control palette, adjusting using, 382
design considerations, 381 382, 424
emphasis, creating via, 424
frame, 435
glyph, 24, 405 406
mouse, adjusting using, 353
proportional, 84
Scale tool, adjusting using, 435
sizing versus, 435
Transform pane, using, 265, 281, 515
scanning, 644, 748
Scissors tool, 51, 543 544, 548, 572 573
Scitex Continuous Tone file, importing. See SCT file, importing
angle, 640, 651 652
sketch background, 767
Script Debugger software, 731
Script Label pane, 736
AppleScript, 725, 729 731, 735, 736, 737
command, 726
commenting code, 737
conditional script, 736 737
grammar, 726
referencing, 727
rotating using script, 734 736
JavaScript, 725, 728, 737
keyboard shortcut, assign to script, 726
labeling item, 736
method, 726
object hierarchy, 726 727
privilege needed, 733
property, 726
sharing script, 708, 714
statement, 726
syntax, 726, 730, 734
VBA, 725, 731 734, 735, 736, 737
VBScript, 731 734
Scripts pane, 63, 726
document window scroll bar, 36, 114 115, 150
Navigator pane, using, 149 150
SCT (Scitex Continuous Tone) file, importing, 484, 486, 489, 501
index, 240
library, 185, 187, 189 190
story, 336
text, searching and replacing, 335 342
wild card, 340
second color , 210
Section dialog box, 228
Security pane, 669 671
bounding box, manipulating, 251 252, 258, 259, 264
color swatch, selecting, 208
deselecting , 262, 333
content, selecting, 261, 265
entire frame, selecting, 259, 261, 509 510
graphic, selecting, 509
entire group, selecting, 290
object in, selecting, 261, 289, 291
handle display, 252
entire layer, selecting, 161, 164
object on layer, selecting, 161 162
line, selecting, 254 255, 259
master page
object on, selecting, 45, 46
unused master page, selecting, 173
moving, 45, 89
multiple objects, selecting simultaneously , 46, 261 262, 290 291
overlapping objects, selecting, 259 261, 288
page spread, selecting, 145
QuarkXPress, 45, 253, 258, 838, 842
ruler guide, selecting, 193
scaling, 49
Selection tool, using, 44 45, 253, 258 259, 261
table, selecting, 471
text, 47, 84, 333, 375, 393
threading, selection tool used in, 46, 365
Type tool, switching to/from selection tool, 45, 365
Send to Back command, 288
Separations Preview pane, 64, 65, 650 651
serif, 785, 791
service bureau , working with. See also printing
bleed , 624 625, 633
coordination, 623 624, 637, 659
crop mark, 636
editing done by service bureau, 624, 669, 675
EPS file, providing, 658, 675, 677
file format, choosing, 622 623, 643
flipping output, 639
font, 619, 642 643, 669, 675, 751 752
gatefold, 778
ink, 648
layer not printed, hiding, 164, 616
output control, 624
packaging, 619 622
page, oversize, 625
PDF file, providing, 658, 663
plug-in, 720
PPD file, providing, 623
Preflight information, providing, 619
proof copy, 623
responsibility, clarifying, 624
rotating output, 633
scanning, 644
screen angle, 651
storage medium, 743 744
summary information, providing, 646, 671
trapping, 603, 606, 639
Windows/Macintosh mixed environment, 713
Setup pane, 632 634
backlit, 382
button, applying to, 688
drop shadow, 377, 437 438, 544 545, 688, 846
QuarkXPress, 544, 846
text, applying to, 377, 382, 437 438, 780
shape, converting to frame, 249
Control palette, using, 266, 513
described, 276
frame, 266, 279, 280
graphic, 510 512
Shear tool, using, 50, 279, 280, 383, 511 512
text, 279, 383
Transform pane, using, 266, 279, 513
shortcut. See keyboard shortcut
Shortcut Sets folder, 78
sidebar, 428, 765, 776, 796
sizing. See also scaling
Control palette, using, 5 6, 247, 250, 282, 379
graphics frame, 14, 250 251, 508
text frame, 4 5, 245, 247, 279, 333
graphic, 151, 250 251, 508, 517 518
line, 254 255
page, 37, 124, 151, 152, 632
table column/row, 467, 472, 475
Character pane, using, 59, 83, 382
default size , specifying, 107
drop cap, 11
emphasis, creating via, 424
font size, using, 379 380, 421
optimal size, finding automatically, 83
scaling versus, 435
Transform pane, using, 247, 250, 380
Control palette, using, 516
graphic, 516
QuarkXPress, 279
text, 382 383, 779, 780
Transform pane, using, 516
slash, asterisks , slash (/* */) JavaScript comment delimiter , 737
slash (/) division operator, 58
slug area, 43, 53, 125, 636 637, 667
small cap, 83, 380, 384, 387, 424
Soghoian, Sal ( AppleScript 1-2-3 ), 729
Sonar Bookends InDex Pro software, 235
index, 237, 240
library, 187, 190
TOC, 232
sound, 70, 691, 693 694
source element, 711
spaceband, 404
spell checking
accessing spell checker, 68
capitalization, handling, 96, 342
dictionary, 94 96, 107, 344, 345 350, 383 384
hyphenation, handling, 94, 95
language, specifying, 94 95, 344 345, 349, 383 384
Macintosh/Windows mixed environment, 714
note, 874 875
preference, setting, 96, 349 350
skipping text, 345
specifying text to check, 342 343
word repetition, handling, 343 344
workgroup environment, 346, 708, 710
Spelling pane, 96
spot color
converting to/from, 211, 647 649, 812
mixing with in same document, 211, 811 812
spot color versus, 210 212
creating, 201
described, 811
gradient, 216
naming, 211
printing, 205
spreadsheet, importing, 132, 314, 331
stacking order, 70, 155 156, 164, 165, 286 289
standard web offset press. See SWOP
States pane, 65, 66, 688 689
Step and Repeat command, 300 301
saddle -stitching, 631, 659, 663
transparency, 654
story. See also threading
alignment, optical, 60, 107, 430 431
described, 332, 356
dictionary, recomposing story when modified, 96
Editor, 68, 96 98, 334
end-of-story marker, 431 432
importing, 365
InCopy, working with in, 875 879, 880
navigating, 332
pane, 60 61, 877
port, 366 367
revision, tracking, 879
searching, 336
sharing, 875 879
Tagged Text format, saving to, 136
view, 877 878
Story Editor Display pane, 96 98, 334
Story List pane (InCopy), 878
Strikethrough Options dialog box, 436
aligning, 270
color, 219, 267 268, 271 272, 432 433, 584 585
corner, 269 270
creating, 272 274
dashed, 271, 272 274, 774
default setup, changing, 108
described, 581, 762
dotted , 272, 274
end options, 270, 271
fill, adding, 275
frame, applying to, 48, 248, 267 268, 518
gradient, applying to, 62, 268 269, 433, 585
list bullet, of, 417
miter limit, 269
overprinting, 586
path , applying to, 548 549
pattern, 62
QuarkXPress, 272, 846
style, 272
table element, applying to, 468 470, 473 474, 477
text, applying to, 24, 377, 433, 581 587, 588
Control palette, adjusting using, 14, 268, 282
described, 581 582
Stroke pane, adjusting using, 255, 269, 584
Transform pane, adjusting using, 281
Stroke Styles dialog box, 272
Strokes and Fills pane, 473 474
Structure pane, 698 699
Strydent Software PowerPrint, 748
StuffIt Deluxe software, 750
automation tool, as, 170
book, formatting using, 224, 226
character style
Advanced Character Formats pane, adjusting using, 83
applying, 13, 447 449
creating, 12, 447 449
default, changing, 110 111
described, 441, 447
drop cap, applying to, 13
editing, 452
fraction formatting, saving as, 430
list, formatting using, 229
manual formatting, combining with, 453
naming, 448 449
nesting, 425
unapplying, 453 454
updating, 375
XML tag mapping, 698
control, global versus local, 27 28, 394, 445, 453
cookie cutter analogy, 441
copying, 446
default, changing, 110 111
deleting, 446
described, 441, 447, 789
document style, 126 127, 825
editing, 363, 446, 452, 456
font style, 784
formatting macro, as, 789
index, 235, 240
keyboard shortcut, assigning using, 445
list, 229, 419 420
master page, using in, 359
naming, 444, 448 449, 454
nesting, 401, 419, 425, 449 452
page numbering, 144
PageMaker, 855
paragraph style
applying, 445 446
copying, 446
creating, 12, 443 445, 446
default, changing, 110 111
deleting, 446
described, 441
editing, 363, 446, 452, 456
manual formatting, combining with, 394, 445, 453
naming, 444
nesting, 450 451
overriding imported, 363 364, 456 457
removing local formatting, 445
TOC, in, 229 230, 231 232
unapplying, 453 454
described, 789
exporting, 364, 457
importing, 329, 362 364, 446, 454 457, 710
sharing, 364, 710, 714
stroke, 272
tag, 789
template versus, 442
TOC, 229 231, 233
updating, 375, 441
XML tag style mapping, 65, 697 698, 701
subsampling compression, 666
Subset dialog box, 189
subtraction (arithmetic), 58, 463, 515
Suitcase software, 753, 755 756
Summary pane
Export PDF dialog box, 671
Preflight dialog box, 616
Print dialog box, 646
SVG file, exporting, 136
Swatch Libraries folder, 32, 78, 822
Swatch Options dialog box, 207 208
Swatches pane
accessing, 16
Add Unnamed Colors option, 209
Color pane versus, 205
Delete Swatch option, 208
Hide Options menu, 198
illustrated , 199
introduced, 62
Merge Swatches option, 208
Name option, 198
New Color Swatch option, 199
New Gradient Swatch option, 214
New Mixed Ink Swatch option, 205
QuarkXPress, 519
Select All Unused option, 209
Small Name option, 198
Small Swatch option, 198
text color, applying using, 62, 219, 410
Unnamed Swatch option, 209
SWOP (standard web offset press), 603, 659
color, 203
folder, 867
requirement, 741 744, 819 820
System Preferences dialog box (Macintosh), 612, 869 870

Adobe InDesign CS Bible
Adobe InDesign CS3 Bible
ISBN: 0470119381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 344
Authors: Galen Gruman © 2008-2017.
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