

aligning text using tab stop, 460, 462, 464
creating tab stop, 60, 463, 465
deleting tab stop, 464, 465
displaying, 461, 464, 465
importing tab stop, 461
indenting using, 327, 339, 398, 464
leader character, 60, 463 ‚ 464
overriding automatic tab stop, 459
positioning tab stop, 60, 462 ‚ 463, 464 ‚ 465
ruler, 464 ‚ 465
table, converting tabbed text to/from, 478 ‚ 479
aligning content, 467, 472
border, 468
aligning content, 467, 472
baseline, 473
clipping content, 473
color , 474, 477
gradient, 477
line, placing diagonal in, 475 ‚ 476
margin, 467
merging cells , 476
paragraph spacing, 473
splitting, 476
stroke, applying to, 473 ‚ 474, 477
text overflow indicator, 477
border, of, 468
cell, of, 474, 477
fill, 470, 474
line, of, 468, 469
adding, 471 ‚ 472
deleting, 471 ‚ 472
described, 761
line options, 468 ‚ 470
magazine layout, in, 775
number of, specifying, 467
sizing, 467, 472, 475, 775
spacing, 71, 472
stroke, 468 ‚ 470
Control palette, formatting using, 477
creating, 71, 467
graphic, inserting in, 467
importing, 309, 314, 466
menu, 71 ‚ 72
pane, 62, 466, 468
QuarkXPress, 479, 845
adding, 471 ‚ 472
deleting, 471 ‚ 472
footer, 467, 470 ‚ 471, 472
frames , breaking across multiple, 472
going to specific, 471
header, 467, 470 ‚ 471, 472
height, 467
line options, 468 ‚ 470
number of, specifying, 467
page break, keeping together across, 472
sizing, 472, 475
spacing, 71, 472
stroke, applying to, 468 ‚ 470
selecting, 471
stroke, applying to table element, 468 ‚ 470, 473 ‚ 474, 477
aligning, 467, 472
cell overflow indicator, 477
converting to/from, 478 ‚ 479
inserting in, 467
Table Convert Table to Text, 478
Table Convert Text to Table, 478
Table Distribute Columns Evenly, 472
Table Distribute Rows Evenly, 472
Table Edit Footer, 471
Table Edit Header, 471
Table Go to Row, 471
Table Insert Table, 467
Table Merge Cells, 476
table of contents. See TOC
Table of Contents Styles dialog box, 230 ‚ 231
Table Options dialog box, 467
Table Select Table, 471
Table Setup pane, 468 ‚ 469
Table Split Cell Horizontally, 476
Table Split Cell Vertically, 476
Table Table Options, 467
Table Unmerge Cells, 476
Tabs pane, 60, 61, 394, 459 ‚ 465
Tagged Image File Format. See TIFF
Tagged Text format, 132, 136, 319 ‚ 322, 331
Tags pane, 65, 66, 696, 697
tape drive, 744
template (grid)
book, using in, 222, 227
creating, 182
described, 169, 182, 762
editing, 183
annotation layer, including template instruction in, 183
locking layer used in, 158
layout consistency, as tool in achieving, 766
Macintosh/Windows mixed environment, 712
magazine, using in, 777 ‚ 778
naming, 182
opening, 127, 129 ‚ 130
saving, 134 ‚ 135, 182 ‚ 183
sharing, 711 ‚ 712
storage location, 182
style versus, 442
text. See also font; story
baseline grid, to, 305, 399
column text, 327, 396
default alignment, setting, 107
Paragraph pane, using, 10, 60, 396 ‚ 397
tab stop, using, 460, 462, 464
table text, 467
text frame, 247
anti-aliasing, 99
background, reversing against, 275, 426 ‚ 427
grid, locking to, 305, 398 ‚ 399
shift, 90, 380, 381, 382
body text, 775, 794, 796
boldface, 11, 424, 791 ‚ 792
box (QuarkXPress), 359, 836
byline, 776, 796
cap, drop
automatic, 420 ‚ 422
character style, applying to, 13
creating, 11, 400 ‚ 401, 420 ‚ 422
depth, 400
described, 789
kerning, 421
newsletter, using in, 776
quotation mark in, 422
sizing, 11, 421
style, as nested, 451
cap, raised, 422, 789
cap, small, 83, 380, 384, 387, 424
character, special
accent , 803 ‚ 808
Character Map utility, entering using, 316, 464, 799
deleting glyph, 801
font, assigning to glyph, 801
font, availability in, 317
glyph set, creating, 799 ‚ 801
Glyphs pane, entering using, 61, 464
highlighting substituted glyph, 86
Insert Glyphs command, entering using, 104, 799
Key Caps software, entering using, 315
keyboard shortcut list, 801 ‚ 803
Macintosh environment, 315 ‚ 316, 801 ‚ 806
PopChar X software, entering using, 316, 464, 799
search and replace operation, finding in, 337 ‚ 340
Windows environment, 316 ‚ 317, 801 ‚ 806
character style
Advanced Character Formats pane, adjusting using, 83
applying, 13, 447 ‚ 449
creating, 12, 447 ‚ 449
default, changing, 110 ‚ 111
described, 441, 447
drop cap, applying to, 13
editing, 452
fraction formatting, saving as, 430
list, formatting using, 229
manual formatting, combining with, 453
naming, 448 ‚ 449
nesting, 425
unapplying, 453 ‚ 454
updating, 375
background, 248, 426 ‚ 427
design considerations, 432
drop shadow, 437
fill, 19, 432 ‚ 433, 587, 588
reversed text, 275, 426 ‚ 427
stroke, 432 ‚ 433, 584 ‚ 585
Swatches pane, applying using, 62, 219, 410
underline, 436
aligning text in, 327, 396
default setup, changing, 105
guide, 152
gutter , 125, 369, 761
layout, adjusting, 151, 357
Margin and Columns dialog box, adjusting using, 151
master page, specifying in, 178, 179, 357, 369
number of columns, specifying, 70, 125, 282, 357, 358
paragraph widow/orphan control, 408 ‚ 409
rule, intercolumn, 370 ‚ 371
text frame, adjusting in, 369 ‚ 370
TOC, 777
width, 369 ‚ 370
composing, 403, 406, 407
copying, 82, 188, 326, 327 ‚ 328, 333
default setup, changing, 107 ‚ 108
deleting, 334
design considerations, 381 ‚ 382, 424, 432, 771 ‚ 774, 775 ‚ 776
dingbat, 417, 418, 419, 431, 776
displaying hidden character, 107, 327
dragging and dropping, 327 ‚ 328
editing, 332 ‚ 335
emboss effect, 779
entering, 47 ‚ 48, 246, 247 ‚ 248, 325 ‚ 326, 333
exdenting, 788
exporting, 135, 136, 319 ‚ 321, 331 ‚ 332
feathering, 438, 788
fraction, formatting, 428 ‚ 430
aligning, 247
background color, 248, 426 ‚ 427
baseline, 351 ‚ 352
border, 248
bounding box, 259
column, adjusting in, 369 ‚ 370
creating, 4 ‚ 5, 246 ‚ 249, 325 ‚ 326, 356 ‚ 360
default setup, changing, 108
described, 245 ‚ 246
ellipse, 360
entering text in, 7 ‚ 9, 47 ‚ 48, 246, 247 ‚ 248, 333
graphics frame, converting text frame to, 249
import operation, overflowing during, 330
inset, 351, 413, 430, 463, 464
introduced, 43
justifying text in, 352 ‚ 353
library, copying from, 188
margin, 351
master text frame, 124, 177, 247, 326, 357 ‚ 360
moving, 5 ‚ 6, 248
polygon, 360
port, 366 ‚ 367
rectangular, 47, 360
rotating, 779
scaling, 435
sizing, 4 ‚ 5, 245, 247, 279, 333
stroke, applying to, 248
table row, breaking across multiple frames, 472
TOC inserting in, 233 ‚ 234
wrap, ignoring in, 352, 358, 531
gradient, applying to, 219, 432 ‚ 433, 585, 586, 587 ‚ 588
converting text to, 588 ‚ 590
font, converting graphic to, 419
frame, using text character as, 541
importing text into graphics frame, 330
letter, using graphic as capital, 420, 423, 780
wrapping text around, 15, 525 ‚ 532
Greek display, 99
highlighting, 85 ‚ 86, 333, 685
hyperlink as character attribute, 682
automatic, 402 ‚ 404
breakpoint calculation, 403 ‚ 404, 407
Character pane, controlling using, 404
consecutive, 789
Control palette, controlling using, 402, 404
dash, conversion of double hyphen to, 318, 330
described, 401 ‚ 402, 789
dialog box, 402 ‚ 403
dictionary, 94, 95, 347 ‚ 349, 621, 789
discretionary, 339, 388, 402, 789
Macintosh/Windows mixed environment, 714
manual, 402
nonbreaking, 339, 388
Paragraph pane, adjusting using, 10, 402
preference, setting, 349 ‚ 350
printing, 621
soft, 789
spell checking, handling in, 94, 95
zone, 789
autoflowing, 329
canceling, 330
dash conversion, 330
endnote, 314
file, text, 132, 311 ‚ 315, 317 ‚ 319, 331, 361
footer, 314
formatting, preserving , 309, 312 ‚ 314, 329
graphics frame, into, 330
header, 314
InCopy file, 312
list, 417
Macintosh to Windows, 310 ‚ 311
outline, importing into, 590
overset, 330, 361
Place command, using, 8 ‚ 9, 46, 132, 361, 590
positioning imported text, 328 ‚ 329
quotation mark conversion, 329, 331
spreadsheet, 132, 314, 331
style sheet, 329, 362 ‚ 364, 446, 454 ‚ 457, 710
tab stop, 461
Tagged Text, 331
threaded text frame, into, 361
Windows to Macintosh, 310 ‚ 311
word processor, from, 247 ‚ 248, 311 ‚ 314, 318 ‚ 319, 362 ‚ 364, 417
block, 415 ‚ 416, 789
Control palette, using, 415 ‚ 416
default, 107
described, 788
first-line, 398, 414, 415
hanging, 398, 414, 415, 416, 789
list item, 414
organizing content using, 414
Paragraph pane, using, 12, 60, 398, 415 ‚ 416
tab, using, 327, 339, 398, 464
text frame inset, 351, 413, 430, 463, 464
italic, 382 ‚ 383, 424, 773, 791, 796
carding, 788
centered, 788
Control palette, using, 11
described, 402, 788
design considerations, 774
feathering, 788
flush, 788
frame, in, 352 ‚ 353
glyph scaling option, 405 ‚ 406
horizontal, 352 ‚ 353
leading, using, 406
letter spacing option, 405 ‚ 406
object, next to, 86
Paragraph pane, using, 11, 397
ragged, 788
vertical, 352 ‚ 353, 788
word spacing option, 405 ‚ 406
wrapping text, in, 86, 530 ‚ 531
arrow key, adjusting using, 89, 90, 390
Character pane, adjusting using, 59, 381, 390
Control palette, adjusting using, 380, 390
described, 389, 787
drop caps, between, 421
font kerning table, 389
fraction formatting, in, 429
highlighting, 86
legibility considerations, 390
manual, 390
Metrics, 390
Optical, 24, 390
pair, 787 ‚ 788
QuarkXPress, 131, 389
tracking compared, 391
kicker , 426, 776, 796
language, assigning to, 344 ‚ 345, 381, 383 ‚ 384
leader character, 60, 463 ‚ 464
arrow key, adjusting using, 89, 90
automatic, 391, 392, 406, 543
Character pane, adjusting using, 59
character-by-character, 389
default, specifying, 107
described, 389, 391, 786
font size , adjusting in function of, 391
justification, using in, 406
paragraph, applying to entire, 84, 389, 392, 396
QuarkXPress, 84, 131, 391, 392
set solid, 391
text frame baseline, 352
text wrap, judging in, 86, 531
legibility, 390, 420, 781
letter spacing, 405 ‚ 406, 787
bulleted, 414, 416 ‚ 420, 789
importing from word processor, 417
indenting, 414
numbered, 414, 416 ‚ 420
style, 229, 419 ‚ 420
TOC, creating using, 229
navigating, 332 ‚ 333
outdenting, 398, 788
outlining, 377, 541, 574, 588 ‚ 590
overset, 233, 330, 361, 366
PageMaker, 854 ‚ 855
pane, 82 ‚ 84, 384, 389, 472 ‚ 473
baseline grid, locking to, 398 ‚ 399
Control palette, formatting using, 394 ‚ 395, 399, 408 ‚ 409, 410
default setup, changing, 107
described, 393
exdenting, 788
keep options, 408 ‚ 409
labeling, 423 ‚ 426
leading, applying to entire, 84, 389, 392, 396
outdenting, 398, 788
return symbol ( ‚ ), displaying, 416
rule, placing between paragraphs, 409 ‚ 411
selecting, 393
spacing, 60, 399 ‚ 400, 473
widow/orphan control, 408 ‚ 409
paragraph style
applying, 445 ‚ 446
copying, 446
creating, 12, 443 ‚ 445, 446
default, changing, 110 ‚ 111
deleting, 446
described, 441
editing, 363, 446, 452, 456
manual formatting, combining with, 394, 445, 453
naming, 444
nesting, 450 ‚ 451
overriding imported, 363 ‚ 364, 456 ‚ 457
removing local formatting, 445
TOC, in, 229 ‚ 230, 231 ‚ 232
unapplying, 453 ‚ 454
converting text to, 377, 541, 574, 588 ‚ 590
placing text on path, 47, 48, 550 ‚ 551
preference, setting, 82 ‚ 84, 384, 389
pull quote, 428, 776, 796
punctuation, hanging, 60, 430 ‚ 431
box, 359, 836
editing, 843
entry, 47
flow, 843
formatting, 436, 836, 844 ‚ 845
kerning, 131, 389
leading, 84, 131, 391, 392
ligature, 386
tracking, 389
wrap, 842
quotation mark
drop cap, in initial, 422
import operation, conversion during, 329, 331
preference, setting, 83, 95
reversed text, 275, 426 ‚ 427
rotating, 433 ‚ 434, 467, 472
JPEG, to, 136
RTF, to, 136
text file, to, 135
attribute, adjusting when, 84
Character pane, adjusting using, 59, 382
Control palette, adjusting using, 382
design considerations, 381 ‚ 382, 424
emphasis, creating via, 424
frame, 435
glyph, 24, 405 ‚ 406
mouse, using, 353
proportional, 84
Scale tool, using, 435
sizing versus, 435
searching and replacing, 335 ‚ 342
selecting, 47, 84, 333, 375, 393
set solid, 391
shadow effect, applying to, 377, 382, 437 ‚ 438, 780
sharing text file, 711
shearing , 279, 383
Character pane, using, 59, 83, 382
default size, specifying, 107
drop cap, 11
emphasis, creating via, 424
font size, using, 379 ‚ 380, 421
optimal size, finding automatically, 83
scaling versus, 435
skewing, 382 ‚ 383, 779, 780
source element, 711
spaceband, adjusting, 404
spell checking
accessing spell checker, 68
capitalization, handling, 96, 342
dictionary, 94 ‚ 96, 107, 344, 345 ‚ 350, 383 ‚ 384
hyphenation, handling, 94, 95
language, specifying, 94 ‚ 95, 344 ‚ 345, 349, 383 ‚ 384
Macintosh/Windows mixed environment, 714
note, 874 ‚ 875
preference, setting, 96, 349 ‚ 350
skipping text, 345
specifying text to check, 342 ‚ 343
word repetition, handling, 343 ‚ 344
workgroup environment, 346, 708, 710
strikethrough , 380, 385, 435 ‚ 436
stroke, applying to, 24, 377, 433, 581 ‚ 587, 588
subscript, 83, 380, 384 ‚ 385, 430
superscript, 83, 380, 384 ‚ 385, 430
aligning using tab stop, 460, 462, 464
creating tab stop, 60, 463, 465
deleting tab stop, 464, 465
displaying, 461, 464, 465
importing tab stop, 461
indenting using, 327, 339, 398, 464
leader character, 60, 463 ‚ 464
overriding automatic tab stop, 459
positioning tab stop, 60, 462 ‚ 463, 464 ‚ 465
ruler, 464 ‚ 465
table, converting tabbed text to/from, 478 ‚ 479
aligning text in, 467, 472
cell overflow indicator, 477
converting to/from, 478 ‚ 479
inserting in, 467
tag line, 773
Tagged Text format, 132, 136, 319 ‚ 322, 331
tool, 136, 333
Character pane, adjusting using, 59, 381, 391
Control palette, adjusting using, 380
described, 389, 787
effect, creating special using, 780
highlighting, 86
kerning compared, 391
legibility considerations, 390
QuarkXPress, 389
transparency, 538
typestyle, 376, 377 ‚ 379
underlining, 380, 385, 424, 435 ‚ 436
undoing text edit, 334, 337
wingding, 417, 419, 431
word spacing, 405 ‚ 406, 787
area below object, restricting to, 86
boundary, creating using alpha channel, 529
boundary, shaping, 532
bounding box, around, 15, 528 ‚ 529
clipping path, around, 526, 529, 534
default, 108
described, 761
frame, around, 526, 527 ‚ 529, 531
global options, 530 ‚ 531
graphic, around, 15, 525 ‚ 532
ignoring, 352, 358, 526, 531
justifying text next to object, 86, 530 ‚ 531
layer, suppressing around object on hidden, 160
leading, judging in, 86, 531
master page, 529
preference, setting, 86, 530
pull quote, around, 428
QuarkXPress, 842
sidebar, around, 428
text frame, ignoring in, 352, 358, 531
Text Wrap pane, adjusting using, 16, 61, 108, 526 ‚ 531
applying to text, 698
encoding, 701
snippet, text, 701
zooming, 332
Text Frame Options dialog box
accessing, 108
baseline, adjusting using, 351 ‚ 352
column, adjusting using, 358
described, 108
Ignore Text Wrap option, 526
justification, adjusting using, 352
spacing, adjusting using, 351, 358, 413
text wrap
adjusting using, 352, 358, 531
ignoring, 526
Text Path tool, 550
Text Wrap pane, 16, 61, 108, 526 ‚ 531
autoflow, 364, 367 ‚ 368, 370
breaking thread, 368
described, 355
displaying thread, 72, 110, 365, 366
icons associated with, 370
importing text into threaded text frame, 361
manual, 364 ‚ 365
order of text flow, default, 365
port, 366 ‚ 367
rerouting, 368
selection tool used, 46, 365
semi-autoflow, 364, 366, 370
Type tool, using, 48
three-hole-punched publication, 140
file, saving thumbnail view of first page with, 100
layout, using to visualize, 768, 769
library thumbnail view, 187
printing, 634, 768, 769
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
byte order, 490
clipping path, setting in TIFF file, 490, 532
color, 212, 213, 490
compression, 490
importing TIFF file, 484, 486, 489, 490 ‚ 491, 501 ‚ 502
Macintosh considerations, 490
OPI information, 503
tilde (~) dictionary hyphenation point marker, 348 ‚ 349
bitmap, 519
creating, 203 ‚ 204
deleting, 209
editing, 207 ‚ 208
grayscale, tinting, 780
stroke, of, 268, 271 ‚ 272
title bar, 33 ‚ 36
Tittel, Ed ( XML For Dummies , 3rd Edition), 696
TOC (table of contents)
banner, 777
bookmark, 232, 664, 687
chapter, dedicating to, 233
column, 777
creating, 230 ‚ 233
described, 229
frame, inserting in, 233 ‚ 234
generating, 233 ‚ 234
graphic, including on, 777
layer, including hidden in, 232 ‚ 233
layout, 777
length, checking, 233
level of entry, changing, 232
list, creating using, 229
logo, 777
magazine, of, 777
overset text option, 233
page number, formatting, 232, 777
planning, 229 ‚ 230
QuarkXPress, 230, 233
sorting, 232
style, 229 ‚ 231, 233
title, 231
updating, 233, 234
Tool Tip display, 40 ‚ 41, 81
tool, using appropriate, 28
toolbar (Macintosh), 864
Toolbox. See Tools palette
Tools Folder Options, 708
Tools Macros Microsoft Script Editor, 733
Tools palette. See also specific tool
accessing, 42
closing, 42
color buttons , 52 ‚ 53
described, 40 ‚ 41
orientation, 42, 43
pop-out tool display, 42, 44
Restore/Maximize check box, 43
selecting tool from, 42
shortcut set, 41 ‚ 42
view buttons, 53
Zoom check box, 43
Toyo color, 203, 210, 211, 597, 814
trackball , 749
tracking, text
Character pane, adjusting using, 59, 381, 391
Control palette, adjusting using, 380
described, 389, 787
effect, creating special using, 780
highlighting, 86
kerning compared, 391
legibility considerations, 390
QuarkXPress, 389
Transform pane
accessing, 279
cloning using, 300, 514
Control palette compared, 282, 364, 513 ‚ 514
flipping using, 281, 516 ‚ 517
graphic, applying transformation to using, 513 ‚ 514
grid, 263, 265, 514
introduced, 61
line, formatting using, 48
positioning using, 49, 263 ‚ 264, 358
rotating using, 61, 253, 280 ‚ 282, 434, 515 ‚ 516
scaling using, 265, 281, 515
shearing using, 266, 279, 513
Show Content Offset option, 282
sizing using, 247, 250, 380
skewing using, 516
stroke weight, adjusting using, 281
Transform Content option, 281
Transform Group Content option, 282
Transformations Are Totals option, 282
zero point, 36
transformation. See also specific transformation
Control palette, applying using, 282
design considerations, 764
EPS file, applying to, 508
frame, applying to, 276 ‚ 282
Free Transform tool, applying using, 50, 512
graphic, applying to, 510 ‚ 514
group of objects, applying to, 289
path, applying to, 560
alpha channel, 501 ‚ 502, 529
blending mode, 538 ‚ 540
DCS, 639
drop shadow, 437
EPS format, 677
flattening, 64, 645, 652 ‚ 655, 668, 677
gradient, 215
knockout group, 540
layer, 538
pane, 56, 64, 538
path, 573
PDF, 81, 504, 668
PNG, 502
preset, 645, 652 ‚ 653, 654, 655, 669
printing, 64, 639, 644 ‚ 645, 652 ‚ 655
QuarkXPress, 652, 847
stitching, 654
text, 538
vellum effect, creating using, 538
Transparency Flattener Preset Options dialog box, 652 ‚ 653
Trap Presets pane, 64, 65, 606
Trap Styles pane, 606
trapping, color, 603 ‚ 610, 639, 648
Truekeys software, 751
TrueType font
PostScript versus, 752
printing, 614, 615, 616, 792
support, 754, 792
translating, 751
Trumatch color, 203, 210, 212, 597, 813
Type Character Styles, 12
Type Create Outlines, 541
Type Font, 378
Type Glyphs, 417
Type Insert Character, 464
Type Insert Glyphs, 104
Type Insert Special Character, 417
Type Insert Special Character Auto Page Number, 145
Type Insert Special Character End Nested Style, 452
Type Insert Special Character Next Page Number, 146
Type Insert Special Character Previous Page Number, 146
Type Insert Special Character Right Indent Tab, 432
Type Manager software, 753
Type menu, 70 ‚ 71, 374
Type on a Path tool, 48
Type Paragraph, 392
Type Paragraph Styles, 12
Type Reunion software, 753
Type Show Hidden Characters, 107
Type Size, 379
Type Story, 107
Type tool
accessing, 41
Character pane, working with while open , 375
selecting text using, 47
selection tool, switching to/from, 45, 365
text frame, creating using, 247 ‚ 248, 325 ‚ 326
threading using, 48
typeface, 376, 377 ‚ 379, 424, 429, 790 ‚ 796. See also font
typestyle, 376, 377 ‚ 379. See also font
typographer, 373
typography. See font; kerning; leading

Adobe InDesign CS Bible
Adobe InDesign CS3 Bible
ISBN: 0470119381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 344
Authors: Galen Gruman © 2008-2017.
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