

SAFEARRAY types, advisory about, 297
SAX parsing model, overview of, 393395
SAX (Simple API for XML)
benefits of, 129
content handling in, 405
secure Web applications, accessing client SSL certificates in, 468469
SecureSOAP sample
accessing, 455
using with custom SSL-enabled socket classes, 473
in COM+, 200
do-it-yourself type of, 462
security and process model of COM, understanding, 199
security best practices
analyze threats, 457
check errors, 457458
perform code reviews, 458
test all cases, 458459
use secure functions, 458
use tools, 458
security, role in ATL Server, 56
security settings, modifying for vroot, 86
Select Database Object dialog box, displaying in OLE DB Consumer Wizard, 243
SendRequest method, overriding for use with custom SOAP encryption/ compression, 475
SendRequest Web-service client class, description of, 63
server-side applications, advisory about APIs used with, 352
server-side debugging
errors in SRFs, 230232
identifying failing replacement methods , 232234
ISAPI initialization, 223227
request loading and processing, 227230
server-side parsing, customizing, 477
server variables , using with GetURL, 364
customizing parsing on, 401410
sending requests to, 8
using Basic Authentication on, 462463
using NTLM authentication on, 460
ServerXMLHTTP, using in SOAP clients , 471472
services. See Web services
session cookies, example of, 98
session state.
See also database- backed session state ;
memory-backed session state
adding support for, 93
backing, 15
explanation of, 93
exposing as service, 9396
getting and setting values in, 99
role in ATL Server, 56
storing in databases, 99103
using, 9699
using ISAPI services with, 46
session variables, removing values of, 103
SessionServices.sql file, location of, 103
SetCriticalIsapiError, implementations of, 224225
SetOption, advisory about, 473
Sign In and Sign Out buttons in Passport, explanations of, 365
simpleType element in WSDL documents, purpose of, 123
SMTP messages
creating delivery queues for, 436438
improving performance of, 436439
processing delivery queues for, 438439
sending, 437
SMTP servers, connecting to, 421422
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), support for, 16
SMTP transcripts, writing to files, 436
SOAP application, architecture for, 129
SOAP attributes versus COM attributes, 287290
SOAP clients
accessing archetype for, 472
developing asynchronous type of, 475
pointing to different URLs, 470
using HTTP proxies in, 471
using HTTPS/SSL in, 472473
using WinINet, ServerXMLHTTP, or custom HTTP stacks in, 471472
SOAP debugging on client side, overview of, 234236
SOAP fault information, using on Web service clients, 156157
SOAP faults
handling with Web services, 146149
and IErrorInfo error, 309312
SOAP headers, using with Web services, 144145
SOAP messages
format and example of, 120121
including XML fragments and unescaped strings in, 476477
SOAP payload of request with XML document sample code, 408409
SOAP request packet sample code, 313
SOAP request processing model, overview of, 393395
SOAP requests
failure of, 155
sample code for, 343344
sending, 401
SOAP response packet sample code, 314
SOAP responses, generating, 335
SOAP servers, accessing client certificates in, 474
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
explanation of, 119
interoperability of, 381382
invoking objects as, 305309
overview of, 120121
sample request payload for, 401
using custom encryption and compression with, 474475
using over custom transport protocols, 471
versus WSDL, 385386
SOAP specification Web site, 381
SOAP_* constants defined while parsing requests, explanations of, 315
soap_handler Web service attribute, overview of, 130131
soap_header Web service attribute, overview of, 132133
soap_method Web service attribute, overview of, 132
SOAPAction headers, format of, 331332
accessing, 235
defining, 155
SOAPCLIENT_PARSE_ERROR flag, purpose of, 235
SOAPFLAGS enumeration, purpose of, 315317
soap:location section of WSDL, troubleshooting, 386389
_soapmap struct
defining, 318319
role in marshaling custom data types, 416417
_soapmapentry struct, defining, 319321
SOAPMAPTYPE enumeration, purpose of, 317
SoapTransport, overview of, 395401
SOAPTYPE, defining for use with GUID data type, 413
socket operations, setting size for buffers used for, 451452
software development, guidelines for, 202
_someStruct_entries, locating in header file, 417
special characters , appearance in HTTP clients, 449
sproxy, invoking, 234235
square brackets ([]), denoting attributes with, 13
SRF versus DLL request processing, 349
SRFs (Server Response Files)
basics of, 1112
debugging errors in, 230232
example of, 11, 34
explanation and example of, 21
if/else usage in, 2425
modifying for ISAPI services, 52
MSDN documentation for, 169
optimizing display of data in, 257258
processing incoming requests for, 57
purpose of, 10
query strings and form variables used with, 6667
relationship to ISAPI and applications, 10
versus request handlers, 33
versus stencil files, 169
using include statements with, 29
using multiple handlers with, 2728
validating, 8082
SSL certificates for clients in secure Web applications, accessing, 468469
SSL connections, selecting certificates for, 473
state constants, defining while parsing requests, 315
state stack
after encountering HelloWorld element, 334
after encountering InputHeader element, 333
initial state of, 332
statements, nesting, 27
static parameters, using, 30
steady state, explanation of, 353
stencil files versus SRFs, 169
stencil processor
reusing, 168175
using with SRFs (Server Response Files), 11
stencil replacement tags, indentation of, 173
stencil syntax, extending, 261271
stencil tags
creating for use with Passport, 365, 368369, 370
defining constants for, 262
implementing, 11, 263266
rendering, 266267
stencils, parsing and rendering, 261
StencilType template parameter, overriding, 271
stored procedures, optimizing use of, 201
stress tools, using as security best practice, 458
strings, managing in Web service clients, 152
struct memory management, performing in Web service clients, 153154
_soapmap, 318319
_soapmapentry, 319321
ParseState, 321322
sample code for, 340343
support for, 337344
using with COM objects, 295297
using with Web services, 137139
style parameter of soap_handler attribute, explanation of, 131
{{subhandler}} element, using with HTML stencil processor, 169
subhandlers, using, 2728
_super keyword, use of, 407
synchronization, advisory about, 351352

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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