

m_products member, purpose of, 255
mail messages in HTML, sending with ATL Server, 470
marshaling custom data types, overview of, 411419
marshaling, using with COM, 198199
Medium protection level, explanation of, 84
memory allocation, avoiding excessiveness of, 351
memory- backed session state, explanation of, 15.
See also database-backed session state;
session state
memory cache client sample code, 181182
memory management
performing with Web services, 149150
in Web service clients , 152155
metadata in parsed requests , explanation of, 315317
METHOD attribute, using with form tags, 6667
metrics for applications, gathering and recording, 204205
MIME messages
adding attachments to, 428430
adding text to, 427
addressing with CMimeMessage objects, 425427
appending user -defined headers to, 426
components of, 430
constructing with CMimeMessage objects, 425
sending, 423430
setting and getting friendly sender names of, 426
setting and getting priority levels for, 426
working with components of, 426427
MLang services
role in connecting to SMTP servers, 422
role in constructing MIME messages, 425
module attribute, example of, 36
MSDN documentation, Web site for, 441
multidimensional arrays
advisory about use with restricted types, 143
cleaning up, 154155
sample code for, 136137
multithreading, using, 161162
mustUnderstand attribute, role in error checking, 336337
MyCIsapiExtension class, creating, 112113
MyCIsapiExtension header file, creating, 4950
MyEnumeration enum, example of, 294295
MyStruct, using with COM objects, 295298

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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