

advisory about server-side code written in, 352
determining method of invocation in, 308309
C++ code injected into COM attributes, viewing, 287
C++ data types
XML schema equivalents for, 150152
XSD equivalents for, 133134
C++ exceptions, advisory about, 353
cache parameters, overview of, 195
cache statistics, overview of, 195196
key types and data types for, 184194
role in ATL Server, 56
tuning, 195
types of, 15, 177179
using ISAPI services with, 46
using timeouts with, 194
determining use of, 179
example of, 179184
treatment by ATL Server, 7
cast operators, advisory about invocation of, 352
CAtlHttpClient class
authentication schemes for, 453
defining for use with HTTPS, 454455
CAtlHttpClientT class, defining, 442
CAtlNavigateData class, sending and receiving large HTTP payloads with, 451453
CBlobCache, explanation of, 178
CContentGenerator class, using with stencil processor, 175
CCustomParsingServerService class, adding new member to, 406
CCustomStencil class, creating, 262
CDataConnection object, returning or creating, 251
CDataSource explanation of, 178
CDBSessionServiceImpl class, purpose of, 96
CDllCache, explanation of, 178
certificates, selecting for SSL connections, 473
CFileCache explanation of, 178
CFixedStringT class, avoiding memory allocations with, 351
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) versus ATL Server, 6
CHitCounter, creating instance of, 114115
CHtmlTagReplacer class, description of, 6061
CHttpRequestParams class
advisory about implementation of, 451
functionality of, 450
chunked-transfer encoding, using with large HTTP payloads, 452453
CIsapiExtension class
caching data in, 350
declaring, 94, 96
description of, 59
extending, 49
overriding functions in, 214
purpose of, 211
CIsapiWorker ISAPI class
description of, 60
virtual methods for, 217
CIsapiWorker::Execute sample code, 227
client certificates, accessing in SOAP servers, 474
client-side performance, measuring, 355
client-side SOAP debugging, overview of, 234236
client SSL certificates in secure Web applications, accessing, 468469
sending requests to servers from, 8
using Basic Authentication on, 463464
using NTLM authentication on, 460461
clients of Web services, overview of, 150152
CLoaderExtension class
role in mapping HTTP request objects to physical objects, 399400
role in overriding HTTP transport, 396397
CLoaderServerContext class
role in mapping HTTP request objects to physical objects, 398399
role in overriding HTTP transport, 396397
clustering, optimizing use of, 201
CMemoryCache, explanation of, 177
CMemoryCacheBase class, explanation of, 177
CMemSessionServiceImpl class, purpose of, 96
CMimeBodyPart sample code, 431
CMimeMessage instances, copying, 425
CMimeMessage objects, representing messages with, 424427
CMimeMessageEx, extending to allow HTML, 433434
CMimeMessages, attaching to one another, 429
CMimeText class, limitation of, 430
CMimeTextEx sample code, 431433
CMyHandler, using stencil tags with, 271
CMyService, using as proxy class with SOAP clients, 472
CNTLMAuthObject, using, 460461
coclass COM attribute, description of, 290
code reviews, performing as security best practice, 458
COM allocator functions, list of, 305
COM attributes
overview of, 287293
versus SOAP attributes, 290
COM (Component Object Model)
invoking objects as, 305309
tips and tricks for use of, 197200
COM interface, declaring with ATL Server Web Service Wizard, 125126
COM support, adding to ATL Server Web services, 291
COM+, functionality of, 199200
comment tags, syntax for, 32
compilers, using with attributes, 36
complexType element in WSDL documents, purpose of, 123
compression customizations, using with SOAP, 474475
conditional breakpoints, setting, 234
Configuration button, using in virtual directory setup, 8485
constants, defining for stencil tags, 262
constructors, advisory about invocation of, 352
context management in COM+, explanation of, 200
cookie helper functions, purpose of, 16
example of, 98
explanation of, 93
role in ATL Server, 56
counter services, implementing with global ISAPI services, 213
See also Perfmon counters
creating for Perfmon, 108111
creating interfaces for, 113114
creating with ISAPI services, 4849
initializing, 114115
for Perfmon, 107
countertype parameter of perf_counter attribute, accessing, 117
CPassPortHandlerT class, using, 376380
CPassportRequestHandlerT class, sample code for, 371376
CPerfObject and CPerfMon classes, explanations of, 106
CProducts, instantiating for use with OLE DB Consumer Templates, 253255
CProjectNameServiceT Web-service client class, description of, 62
CPU utilization of servers, reading, 276278
CRequestHandlerT class, description of, 60
CResponseGenerator base class, classes inherited from, 335336
cryptography, role in ATL Server, 56
CSAHandler class, using with stencil processor, 174
CSAXCustomParser, public methods in, 405
CServerContext class, using with ECBs, 360
CSessionStateService service provider arguments for, 94, 96
purpose of, 93
CSimpleCounter class, creating, 4849
CSMTPConnection, managing connections with, 422423
CSoapFault class, using, 146148
CSoapHandler class
Cleanup function of, 408
description of, 63
role in SAX parsing model, 394
Web-service client class, 62
Web-service server class, 63
CStdStatClass, purpose of, 195
CStencil class, characteristics of, 170171
CString, advisory about, 352
CTempBuffer class, using for generic memory buffers, 351
CThreadPool class, using, 164166, 274275
CThreadPool ISAPI class, description of, 60
CThreadPool::QueueRequest method, defining, 277278
culling caches, explanation of, 178
CUrl class
advisory about, 444
purpose of, 443
custom data types, marshaling, 411419.
See also data types
Custom Errors tab of ISM tool, options on, 87
CustomSAXParser.h file, defining, 404
CustomServerSideParsing sample code, 403
CValidateContext parameter, example of, 76
CWriteStreamOnFile class, using with stencil processor, 174

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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