

Cable financial news programs, 4

Canon, 49

Capitalism, 161

"Cassandra communications," 145–146

CBS, 20


of achievements, 190

of new ideas, 86

Chaos, 147–148

Charisma, 35–36

Cheerfulness, 180

China, 49

Chrysler, 49

Clinton, Bill, 4

Clinton, Hillary, 4

Collaboration, 168

Collins, Jim, 35–36

Commitment, 103

Committees, reducing number of permanent, 186–187

Communication, 180, 190

importance of, 191

and the Internet, 159–162

Company culture:

Michael Dell on, 42–43

entrenched, 100

Andy Grove on, 43

at Intel, 41, 43

at Microsoft, 163–165

at Southwest Airlines, 41–42, 177–180, 186–191

Company retreats, 164–165

Company structure, 70–72, 184–185

Companywide initiatives, 97–99, 104–105

Compensation packages:

executive, 9–10

fair, 183–184


focus on, 186

learning from, 205

and strategic inflection points, 144

studying the, 128, 219–220

Complacency, 41, 135, 143

"Complementors," 144–145

Continuous learning, 79

Copying from others, 198, 204

Core business, 121

Cornell University, 163

Corporate memory, 168–169

Corporate scandals, 6–7

Cross-stocking, 215–216

Crotonville, New York, 89

Cultural change, 40–43

difficulty of achieving, 116–117

Lou Gerstner on, 40–41

time required for, 118

(See also Company culture)

Cultural initiatives, 42

Customer loyalty, 207

Customer-oriented perspective, 34

Customer representatives, 189

Customer service, 181–182

at IBM, 119–121

training in, 189


as the boss, 197

encouraging employees to relate to, 69

feedback from, 76

focus on, 115–117, 186

identification of faults by, 114

information access by, 169

inviting visits from, 61

involvement in product design, 67–69

learning about your, 76

"outside-in" perspective and focus on, 32–35

relationship with, 61, 208

spending time with, 61

valuing, 182–183

What the Best CEOs Know[c] 7 Exceptional Leaders and Their Lessons for Transforming Any Business
What the Best CEOs Know[c] 7 Exceptional Leaders and Their Lessons for Transforming Any Business
ISBN: 007146252X
Year: 2002
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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