Data, 91, 101, 105, 106, 113, 114, 121123, 191
Death stage of a project, 104
Decide, 19, 21, 99, 111132, 156, 240
caveats, 114118
characteristics of good decisions, 113114
characteristics of poor decisions, 111113
decision-making steps, 118131
determine best approach, 126128
determine facts, data, and assumptions, 121123
develop alternatives, 123126
execute and adjust decision, 130131
plan for execution and feedback, 129130
problem definition, 119121
Declining stage of a project, 104
Deliverables, 68, 69, 102
Difficult people, dealing with, 144146, 150
Disequilibrium, 88, 89, 91
Diversity, 47, 52, 79, 80, 126, 137
Dysfunctional behavior, 42