This part introduces you to a variety of online banking features offered by Quicken, such as paying bills online. Paying bills online can save you the trouble of remembering to write out a check, place it in an addressed envelope, add postage , and mail the bill. As you can already guess, online activities can really speed up the way in which you handle your banking transactions. In addition to bill paying, you can also update your account information, store your PIN numbers in one convenient location, and email your bank ”all from within the Quicken program window. If your Quicken program isn't handy, you can also record your transactions from the Web site and then download them into your Quicken file at a later time. To use all these online features, you must have an Internet connection. You can connect to the Internet using a modem or a network. If your financial institution offers online banking services, you can sign up and make online payments directly from your checking account. If it turns out your bank is not one of Quicken's financial partners , you can still pay your bills online using Bill Pay. Bill Pay is a payment service that lets you write checks from your checking account for online payments. |