

Schema Designer, 88-89

building Schemas, 98-106

configuring Schema Design view, 107-108

editing Schemas, 93

namespace mappings and prefixes, 96-97

namespaces, 94-95

target namespaces, 97-98

main editing area, 89

Schema Editing view, 91-92

Schema Display Configurator panel (Schema Designer), 91

schema files

instance documents, 139-140

version control and, 134-139

Schema Overview Page (Schema Designer), 89

schemas, XML, 2

science standards, 303

scope, variables (XSLT), 217-218

semantic tables, 27

send response, SOAP, 254

services, WSDL, 266

simple type data constructs (XML Schemas), 111-112

deriving, 112-114

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

SOAP and, 253

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 4, 251-254, 301

bindings, 259

body, 256

debugging, 273-275

encoding, 256

error messages, 257-259

headers, 255-256

namespaces and, 254-255

one-way messages, 254

replies, 256

send responses, 254

sending messages, 254

SMTP and, 253

Software AG Tamino XML Server, 296

software development

post-XML, 8

pre-XML (classic), 8

solicit-response operation, WSDL, 264

sorting XML documents, 200-202

source control, project management, 49-52

SQL Server, 2000 (Microsoft), 296

SQLXML, CD-ROM bundle, 317

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 5

standards consortiums, 305

start tags, 19

string data type, 229

string format number function, 234

string functions, 230-232

string generate id function, 234

string unparsed entity uri function, 234

structured information, 1

Stylesheet Designer, 245-249

stylesheets, XML stylesheets, 3

substitution groups, XML Schema design, 158-160

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 302

syntax, 20-22

regular expressions, 309

alternation, 313

character matching, 310-311

escape characters, 312

Perl expression comparison, 313

quantifiers, 311

XML Schemas, 109-110

deriving simple types, 112

deriving simple types, restrictions and, 113-114

list types, 114

simple types, 111-112

union types, 115

system requirements, 10

CD-ROM bundle, 315

The XMLSPY Handbook
The Official XMLSPY Handbook
ISBN: 764549642
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 121
Authors: Larry Kim © 2008-2017.
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