List of Tables

Chapter 2: Addressing, Naming, and Configuration

Table 2.1: Classes A through E: Address Ranges and Configuration Data
Table 2.2: Examples of Well-known Multicast Group Addresses
Table 2.3: Class C Address Allocation
Table 2.4: IP class B subnet configuration. Subnet addresses that are OK to use are indicated in the final column. Addresses that have been excluded are either subnet broadcasts or host broadcast/my addresses.
Table 2.5: IP class C subnet configuration. Subnet addresses that are OK to use are indicated in the final column. Addresses that have been excluded are either subnet broadcasts or host broadcast/my addresses.

Chapter 3: Routing Technology

Table 3.1: Classification of Routing Protocols
Table 3.2: Comparison of IGP Features

Chapter 5: Designing Secure Networks

Table 5.1: Well-known Port Numbers for UDP and TCP Services
Table 5.2: Various Security Solutions and Their Features

Chapter 6: Designing Reliable Networks

Table 6.1: Average Downtime Costs by Industry Type and Operation (Source: Dataquest— Perspective, September 30, 1996).
Table 6.2: Quick Analysis of Major Points of Failure and Their Immediate Effects on the Example Network in Figure 6.2
Table 6.3: ALE Analysis of Major Points of Failure
Table 6.4: Availability Expressed as a Percentage Off Uptime (Hours = H, Minutes = M, Seconds = S, Milliseconds = MS)
Table 6.5: Example MTBFs for Real Network Devices

Chapter 7: Network Optimization

Table 7.1: Optimization Techniques and Their Benefits

Chapter 8: Quality of Service

Table 8.1: Typical Flow-Oriented Traffic From the Types of Data That Normally Do Not Qualify as a Flow
Table 8.2: QoS Features Supported by Leading Networking Vendors
Table 8.3: Recommended Use of Token Ring User Priority
Table 8.4: RSVP Reservation Attributes and Styles

Chapter 9: Network Management

Table 9.1: Comparison of Secure SNMP and SNMPv2 Performance, Measured in SNMP Primitives Per Second (Tests Conducted at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)

Data Networks. Routing, Seurity, and Performance Optimization
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