Index T


Tag switching, 559

Taildrop, 500

Tcpdump, 691–93

defined, 691

potential problems, 693

using, 692–93

See also Software diagnostic tools

TCP/IP applications, 34–37

DNS, 36

FTP, 34

NFS, 35–36

remote shell, 35


RPC, 35

SMTP, 36

SNMP, 36

Telnet, 34

TFTP, 34–35

X Windows, 36

TCP/IP protocol suite, 25–37

adoption of, 25

Application Layer, 27

Data Link layer, 27, 28–29

defined, 26

Internet Layer, 30–32

IP MTU, 540

Network Layer, 27

performance factors, 538–39

Physical Layer, 27

PMTUD, 540–41

TCP MSS, 540

TCP window size, 541

Transport Layer, 27, 32–34

tunable parameters, 539–41

tuning, 538–41

Teardrop, 315–16


choices, 12–13

phased implementation, 14–15

Telnet, 34, 309

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS), 332–33

extended (XTACACS), 333

TACACS+, 333

Third-party trust vulnerabilities, 312–13


DVMRP, 267

IGMP, 258–59

OSPF, 191–92

RIP, 184

Time to Live (TTL), 243, 263

Token bucket, 489–91

defined, 489–90

scheme illustration, 490

system parameters, 490

See also Traffic shaping

Token cards, 331

Token Ring, 86, 591–93

capabilities, 593

characteristics, 592

defined, 591–92

IEEE 802.5, 591–93

station, 592

user priority, 593

Topological resilience, 416–18

Traceroute, 687–90

bottom line, 690

defined, 687

option definitions, 688–89

options, 688–89

potential problems, 689–90

recording example, 688

reporting syntax, 688

See also Software diagnostic tools


asynchronous, 594

broadcast, reducing, 476–78

differentiation, 553–60

matrix, 573

measurement on backbones, 572–73

synchronous, 594

unwanted, eliminating, 474–87

Traffic conditioner, 621–22

classifier, 621

illustrated, 621

marker, 621

meter, 621

shaper/dropper, 622

use of, 622

See also Differentiated Services (DS)

Traffic Conditioning Agreement (TCA), 622

Traffic engineering, 294, 487–502, 572–74

CBR, 574, 578–82

congestion avoidance, 499–502

conservation law, 487–88

defined, 487

least cost routing, 573

MPLS, 574, 582–87

on backbones, 572–73

PBR, 574, 576–78

with policy/QoS constraints, 571–87

QBR, 574, 575–76

scheduling techniques, 491–99

shaping techniques, 488–91

techniques, 574

Traffic shaping, 488–91

defined, 488

examples, 498

functionality, 489

IS, 602

SLA monitoring and, 569

techniques, 488–91

token bucket, 489–91

uses, 489

See also Traffic engineering

Transforms, 367

Transit Routing Domains (TRDs), 146

Translation Bridging, 41

Translators, 291–92

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 33–34

defined, 33

as end-to-end protocol, 34

header compression, 484

Maximum Segment Size (MSS), 540

message format, 33

Nagle algorithm, 538–39

packet loss and, 539

session use, 507

sliding window algorithm, 538

slow-start algorithm, 538

three-way handshake, 538

vulnerabilities, 308–9

window size, 541

See also TCP/IP protocol suite

Transport Layer (OSI reference model), 18

Transport Layer (TCP/IP protocol suite)

defined, 27

TCP, 33–34

UDP, 32–33

Transport Service Access Points (TSAPs), 20

Triple-Modular Redundancy (TMR), 436

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), 34–35

characteristics, 35

defined, 34

vulnerabilities, 310

Trojan Horses, 346

Troubleshooting tools, 679–99, 708

advanced diagnostic, 694–98

NMS, 679–80

router features, 680–81

selecting, 698–99

software diagnostic, 681–94

Tuning, 473

Tunneling, 224

DVMRP, 271–72

iterated, 370

MBone, 283–87

Type of Service (TOS)-based routing, 162

Data Networks. Routing, Seurity, and Performance Optimization
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