Addition operators, 6770
adding strings, 6970
combined assignment and arithmetic operators, 68
overflow and underflow, 69
precedence between arithmetic and assignment operators, 6869
Addresses, 2425, 213241
comparing, 225226
using with variables , 5051
of variables and constants, 218219
Allocation, dynamic memory, 233235
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 35, 87
American Standards Committee for Information Interchange (ASCII), 35
And operators
logical, 115, 116
precedence and logical, 121122
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 35, 87
Argument constructors; See No-argument constructors
constructors with, 302304
file stream objects as function, 287289
function, 175176
passing arrays as function, 208210
passing by reference, 178181
passing structures as function, 305307
square brackets and arguments, 209
Arguments, passing by value, 174178
function argument, 175176
function prototype and header, 175
multiple function arguments, 176178
Arguments, pointers as function, 228232
passing arrays using pointer notations, 228230
passing single variables using pointer notations, 230232
Arithmetic, pointer, 222228
comparing addresses, 225226
decrementing pointers, 227228
incrementing pointers, 224225
using variable pointers to point to arrays, 222224
Arithmetic and assignment operators, precedence between, 6869
Arithmetic operators, 65, 6677
addition operator, 6770
combined assignment and, 68
division operators, 7376
exponents, 7677
multiplication operator, 7172
precedence between, 7273
project - change machine, 7780
subtraction operator, 7071
Array names as constant pointers, 221222
Array sizing
explicit, 194, 195
implicit, 194195, 196
Array values, assigning and displaying, 199208
cin and cout objects with arrays, 202205
cin objects getline function, 205208
Arrays, 187
assigning array values, 199208
cin and cout objects with, 202205
cin objects and numeric, 204205
constant, 198
cout objects and numeric, 203204
displaying array values, 199208
initialization, 194199
initializing character, 196198
passing arrays as function arguments, 208210
passing as function arguments, 208210
passing using pointer notations, 228230
using variable pointers to point to, 222224
Arrays, declaring, 188194
array indexes, 193194
constants, 189192
ASCII (American Standards Committee for Information Interchange), 35
Assessing structure member variables, 298299
array values, 199208
compatible data type, 6061
compatible data types, 5354, 5758
pointers the addresses of variables and constants, 218219
values to strings, 260261
values to variables, 5162
Assignment and arithmetic operators, combined, 68
Assignment operators, 5256, 93
assigning compatible data types, 5354
overflow and underflow, 5456
precedence between arithmetic and, 6869