It s My Life: tips for using ilife applications

It's My Life: tips for using ilife applications

When you hear the word "multimedia," what does it really mean? Isn't "multimedia" one of those buzzwords that are now so "mid-'90s" that they belong with other lame mid-'90s terms like "Information Super Highway" and "Cyberspace?" Absolutely. So, isn't iTunes (which isn't in this chapter) considered one of the "multimedia" iLife applications? Well…yes, but I've covered it so extensively that it gets more than its own chapterit gets its own book, well, two books actuallyThe iPod Book and The iTunes for Windows Book. So, if you want to pretend, just for the sake of this exercise, that The iPod Book and this chapter are really just one big chapter in this book, that's perfectly fine by me. Yes, but couldn't you lump the two together and use the all-encompassing term "Multimedia Applications" as a chapter head? No. Were you even listening at the beginning of this intro?

Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips
The Photoshop Channels Book
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 568
Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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