< Day Day Up > 


This is a great tip if you're zoomed in close to an image for retouching, or checking it in prepress for spots or specs, because it lets you check the entire image in a very methodical way using your keyboard to navigate zone by zone. Here's how:

Press the Home key to jump to the upper-left corner of your image window.

Press the End key to jump to the lower-right corner of your image window.

Press the Page Up key to scroll upward one full screen.

Press the Page Down key to scroll downward one full screen.

Press Command-Page Up (PC: Control-Page Up) to scroll one full screen to the left.

Press Command-Page Down (PC: Control-Page Down) to scroll one full screen to the right.

Once you've learned these shortcuts, you can start by pressing the Home key (jumping you to the upper left-hand corner of your image). Clean that area then press the Page Down key to move methodically down the left side of your image until you reach the bottom of your window. Then press Command-Page Up (PC: Control-Page Down) to move one screen to the right, clean that area, then press the Page Up key to move methodically up the image until you reach the top. Repeat these steps until you're finished. The advantage of doing it this way, besides the sheer speed of using keyboard shortcuts, is that you'll see every area of the image without missing a spot.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Photoshop CS2 Killer Tips
    Photoshop CS2 Killer Tips
    ISBN: 0321330633
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 448 © 2008-2017.
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