

data conversion applications, 17
data file, examples of creating
converting from GEDCOM 5.5 to 6.0, 704
GEDCOM files to XML, converting, 703
data in tables, arranging, 298
data types
data types, 74
expressions, 76
global, 73
immutability , 73
local, 73
parameters, 74
temporary trees, 79
data() function, 727, 770
data-oriented XML applications, 691
date, 155
Date:new() (example extension function), 113
Date:toString() (example extension function), 113
day-from-date () function, 770
day-from-dateTime() function, 770
days-from-dayTimeDuration() function, 770
declaration order, 316
implementor-defined declarations, 100
user -defined top-level elements, 101
XSLT-defined declarations, 99
declarations, XSLT-defined
<xsl:attribute-set>, 99, 214
<xsl: character-map >, 99, 229
<xsl:decimal-format>, 99, 251
<xsl:function>, 99, 300
<xsl:import>, 99, 312
<xsl:import-schema>, 99, 324
<xsl:include>, 100, 328
<xsl:key>, 100, 332
<xsl: namespace-alias >, 100, 116, 350
<xsl:output>, 100, 375
<xsl:param>, 100, 392
<xsl: preserve-space >, 100, 406
<xsl: strip-space >, 100, 432
<xsl:template>, 100, 450
<xsl:variable>, 100, 471
declaring types, 154
deep copy, 249
deep-equal () function, 770
default namespace, 54, 98
default value of stylesheet and template parameters, 395
default-collation () function, 771
default priority, 498
default-validation attribute (of xsl:stylesheet), 92, 168
descendant axis, 763
descendant-or-self axis, 763
design principles (of XSLT language), 29
disable-output-escaping attribute, 233, 460, 466
disable-output-escaping, using, 470
displaying family tree data (Family tree example)
putting it together, 728
stylesheet, 715
distinct-values () function, 224, 620, 642, 771
distributed object systems
COM, 47
Java, 47
«div », 762
divide-and-conquer recursion, 634
D ler, Johannes, 8
doc() function, 79, 771
document element, 88
document header, formatting, 655
document node, 49, 51
Document Object Model (DOM), 6, 48, 375, 494
document order, 76, 278
document order. See sorting
Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL), 27, 627
Document Type Definitions (DTD), 23
document() function to analyze stylesheet, example of, 537
document() function, 39, 47, 66, 532
DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() method (JAXP), 819
document-node() function, 75, 163
document-uri () function, 772
DOM (Document Object Model), 6, 48, 375, 494
DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language), 27, 627
DTD (Document Type Definitions), 23
DTD information in the tree model, 58
DTD types, 58
duplicate attribute names , 205, 217
duplicate namespace declarations, 114, 350
dyn:evaluate() function (EXSLT), 859
dynamic sort keys, 430

XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference
NetBeansв„ў IDE Field Guide: Developing Desktop, Web, Enterprise, and Mobile Applications (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 764569090
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 324 © 2008-2017.
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