10.6 Subroutines


A calculation like "the factorial of a number" may be used several times in a large program. Subroutines allow this kind of functionality to be abstracted into a unit. It's a benefit for code reuse and maintainability. Even though PASM is just an assembly language for a virtual processor, it has a number of features to support high-level subroutine calls. PIR offers a smoother interface to those features.

PIR provides several different sets of syntax for subroutine calls. This is a language designed to implement other languages, and every language does subroutine calls a little differently. What's needed is a set of building blocks and tools, not a single prepackaged solution.

10.6.1 Parrot-Calling Conventions

As we mentioned in Chapter 9, Parrot defines a set of calling conventions for externally visible subroutines. In these calls, the caller is responsible for preserving its own registers, and arguments and return values are passed in a predefined set of Parrot registers. The calling conventions use the Continuation Passing Style to pass control to subroutines and back again.

The fact that the Parrot-calling conventions are clearly defined also makes it possible to provide some higher-level syntax for it. Manually setting up all the registers for each subroutine call isn't just tedious , it's also prone to bugs introduced by typos. PIR's simplest subroutine call syntax looks much like a high-level language. This example calls the subroutine _fact with two arguments and assigns the result to $I0 :

 ($I0, $I1) = _fact(count, product) 

This simple statement hides a great deal of complexity. It generates a subroutine object and stores it in P0 . It assigns the arguments to the appropriate registers, assigning any extra arguments to the overflow array in P3 . It also sets up the other registers to mark whether this is a prototyped call and how many arguments it passes of each type. It calls the subroutine stored in P0 , saving and restoring the top half of all register frames around the call. And finally, it assigns the result of the call to the given temporary register variables (for a single result you can drop the parentheses). If the one line above were written out in basic PIR it would be something like:

 newsub P0, .Sub, _fact I5 = count I6 = product I0 = 1 I1 = 2 I2 = 0 I3 = 0 I4 = 0 savetop invokecc restoretop $I0 = I5 $I1 = I6 

The PIR code actually generates an invokecc opcode internally. It not only invokes the subroutine in P0 , but also generates a new return continuation in P1 . The called subroutine invokes this continuation to return control to the caller.

The single-line subroutine call is incredibly convenient, but it isn't always flexible enough. So PIR also has a more verbose call syntax that is still more convenient than manual calls. This example pulls the subroutine _fact out of the global symbol table and calls it:

 find_global $P1, "_fact" .pcc_begin prototyped   .arg count   .arg product   .pcc_call $P1   .result $I0 .pcc_end 

The whole chunk of code from .pcc_begin to .pcc_end acts as a single unit. The .pcc_begin directive can be marked as prototyped or unprototyped , which corresponds to the flag I0 in the calling conventions. The .arg directive sets up arguments to the call. The .pcc_call directive saves top register frames, calls the subroutine, and restores the top registers. The .result directive retrieves return values from the call.

In addition to syntax for subroutine calls, PIR provides syntax for subroutine definitions. The .param directive pulls parameters out of the registers and creates local named variables for them:

 .param int c 

The .pcc_begin_return and .pcc_end_return directives act as a unit much like the .pcc_begin and .pcc_end directives:

 .pcc_begin_return   .return p .pcc_end_return 

The .return directive sets up return values in the appropriate registers. After all the registers are set up, the unit invokes the return continuation in P1 to return control to the caller.

Here's a complete code example that reimplements the factorial code from the previous section as an independent subroutine. The subroutine _fact is a separate compilation unit, assembled and processed after the _main function. Parrot resolves global symbols like the _fact label between different units.

 # factorial.imc .sub _main    .local int count    .local int product    count = 5    product = 1    $I0 = _fact(count, product)    print $I0    print "\n"    end .end .sub _fact    .param int c    .param int p loop:    if c <= 1 goto fin    p = c * p    dec c    branch loop fin:    .pcc_begin_return    .return p    .pcc_end_return .end 

This example defines two local named variables, count and product , and assigns them the values 1 and 5. It calls the _fact subroutine passing the two variables as arguments. In the call, the two arguments are assigned to consecutive integer registers, because they're stored in typed integer variables. The _fact subroutine uses .param and the return directives for retrieving parameters and returning results. The final printed result is 120.

You may want to generate a PASM source file for this example to look at the details of how the PIR code translates to PASM:

 $ parrot -o- factorial.imc 

10.6.2 Stack-Based Subroutine Calls

The Parrot-calling conventions are PIR's default for subroutine calls, but it does also provide some syntax for stack-based calls. Stack-based calls are fast, so they're sometimes useful for purely internal code. To turn on support for stack-based calls, you have to set the fastcall pragma:

 .pragma fastcall       # turn on stack calling conventions 

The standard calling conventions are set by the prototyped pragma. You'll rarely need to explicitly set prototyped since it's on by default. You can mix stack-based subroutines and prototyped subroutines in the same file, but you really shouldn't ”stack-based calls interfere with exception handling, and don't interoperate well with prototyped calls.

When the fastcall pragma is on, the .arg , .result , .param , and .return directives push and pop on the user stack instead of setting registers. Internally, they are just the PASM save and restore opcodes. Because of this, you have to reverse the order of your arguments. You push the final argument onto the user stack first, because it'll be the last parameter popped off the stack on the other end:

 .arg y             # save args in reverse order .arg x call _foo          # (r, s) = _foo(x,y) .result r .result s          # restore results in order 

Multiple return values are also passed in reverse order for the same reason. Often the first parameter or result in a stack-based call will be a count of values passed in, especially when the number of arguments can vary.

Another significant difference is that instead of the single-line call or a .pcc_call , stack-based calls use the call instruction. This is the same as PASM's bsr opcode. It branches to a subroutine label and pushes the current location onto the control stack so it can return to it later.

This example reworks the factorial code above to use stack-based calls:

 .pragma fastcall       # turn on stack calling conventions .sub _main     .local int count     .local int product     count = 5     product = 1     .arg product       # second argument     .arg count         # first argument     call _fact         # call the subroutine     .result $I0        # retrieve the result     print $I0     print "\n"     end .end .sub _fact     saveall            # save caller's registers     .param int c       # retrieve the parameters     .param int p loop:    if c <= 1 goto fin    p = c * p    dec c    branch loop fin:     .return p          # return the result     restoreall         # restore caller's registers     ret                # back to the caller .end 

The _main compilation unit sets up two local variables and pushes them onto the user stack in reverse order using the .arg directive. It then calls _fact with the call instruction. The .result directive pops a return value off the user stack.

This example uses the callee save convention, so the first statement in the _fact subroutine is saveall . (See Section in Chapter 9 for more details on this convention.) With callee save in PIR, Parrot can ignore the subroutine's register usage when it allocates registers for the calling routine.

The .param directive pops a function parameter off the user stack as an integer and creates a new named local variable for the parameter. Parrot does check the types of the parameters to make sure they match what the caller passes to the subroutine, but the amount of parameters isn't checked, so both sides have to agree on the argument count.

The .return statement at the end pushes the final value of p onto the user stack, so .result can retrieve it after the subroutine ends. restoreall restores the caller's register values, and ret pops the top item off the control stack ”in this case, the location of the call to _fact ”and returns to it.

10.6.3 Compilation Units Revisited

The previous example could have been written using simple labels instead of separate compilation units:

 .sub _main     $I1 = 5         # counter     call fact       # same as bsr fact     print $I0     print "\n"     $I1 = 6         # counter     call fact     print $I0     print "\n"     end fact:     $I0 = 1           # product L1:     $I0 = $I0 * $I1     dec $I1     if $I1 > 0 goto L1     ret .end 

The unit of code from the fact label definition to ret is a reusable routine. There are several problems with this simple approach. First, the caller has to know to pass the argument to fact in $I1 and to get the result from $I0 . Second, neither the caller nor the function itself preserves any registers. This is fine for the example above, because very few registers are used. But if this same bit of code were buried deeply in a math routine package, you would have a high risk of clobbering the caller's register values.

Another disadvantage of this approach is that _main and fact share the same compilation unit, so they're parsed and processed as one piece of code. When Parrot does register allocation, it calculates the data flow graph (DFG) of all symbols, [4] looks at their usage, calculates the interference between all possible combinations of symbols, and then assigns a Parrot register to each symbol. This process is less efficient for large compilation units than it is for several small ones, so it's better to keep the code modular. The optimizer will decide whether register usage is light enough to merit combining two compilation units, or even inlining the entire function.

[4] The operation to calculate the DFG has a quadratic cost or better. It depends on n_lines * n_symbols .

A Short Note on the Optimizer

The optimizer isn't powerful enough to inline small subroutines yet. But it already does other simpler optimizations. You may recall that the PASM opcode mul (multiply) has a two-argument version that uses the same register for the destination and the first operand. When Parrot comes across a PIR statement like $I0 = $I0 * $I1 , it can optimize it to the two-argument mul $I0 , $I1 instead of mul $I0, $I0, $I1 . This kind of optimization is enabled by the -O1 command-line option.

So you don't need to worry about finding the shortest PASM instruction, calculating constant terms, or avoiding branches to speed up your code. Parrot does it already.

10.6.4 PASM Subroutines

PIR code can include pure PASM compilation units. These are wrapped in the .emit and .eom directives instead of .sub and .end . The .emit directive doesn't take a name , it only acts as a container for the PASM code. These primitive compilation units can be useful for grouping PASM functions or function wrappers. Subroutine entry labels inside .emit blocks have to be global labels:

 .emit _substr:      . . .      ret _grep:      . . .      ret .eom 

Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials
Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, Second Edition
ISBN: 059600737X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 116

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