

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

The Clipboard and drag-and-drop operations require you to encapsulate data into an IDataObject derived class. In part, this demands that you specify the Format of the data encapsulated, represented as string. There are several standard formats that the system understands, such as Dib (device-independent bitmap) and UnicodeText , and static properties are provided that return an appropriate format string to identify them. For more complex situations, there are also two static GetFormat() methods . Both return a Format object, mapping a format identification string to a clipboard format ID (an integer). The string version also registers the specified clipboard format with the OS if it hasn't been registered previously.

 public class  DataFormats  {  // Public Static Fields  public static readonly string  Bitmap  ;  // =Bitmap  public static readonly string  CommaSeparatedValue  ;  // =Csv  public static readonly string  Dib  ;  // =DeviceIndependentBitmap  public static readonly string  Dif  ;  // =DataInterchangeFormat  public static readonly string  EnhancedMetafile  ;  // =EnhancedMetafile  public static readonly string  FileDrop  ;  // =FileDrop  public static readonly string  Html  ;  // =HTML Format  public static readonly string  Locale  ;  // =Locale  public static readonly string  MetafilePict  ;  // =MetaFilePict  public static readonly string  OemText  ;  // =OEMText  public static readonly string  Palette  ;  // =Palette  public static readonly string  PenData  ;  // =PenData  public static readonly string  Riff  ;  // =RiffAudio  public static readonly string  Rtf  ;  // =Rich Text Format  public static readonly string  Serializable  ;  // =WindowsForms10PersistentObject  public static readonly string  StringFormat  ;  // =System.String  public static readonly string  SymbolicLink  ;  // =SymbolicLink  public static readonly string  Text  ;  // =Text  public static readonly string  Tiff  ;  // =TaggedImageFileFormat  public static readonly string  UnicodeText  ;  // =UnicodeText  public static readonly string  WaveAudio  ;  // =WaveAudio   // Public Static Methods  public static Format  GetFormat  (int  ID  );    public static Format  GetFormat  (string  format  ); } 

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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