

System.ComponentModel (system.dll) abstract class

This is an abstract base class derived from MemberDescriptor for objects that encapsulate information about a property.

In addition to the base attribute utilities, you can determine whether the property IsLocalizable or IsReadOnly . You can also check the SerializationVisibility . ShouldSerializeValue() can be used to determine whether the property of a particular component should be serialized. The default implementation of this method uses DefaultValueAttribute or a ShouldSerialize[PropertyName] method to determine whether it is necessary to serialize the property. See DefaultValueAttribute for more information on this.

You can also use ComponentType to determine the type of the component to which this property belongs. Converter retrieves a TypeConverter and GetEditor() gets a custom editor of the specified base type (in case several types of editor are defined for the property).

AddValueChanged() and RemoveValueChanged() allow you to bind an event handler, to be notified when the property changes. You can use GetValue() , SetValue() , and ResetValue() to access and modify that value. PropertyType indicates the type of that value.

If this is a parent property, you can retrieve the PropertyDescriptor objects for the children with the GetChildProperties() member.

 public abstract class  PropertyDescriptor  : MemberDescriptor {  // Protected Constructors  protected  PropertyDescriptor  (MemberDescriptor  descr  );    protected  PropertyDescriptor  (MemberDescriptor  descr  , Attribute[]  attrs  );    protected  PropertyDescriptor  (string  name  , Attribute[]  attrs  );  // Public Instance Properties  public abstract Type  ComponentType  {get; }    public virtual TypeConverter  Converter  {get; }    public virtual bool  IsLocalizable  {get; }    public abstract bool  IsReadOnly  {get; }    public abstract Type  PropertyType  {get; }    public DesignerSerializationVisibility  SerializationVisibility  {get; }  // Public Instance Methods  public virtual void  AddValueChanged  (object  component  , EventHandler  handler  );    public abstract bool  CanResetValue  (object  component  );    public override bool  Equals  (object  obj  );  // overrides MemberDescriptor  public PropertyDescriptorCollection  GetChildProperties  ();    public PropertyDescriptorCollection  GetChildProperties  (Attribute[]  filter  );    public PropertyDescriptorCollection  GetChildProperties  (object  instance  );    public virtual PropertyDescriptorCollection  GetChildProperties  (object  instance  , Attribute[]  filter  );    public virtual object  GetEditor  (Type  editorBaseType  );    public override int  GetHashCode  ();  // overrides MemberDescriptor  public abstract object  GetValue  (object  component  );    public virtual void  RemoveValueChanged  (object  component  , EventHandler  handler  );    public abstract void  ResetValue  (object  component  );    public abstract void  SetValue  (object  component  , object  value  );    public abstract bool  ShouldSerializeValue  (object  component  );  // Protected Instance Methods  protected object  CreateInstance  (Type  type  );    protected Type  GetTypeFromName  (string  typeName  );    protected virtual void  OnValueChanged  (object  component  , EventArgs  e  ); } 


System.Object MemberDescriptor PropertyDescriptor

Returned By

ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute.ExtenderProperty , IBindingList.SortProperty , IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetDefaultProperty() , ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() , ITypeDescriptorContext.PropertyDescriptor , PropertyDescriptorCollection.{Find( ) , this} , TypeDescriptor.{CreateProperty() , GetDefaultProperty()} , System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle.PropertyDescriptor , System.Windows.Forms.Design.PropertyTab.GetDefaultProperty( ) , System.Windows.Forms.GridItem.PropertyDescriptor

Passed To

Multiple types

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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