

Action selection of agents , 159163
Actuators in agents, 155156
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART1). See ART1 (Adaptive Resonance Theory) algorithm
AddToChain function, 221222
Affective Computing group , MIT, 344346
Age, longevity of agents, 186187
Agency. See Agents
Agent brains , 155156
Agent Environment Type Symbolics (code listing), 165166
action selection, 159163
actions of, 156, 158
actuators in, 155156
adaptivity of, 278
Ananova agents, 281
ants as agents, 63, 64, 81
applications for, 339
attributes, common, 278279
auction agents, 280281, 339
autonomy of, 278
'Bots as, 277
brains, agent brains, 155156
CD-ROM content, 352
collaboration and, 279
communication and, 278
competition between, 159
death of, 159, 183184
decision making capabilities of, 159163, 281282
defined and described, 277281
entertainment agents, 281
evolving survival strategies of, 189
in food model, 154158
Function simulateAgents (code listing), 172176
fuzzy logic and, 283
intelligence and, 281283
longevity of, 186187
mobile agent frameworks, 281
mobility of, 279
multiagent systems, 279
personal agents, 339
personality of, 279
planning agents, 339
playback, 186
reproduction in food chain model, 158159, 184185
in rules-based systems, 282
scheduling agents, 339
search agents, 280, 339
sensors in, 155156, 164165
simulated annealing and, 283
task-specific agents, 280281
taxonomy (types) of, 279281
viruses, 281
WebAgent application described, 283284
Web-search agents, 280
branches of, 8
commercial applications, 3, 7, 42
defined, 12
emotions and, 344346
history of, 37
origin of term , 4
scientific discovery programs, 344
top-down vs. bottom-up methods , 341342
Turing Test, 4
"AI Effect," 2
Alife. See Artificial life and Food Chain Model
Ananova agents, 281
Ant Algorithms (Ant Colony Optimizations)
Alpha and beta parameters, 80
ants as agents, 63
CD-ROM content, 350
description, 6265
Evaporating and Depositing Pheromone with updateTrails (code listing), 76
evaporation equation for "pheromone," 6465
Functions antProduct and selectNextCity (code listing), 7374
Function simulateAnts (code listing), 7476
Globals and Runtime Structures (code listing), 70
Initialization Function (code listing), 7072
iteration and, 6567
Main Function for the Ant Algorithm Simulation (code listing), 7778
movement, probability equation to direct, 6364
natural motivation, 5962
parameter adjustments, 65, 8081
parameters described, 69
"Pheromone" equations, 6465, 6667
population and distribution of agents, 63, 81
restartAnts Function to Reinitialize All Ants (code listing), 7273
rho parameter, 80
sample runs described, 7879
" tours " (agent movement), 64
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), 6778
Types and Symbolic Constants for City / Ant Representation (code listing), 6768
AntProduct function, 7374
ART2, 41
ART1 (Adaptive Resonance Theory) algorithm
applications for, 56
ART1 algorithm (code listing), 4952
biological motivations (description), 3536
CD-ROM content, 349
Data Structures for Personalization (code listing), 4445
detailed description of, 3740
feature vectors, role of, 37
Initializing Algorithm Structures (code listing), 46
learning in, 41
parameters of, 37
personalization and, 4246
Personalization main Function (code listing), 4546
Prototype Vector Manipulation Functions (code listing), 4749
proximity test (Beta parameter), 39
sample output, 5355
Support Functions for ART1 (code listing), 47
tweaking the algorithm, 53
variations on, 41
vigilance test, 39
ART1 algorithm (code listing), 4952
Artificial animals, 342
Artificial life and Food Chain Model
Agent Types and Symbolics (code listing), 163164
CD-ROM content, 351
command-line options for simulation, 189
Coordinate Offsets to Sum Object in the Field of View (code listing), 172
death of agents, 159, 183184
defined and described, 151
food chain model, 153159
food chains, simulating, 152
Function chooseObject (code listing), 182183
Function eat (code listing), 179182
Function growPlant to Introduce Foliage into the Simulation, 168169
Function initAgent to Initialize the Agent Species, 169170
Function init to Initialize the Simulation (code listing), 167168
Function killagent (code listing), 183184
Function move (code listing), 178179
Function reproduceAgent, 184186
Function simulateAgent, 172176
Function turn (code listing), 177178
Lamarckian inheritance, 155
main Function for the ALife Simulation, 166167
parameters, adjusting, 189190
percept Function (code listing), 176177
perception algorithm and, 171172
reproduction of agents, 158159, 184185
sample iteration for food chain model, 159163
sample simulation results, 186189
The simulate Function (code listing), 170
Simulation Macro Functions (code listing), 166
synthetic ethology, 151
Attributes of agents, 178179
Auction agents, 280281, 339
Author, contact information, xix
Automated Mathematician (AM), 5, 344
Automatic programming, 8
Autonomic computing, 343344

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