

Backpropagation see also Backpropagation Algorithm
Backpropagation Neural Network Globals (code listing), 102
evolving game AI behaviors and, 95101
example, 9192
Feed-Forward Algorithm (code listing), 104105
learning, 8995
Macros and Symbolic Constants for Backpropagation (code listing), 102103
Representing the Neurocontroller Training Set (code listing), 107
Sample main Function for Neurocontroller Training and Testing (code listing), 108111
Support Functions for (code listing), 103104
Winner-Take-All Determiner Function (code listing), 108
Backpropagation algorithm, 8990
applications for, 112113
Backpropagation Algorithm (code listing), 105106
CD-ROM content, 350
connection weights, adjusting, 9395
error backward propagation pass, 9293
feed-forward pass, 9192
learning and neural nets , 83
Backward chaining in rules-based systems, 196
BACON.3 system, 344
Berners-Lee, Tim, 346
Beyesian networks, 8
Bigram Model
applications for Markov Chains for HMMs, 259262
CD-ROM content, 352
Emitted Text from a Collection of Works (code listing), 274
Emitted Text from Albert Camus' Absurd Man (code listing), 273274
Emitted Text from Albert Einstein Quotes (code listing), 273
Function buildSentence, 270271
Function emitMatrix (code listing), 272273
Function nextWord (code listing), 271272
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), 259
intellectual property issues, 274
loadWord Function (code listing), 268270
Main Program (code listing), 264265
Markov Models described, 257259
parseFile Function, 266268
parseOptions Function (code listing), 265266
parsers and parsing, 263270
sample application for random character generation, 262263
Symbolic Constants and Global Variables (code listing), 263264
Boolean logic, SLPs and Boolean expressions, 8687
Bots, 277
Bottom-up AI, 341342

Visual Basic Developer
Visual Basic Developers Guide to ASP and IIS: Build Powerful Server-Side Web Applications with Visual Basic. (Visual Basic Developers Guides)
ISBN: 0782125573
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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