Entering and Deleting Text


In Normal or Slide view, you type text directly into the text placeholders. A text placeholder is an empty text box. If you type more text than fits in the placeholder, the text is resized to fit on the slide. The AutoFit Text feature changes the line spacing ”or paragraph spacing ”between lines of text and then changes the font size to make the text fit. You can also manually increase or decrease the line spacing or font size of the text. The insertion point (the blinking vertical line) indicates where text will appear when you type. To place the insertion point into your text, move the pointer arrow over the text. The pointer changes to an I-beam to indicate that you can click and then type.

Enter Text into a Placeholder


In Normal view, click the text placeholder if it isn't already selected.


Type the text you want to enter.


Click outside the text object to deselect the object.


Insert and Delete Text


Click to place the insertion point where you want to insert text.


Type the text.


To delete text, press the Backspace key (deletes left) or the Delete key (deletes right).


Enter Text in a Bulleted List


In Normal view, click in the bulleted text placeholder.


Type the first bulleted item.


Press Enter.


Type the next bulleted item.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you complete the list.

If you type more text than can fit on a slide, the AutoFit button appears.


Click the AutoFit button, and then click the option you want to fit the text on the slide.



Did You Know?

You can use the insertion point to determine text location . When entering bulleted text, be sure the insertion point is at the beginning of the line, and then press Tab to indent a level, or press Shift+Tab to move back out a level.

Show Me. Microsoft Office 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office 2003
ISBN: 0789730073
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 418

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