

IDX indexes, 31

IFNULL() scalar function, 249

IIF() scalar function, 249

IMAGE data type, 36

importing data, 17, 53–58

IN reserved keyword, 239, 245–246, 282–283

index key expression

building, 67

defined, 65

INDEX reserved keyword, 239, 273–274


adding nonstructural indexes to tables, 318

Advantage Optimized Filters and, 78–80

auto-create, 133, 322

auto-open, 64

changing, 74, 274

compound, 64

condition expression, 69

conditional, 69–70

corrupt, 64

creating, 71–74, 273–274

custom, 70

default, 134, 322

deleting, 74, 275

expression, 67–69

filters and, 78–80

foreign key, 136–137

FTS (full text search), 25, 70–71, 80–89, 274, 293–295

imported tables and, 56

index key, 65

index orders, defined, 64–65

listing index files, 306

listing index orders, 305–306

multi-order, 64

performance and, 66, 78

primary, 134, 137, 322

re-indexing tables, 52–53

scopes and, 78–79

seeks and, 78–79

setting in Delphi example, 340

setting in Visual Basic example, 387–388

sorting with, 65

specifications, 64

SQL performance and, 68

structural, 30, 64

subindexes, 71

testing, 74–78

types of, 66–71

unique, 68, 272–273

uses for, 65–66

INNER reserved keyword, 239, 291

INSERT INTO statement, 256–257, 294–295, 300

INSERT reserved keyword, 239

INSERT() scalar function, 248


Advantage data access clients, 442–444

Advantage Database Server, 442–443

Advantage Local Server, 443–444

code samples, 452–454

Microsoft loopback adapter, 446–447

sample database, 452–454

INSTEAD OF triggers, 201–202

INTEGER data type, 36

internationalization of applications, 19–20


accessing data dictionaries via, 97, 110

accessing databases via, 97, 110

creating Web application example, 426–438

creating Web server extensions, 23

network traffic, reducing, 8, 169

using ADS for access, 7

Internet port, setting, 16

INTO reserved keyword, 239, 273, 296

IP port

setting, 15–16

IS reserved keyword, 239, 244–246


advantages of, 5–6

described, 4–6

ISNULL() scalar function, 249

Advantage Database Server. The Official Guide
Advantage Database Server: The Official Guide
ISBN: 0072230843
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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