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tail command, 18
tape backups, 34-35
tar command, 35
tar files, 334-335
tar.gz files, 19, 334-335
backups and, 35
compressed tar files, 335
package distribution with, 19
TCP/IP, 36-40
IP addressing, 37-38
Microsoft networks and, 488
name resolution, 39-40
ports, 627-628
tcp_wrappers, 634
technical support, 717
Telephony Support menu, kernel options, 342
connecting to remote systems, 627
enabling with xinetd, 631
telnet command, 32, 695
terminal window. See xterm
testparm command, 489, 507-508, 514
text editors, 5. See also vi editor
text login, runlevels, 161, 402
text mode installations, 74, 114, 158, 185, 229
Text-based Internet, package groups, 101
The GIMP, 102
tilde (~), representing home directory, 16
time zones, configuring, 130
time, Date/Time Properties, 134, 275-276, 586-587
timezone command, 194
/tmp directory, 159, 670
deleting temporary files with, 670-671
overview, 663
self test, answers, 710
self test, questions, 706
two-minute drill, 703
top utility, 315
touch command, 300
Apache Web server, 445-446
DHCP clients, 583-584
DISPLAY variable, 395
DNS (Domain Name Service), 558-559
hardware, 159-160
installation. See installation troubleshooting
sendmail, 465-466
X Font Server, 385-387, 689
X Windows System, 394-395
Troubleshooting and System Maintenance exam
GRUB, 163, 165
partitions, 156
system recovery and, 662
vi editor and, 4, 222
X Windows configuration, 380
X Windows System, 371, 380
troubleshooting boot process
boot loaders, 685
configuration errors, 686-688
df command, 682
dumpe2fs, 683-684
e2label command, 683
emergency boot procedure, 690-692
fdisk utility, 682-683
file corruption, 686
fsck command, 684-685
overview, 681
steps in system recovery, 688
TTL (Time To Live), DNS Server data, 554
Tux Web server, 427
twist command, 634
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