macro-enabled workbooks. see also macros; workbooks

vs. macro-free workbooks, 12

saving workbooks as, 12

trusting, 28–35

Macro Options dialog box, 8


for appending data to master lists, 55–56

body, defined, 11

breakpoints. see breakpoints

colon-equal signs in, 27

command buttons for. see command buttons

comments in. see comments

cursor, stopping on, 232

for date insertion, 52

for date prompting, 53–54

defined, 2

deleting, 60

description, changing, 8

editing, 9–10

enabling in workbooks, 13

errors. see errors

finding, in Procedure list, 59–60

formatting cells with, 6–7

full path, when to use, 139

indenting lines in, 28

looping. see loops

methods. see methods

modules saved in, 16

naming, 6

objects in. see objects

vs. procedures, 250, 267

properties. see properties

Quick Access Toolbar, adding to, 22–23

recording, 6

recording, deleting extra lines after, 17–18, 43

relative references vs. absolute references, 58–60

for removing window elements from

worksheets, 18–19

running, 8, 19

running multiple times. see loops

for running other macros, 63–64

shortcut keys, assigning to, 8–9, 16

for side-bar heading creation, 14–15

statements, line breaking, 28

status bar, updating with loop

progress, 233–234

stepping through, 20, 42–45

stepping through, editing statements

during, 44

stopping, 224

for text file opening, 39–41

user forms for. see user forms

user input cancellation, allowing, 214–215

vs. VBA, 2–4

workbook contained in, returning, 140

for workbook creation, 73–75

for worksheet copying, 87

for worksheet deletion, 61–62, 85

for worksheet selection, 88

Macros button, 8

master lists, appending data to, 55–56

members, 71

memory caches for PivotTable reports, 155

Merge And Center button, 14

methods. see also specific methods

Activate, 82, 88

Add, 71, 75

AddDataField, 160

arguments. see arguments

BorderAround, 129

Calculate, 71

Cells, 126

Close, 78

Copy, 87

CreateNames, 125

CreatePivotTable, 155

defined, 24

Delete, 62, 85

displaying all for object. see Auto List Members

Excel, 244

object classes and, 70

PasteSpecial, arguments for, 27

vs. properties, 25, 27, 28, 72

vs. properties, in recorded macros, 72

property changes by, 72

Protect, 299

Range, 126

Select, 88

Show, 332

ShowAllData, 152–153

SpecialCells, 132

syntax in macros, 27

values returned by, 85–86

xlDataField, 160

Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, xiii

Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box, 29

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). see VBA

modal forms, 332

Modify Button dialog box, 23

module-level variables, 278

modules, saved macros in, 16

months, setting dates as first day of, 312–313

MouseMove event, 270–271

MsgBox function

arguments for, 218

conditional expressions and, 219

defined, 217

return values, 219

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step
Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735613591
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 99
Authors: Reed Jacobsen

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